Anadolu Medeniyetleri ve Kültürel Miras Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programı

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Anadolu Medeniyetleri ve Kültürel Miras Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programı

  • Program tanımları The Program

    MA in Anatolian Civilizations and Cultural Heritage Management program (ACHM)
    is an interdisciplinary masters program whose primary goal is to provide an in-depth education in the history of art and architecture, archaeology, and cultural history of the lands which comprise present day Turkey. The program introduces students to both the theoretical and practical aspects of museum operations and the management of cultural heritage resources. Training in one of the languages of the Anatolian past is also provided. The ACHM Master's Program is administered by the Department of History at Koç University and is closely linked to the university's Anatolian Civilizations Institute located in the Beyoglu district of Istanbul. Graduate students in the ACHM program benefit from the expertise of the permanent faculty and visiting guest lecturers at Koç University as well as junior and senior fellows who are in residence at the Anatolian Civilizations Institute.


    The ACHM program provides students with opportunities to travel and study on-site, several archaeological and cultural heritage sites within Istanbul and throughout Turkey. Students may also have the opportunity to work as interns in a museum or cultural heritage project and/or conduct fieldwork at selected archaeological sites under the supervision of an ACHM professor. The program allows students to specialize their academic training as pre-doctoral candidates in the fields of archaeology, art and architectural history, or to prepare for careers in museums, cultural heritage institutions, tourism and the art world.

    The first year of the ACHM program is comprised of eight courses: a two-semester Survey of Anatolian Civilizations, Archaeological Methods and Theory, a two-semester course in Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage Management, a Research Seminar course and two semesters of language instruction in Greek, Latin, or Ottoman. The summer of the first year is spent developing a research proposal for the MA thesis,  participating in an intensive academic English language course ( ENG 500) and acquiring practical experience in their area of interest in Field Studies (ACHM 550).  The second year of the program is devoted to  research and writing the MA thesis. All students in the program are expected to work as teaching and research assistants at Koç University. Students who have teaching assignments are required to take the TEACH 500 course. At the end of the second year ACHM graduate students are expected to submit and defend a completed MA thesis.

    Program Structure and Course Descriptions

    Course Descriptions:

    ACHM 501, 502
    Anatolian Civilizations Through the Ages I, II.

    A basic overview of the major cultural and historical developments in the history and archaeological past of Anatolian Civilizations from the pre-historic period through the founding of the Turkish Republic. Throughout the time periods issues of artistic expression, religion, gender, trade, and settlement patterns are examined.

    ACHM 504, 505
    Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage Management I,II

    An introduction to the practical and theoretical aspects of working in and with a variety of museum institutions and cultural heritage institutions in Turkey and abroad. The course is organized in modules and taught by local faculty and visiting experts from museums and cultural heritage institutions around the world. Topics include museum theory and history, public education, collection management, exhibitions; conservation issues and approaches, sustainability, protection of cultural heritage, national and international law related to heritage, international organizations and conventions, site management and interpretation.

    ACHM 506
    Archaeological Methods and Theory I

    This course covers theoretical approaches and methods used in the design and implementation of archaeological field research and data analysis. It focuses on the principles that archaeologists use to explain human cultural development from the material record of the past. Questions considered will include: What is archaeology and what are its aims? Is there a coherent body of archaeological theory to which most archaeologists subscribe? What appears to be the most productive theoretical approaches for understanding and interpreting the past?

    ACHM 510
    Research Seminar

    Prepares students for a successful start on their thesis by helping them to choose their topic, formulate a research agenda and assess methodologies.  Graduate students participate in the seminars given by ACHM faculty, visiting lecturers at Koç University and fellows at the Anatolian Civilizations Institute (required but non credit course)

    ACHM 550
    Field Studies

    Under the supervision of an ACHM professor students are provided with practical experience in an excavation, a cultural heritage institution, museum internship, and/or a cultural heritage project. This course may include an academic travel component with ACHM faculty to archaeological and cultural heritage sites in Istanbul and throughout Turkey.

    ACHM 595

    Students select their advisor at the end of the second semester.  Thesis proposals are presented in the fall semester of the second year. Research is guided by a faculty member of the ACHM program.

    ENGL 500: Graduate Writing
    Builds a solid background in written and spoken academic discourse; improves critical reading and writing skills;fosters critical and creative thinking.  Provides instruction  in  proper academic citation models.

    TEACH 500
    Teaching Experience

    Provides graduate students with hands-on teaching experience in undergraduate courses. Reinforces students' understanding of basic pedagogy and affords an opportunity to share their knowledge of the subject matter in a classroom environment.

    • Depending upon the area of specialization, students must take two semesters of one of the languages listed below. During the second year of the program students have an option to continue their training in advanced Ottoman, an Ancient language (Ancient Greek III,IV Hist. 418,419/LANG 517,518) or to take a modern language such as French, German, Spanish or Italian in the university's undergraduate program.

    LANG 511, 512
    Ancient Greek I, II Ancient Greek
    (Also HIST 416/417)

    This two semester course teaches basic grammar, syntax and vocabulary. By the end of the first semester students will be able to read simple texts in the original language. The goal of LANG 512 is to read more complicated texts in the original language and to begin to analyze epigraphy.

    LANG 513, 514
    Latin I, II
    (also HIST 423/424)

    Introduction to the learned language of the Western world from the Roman Empire until the modern era. Students will acquire basic knowledge and skills in grammar, syntax and vocabulary. By the end of the first semester they will be able to read simple texts in the original language. The goal of LANG 514 is to prepare to read more complicated texts and to begin to inspect epigraphy.

    LANG 515, 516
    Ottoman I, II

    This course introduces students to the Ottoman script. By the end of the first semester students should be able to read simple texts in printed Ottoman. Students continue to acquire reading and writing skills in printed Ottoman in the second semester.

    LANG 517, 518
    Ancient Greek III,IV
    (also HIST 418,419)
    Greek III/Lang. 517

    This course continues the sequence Greek I&II and aims to extend knowlege of the Greek language to the point where students are capable of autonomous reading of unadapted Greek texts. Students will acquire a good understanding of the structure of the language, while textbook materials will be complemented with passages of Greek prose throughout.
    Greek IV/Lang 518. This course is a text seminar which introduces students to the Greek source material for the history of Anatolian civilizations, with particular emphasis on the Late Antique and Byzantine periods. The choice of texts will represent the range of linguistic levels and literary genres presented by the sources, but will also take account of idividual student interests.


    Several electives offered at Koç University can be taken by ACHM students for additional non-required credit. Electives must be selected in consultation with the student's advisor. Some examples of elective courses in the History department which can be taken by ACHM students are: Archaeology and History of the Ancient Middle East; Westernization or Modernization?: The Ottoman Empire in the 18th and 19th Centuries; Painting in the Ottoman Empire; Europe and the Ottomans; The History of Ottoman Istanbul; The Crusades in the Eastern Mediterranean (1095-1291); Imperial and Christian Constantinople, 330-1453; History of the Byzantine Empire; The History and Material Culture of the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean (11th-14th centuries) State and Society in the Middle East; History of the Turkish Peoples; History of the Balkan Countries; European Diplomacy and the Ottoman Empire; Cultural History; The Art and Architecture of Islamic  Civilizations; Selected Topics in History (Hist 350/351 and Hist 450/451) Please check the History department web page for current course listings.

        * Hist 321 The Art of Mediterranean and European Civilizations: Ancient to Early Modern
        * Hist 322 The Art of the Mediterranean and European Civilizations: Post Medieval to Post

        * Hist 422 The Art and Architecture of the Islamic World
        * Hist 202 Ottoman Empire I
        * Hist 203 Ottoman Empire II
        * Hist 309/Intl.340 State and Society in the Middle East
        * Hist 313 History of the Turkish Peoples
        * Hist 314 History of the Balkan Countries
        * Hist 412/Soc 412 Cultural History

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