Avrupa Çalışmaları Yüksek Lisans Programı

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Avrupa Çalışmaları Yüksek Lisans Programı

  • Program tanımları Head of Program: Hakan Yilmaz

    Nermin Abadan-Unat*, Fikret Adaman, Emre Alper, Yesim Arat, Cem Behar, Ayse Bugra, Selim Deringil, Mine Eder, Edhem Eldem, Refik Erzan, Yilmaz Esmer, Huricihan Islamoglu, Mehmet Kaytaz, Caglar Keyder, Kemal Kirisci, Sevket Pamuk, Ilkay Sunar*, Binnaz Toprak, Hakan Yilmaz , Unal Zenginobuz

    Associate Professors:
    Duygu Koksal, Gun Kut, Ayse Mumcu

    Assistant Professors:
    Zeynep Caglayan Gambetti, Paola Girardelli, Gul Sosay



    Master of Arts Program in European Studies (MAPES) is designed to provide its graduates with the academic and analytical skills they will need to seek European-related careers in the institutions of the European Union and other international European organizations, business, government, the NGO sector, and the academia. MAPES is an interdisciplinary program that combines the strengths of faculty in political science and international relations, economics, modern Turkish studies, history and sociology. Our graduates will have a first-quality training in the area of the political and economic, as well as historical and cultural, dimensions of the European integration and European Union-Turkish Relations.

    The MAPES is a non-thesis graduate program. Students who have successfully completed the requirements of the Program will be awarded an MA (Master of Arts) degree in European Studies. The requirements for graduation consist of completing thirty credits of course work that includes three required, seven elective courses and a non-credit term project. The program will normally take three semesters (Fall, Spring and Summer) to complete. The durations of all three semesters will coincide with the normal academic calendar of Bogazici University. The Program will therefore last approximately eleven months, from the beginning of October in one year to the end of August in the following year. The enrollment plan for the MAPES program is to admit about twenty-five new students each year.


    Required Courses

    ES 501 Politics of European Integration
    (Avrupa Butunlesmesinin Siyasal Boyutlari)
    A study of the evolution of the European integration project from the European Coal and Steel Community to the present European Union, with emphasis on the politics of the deepening of integration and the expansion of European Union membership.

    ES 503 Economics of European Integration
    (Avrupa Butunlesmesinin Ekonomik Boyutlari)
    The theory of economic integration. Trade, microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects of free trade areas, customs unions, common markets and economic unions. The economics of the Single Market. European monetary integration and the monetary system. Major economic policies of the European Union.

    ES 505 European Union-Turkish Relations
    (Avrupa Birligi-Turkiye Iliskileri)
    History and diplomacy of Turkey's relationship with the European integration process, from the Ankara Treaty to the present. Major issues in European Union-Turkey relations.

    Elective Courses

    Political Science and International Relations

    ES 507 Economics of Monetary Integration in the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi Parasal Entegrasyon Ekonomisi)
    Costs and benefits of a common currency. The theory of optimum currency areas. Incomplete monetary unions and the European Monetary System. Transition to a monetary union in Europe. Monetary and fiscal policies in a monetary union with special reference to the European Union. The structure and operations of the European Central Bank.

    ES 510 Politics and Vision of the European Community
    (Avrupa Birligi Dusuncesi ve Siyaseti)
    The notion of "community" in European political thought and practice. The various understandings of community conceived in "local" and "translocal" terms such as the Greek polis, the Roman republican and imperial traditions, the universal medieval Church, and the modern nation-state. The politics and vision of the present-day European Community as part of a chain of continuity and innovation in Western political thought and practice.

    ES 511 Current Issues in European Politics
    (Avrupa Siyasetinde Guncel Konular)

    Social, economic, and political issues that are on the agenda of political parties and the public in major European democracies. Emphasis will be on the status of the welfare state; privatization and economic reform; unemployment; educational reform; attitudes towards the European Union and Common Agricultural Program; immigration, racism, and the New Right; separatist movements and devolution of power from the central to the regional and local governments; democratization of the political regimes of the canditate and new member states of the European Union in the process of European integration.

    ES 512 European Union Institutions and Policy Making
    (Avrupa Birligi'nde Kurumlar ve Politika Yapimi)
    A basic understanding of the participants, factors and constraints that influence European Union policy making in its various arenas, levels, and stages. An analysis of the capacity of the European Union institutions that monitor the enforcement of compliance with European Union policy goals, strategies and outcomes in member states.

    ES 513 Security Policies and External Relations of the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi Guvenlik Politikalari ve Dis Iliskileri)
    Examination of the formation of a common foreign and security policy of the European Union. Survey of policy making in the European Union vis-ˆ-vis major issues in international affairs.

    ES 514 Political Parties and Elections in the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi'nde Siyasal Partiler ve Secimler)
    Analysis of interest groups, political parties and elections in the European Union. Comparsion of local and national elections and elections for the European Parliament.

    ES 515 Civil Society and Democracy in Europe
    (Avrupa'da Sivil Toplum ve Demokrasi)
    Development of civil society, the public sphere, the state and democratic institutions in modern Europe. Transformation of state-society relations. Evolution of individual rights and participatory mechanisms. Formation and dissemination of a civic culture and democratic social values. Emergence of new social movements, new political ideologies and non-governmental organizations.

    ES 516 Regions and Local Governments in the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi'nde Bolgeler ve Yerel Yonetimler)
    The impact of the European Union at the national, regional and local levels. The allocation of the funds and investments among the national, regional and local authorities. Regional disparities and the impact of the regional development programs. The relations between central and local governments and the policies of decentralization and devolution of power.

    ES 517 Enlargement of the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi'nin Genislemesi)
    Enlargement of the European Union toward Southern and Eastern Europe. Legal aspects of the enlargament process with an emphasis on the decisions of the European Union institutions on the issue of enlargement, association treatises between the European Union and the candidate states, and accession partnerships and national programs. Public opinion in the member and candidate states regarding enlargement. Social, economic, political and cultural changes in the candidate states in the process of integration with the European Union. The impact of enlargement on the European Union and the impending institutional reforms to accommodate new members.

    ES 518 Comparative Political Economy of the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi'nin Karsilastirmali Ekonomi Politigi)
    The political economy of major European Union countries and the challenges they face in adjusting to a rapidly integrating European Union. The subjects include government-business ties, the role of labor and business organizations, regulation, privatization and the politics of economic policy-making.

    ES 519 European Union and International Political Economy
    (Avrupa Birligi ve Uluslararasi Ekonomi Politik)
    Analysis of the European Union within the broader context of the global finance, trade and production, particularly vis-a-vis Japan and the United States. The European Union's role in the World Trade Organization, the role of the euro in the global financial markets, and the dynamics of the European Union companies in the global production networks.

    ES 520 European Union Law (Avrupa Birligi Hukuku)
    Study of European Union law and legal processes, with emphasis on acquis communautaire and the European Court of Justice. Issues related to jurisdiction and enforcement.

    ES 521 Europe and Turkey: Cultural Perceptions and Interactions
    (Avrupa ve Turkiye: Kulturel Algilamalar ve Etkilesimler)
    Exchanges and interactions between Europe and Turkey at the level of high culture, popular culture, political ideas and discourses. The issue of Westernization and Europeanization as a dividing line in Turkish society and polity, with an emphasis on the recent debates regarding the influences of European integration on Turkish national sovereignty and national values. European perceptions of Turkey and Turkish culture.

    ES 522 Religion and Secularism in Europe
    (Avrupa'da Din ve Laiklik )
    Major debates on religion and secularism in Europe. Comparative historical and institutional analysis of state-religion relations, Christian democratic parties, and Islamic movements in selected countries. Problems of religion and secularism in Turkey's accession to the European Union.

    ES 523 Relations between Europe and the Middle East from the Colonial Era to the Present
    (Somurgecilik Cagindan Gunumuze Avrupa-Orta Dogu Iliskileri)
    The historical and cultural setting of the relations between European and Middle Eastern countries. Consequences of European colonialism in the emergence of the modern Middle East. Islamic movements, Arab nationalism, and problems of democratization in the Middle East. Future of the European Union and Middle Eastern relations in the context of the European Neighborhood Policy.

    ES 524 Media and Communication Systems in Europe
    (Avrupa'da Medya ve Iletisim Sistemleri)
    The policies of the European Union's to create an information society through the management of mass media and communication technologies. The role of media in facilitating European integration. Formation and expression of dissenting perspectives through alternative media. Socio-political consequences of new communication technologies.


    ES 531 European Financial Markets (Avrupa Mali Piyasalari)
    Banking in Europe and the US in a historical perspective. Other financial institutions. Regulation of the financial system. Structure of debt and equity markets in Europe. The role of the European Central Bank and the impact of Euro on financial markets. The globalization of financial markets from the European perspective.

    ES 532 Industrial Economics: A European Perspective
    (Endustriyel Ekonomi: Avrupa Bakis Acisi)
    An economic analysis of market structures in the European Union. Perfect competition, monopoly, markets for homogeneous products (Cournot and Bertrand competition, collusion), markets for differentiated products (location models), concentration, mergers, entry barriers, contestable markets, research and development. Empirical and topical case studies related to the industrial structure in the European Union.

    ES 533 Competition and Regulation Policy in the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi'nde Rekabet ve Duzenleme Politikalari)
    The economic aspects of the European Union competition policy. Collusion, vertical restraints and anticompetitive mergers. The economics of competition in network industries, and applications to telecoms, postal networks, airlines, electricity, gas, and rail sectors in the European Union. Economic and institutional issues related to regulatory policy in the European Union. Empirical assessment of competition and regulatory policies.

    ES 534 Current Economic Policy Issues in the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi Ekonomi Politikalarinda Gundem)
    Macro and microeconomic policy issues on the European Union agenda. The fiscal and monetary policy issues and debates. Implementation of agreements and negotiations in the World Trade Organization. Issues pertaining to regional policy and industrial policy with special reference to small and medium scale enterprises.

    ES 535 European Union - Turkish Economic Relations
    (Avrupa Birligi -Turkiye Ekonomik Iliskileri)
    Economic implications of the 1963 Association Agreement between Turkey and the European Economic Community. The 1970 Additional Protocol and its implementation. The Customs Union agreement of 1995, its coverage and procedures. The impact of the Customs Union on the Turkish economy. Developments in the Turkish economy with respect to the Copenhagen economic criteria. Euro and the Turkish economy.

    ES 536 Social Policy in the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi'nde Sosyal Politikalar)
    The social policy agenda of industrial democracies. Social policy regimes. The framework of the European Union social policy. Equity and efficiency in the labor markets. Economic costs and benefits of social policy. The development of the European Union social policy. The European Union enlargement and social policy.

    ES 537 Environmental Policy in the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi'nde Cevre Politikalari)
    Evolution of the European Union Environmental Policy. Linkages between environmental and economic systems. Role of regulatory and economic instruments in environmental policy. Use of regulatory and economic instruments in practice. European Union environmental policy in the context of international conventions on the environment.

    ES 538 European Population and Labor Issues
    (Avrupa'da Nufus ve Isgucu Sorunlari)
    Demographic Transition in Europe. Post-transitional demographic structures and their problems. Labor shortages; migration; population ageing. Demographic projections to 2050.

    Sociology, History

    ES 550 European Cities in a Globalized World
    (Kuresellesen Dunyada Avrupa Kentleri)
    Examination of contemporary urban social structures in Europe in light of globalization, urban autonomy, and European Union policies. The transformation of cities into the intersection points of global networks since the globalization of the 1980s. Cities being more autonomous from their national governments as a result of the global networks. The problems of the urban underclass, social exclusion, and immigrant populations. The programs within the European Union aiming at social assistance, urban revival and the strengthening of urban autonomy.

    ES 551 European Nation-States and the European Union
    (Avrupa'da Ulus-Devletler ve Avrupa Birligi)
    A discussion of the current debates regarding the decline of the nation-state in the European Union. The position of the European nation-state with regard to the supranational forces such as the European Single Market, the European Monetary Union, and the European law. Local, regional and private forces that are gaining strength at the expense of European unification. A comparison of the decline of the nation-state in Europe with the United States, Japan, and the less developed countries.

    ES 552 Issues of Culture and Identity in the European Union
    (Avrupa Birligi'nde Kultur ve Kimlik Sorunlari)
    Current developments in the European Union with regard to citizenship, culture and identity. Issues of immigration, human rights, gender relations, and new social movements. The idea of European culture, art, literature and media. Contemporary problems of ethnicity and xenophobia in Europe. Problems of the formation of a common European identity. Emphasis on specific case studies, incidents and court decisions.

    ES 560 Emergence of Modern Europe (Modern Avrupa'nin Dogusu)
    Investigation of Europe as the birth place of capitalism, the modern state, and modernity. Examination of the historical uniqueness of European social structures starting in the late Middle Ages. Emphasis on the revival of cities, the Renaissance, the emergence of the modern states, absolutism, the English and French revolutions, the industrial revolution, economic rivalry, and colonialism.

    ES 561 History of European Diplomacy (Avrupa Diplomasi Tarihi)
    History of European diplomacy and international relations from the Westphalia Treaty to the end of the Cold War. The emergence of the European modern state system, balance of power, nationalism, colonialism, the world wars, decolonization and the Cold War.

    ES 562 History of European-Turkish Relations
    (Avrupa-Turkiye Iliskilerinin Tarihi)
    Examination of the cultural, political and economic relationships between Europe and the Ottoman and Turkish states. Emphasis on the construction of otherness, political interactions, movement of peoples, impact of the French Revolution, economic incorporation, reception of law, modernization currents, Westernization and the ambivalence of nationalism.

    ES 563 History of the Modern State in Western Europe: From the "Rule of Law State" to the "Social Rights State"
    (Bati Avrupa'da Modern Devletin Tarihi: "Hukuk Devleti"nden "Sosyal Haklar Devleti"ne)
    An examination of the emergence of two categories of the modern state in Western Europe in the late 18th and the 19th centuriests: the "rule of law state" and the "social rights state". Emphasis will be on the tension between the role of the state as overseer of economic activity subject to the 'rule of law' and the understanding of state as shaper of market society through regulation and legislation.

    ES 564 Political Economy of Law in Western Europe
    (Bati Avrupa'da Hukukun Ekonomi Politigi)
    An examination of the issues of law and governance in Western Europe and North America. The transformation of Western European and North American economies into national economies through regulation, legislation and court decisions since the end of the Second World War. The emergence of transnational regulatory environments by the 1980s, incorporating international non-state actors, national non-state actors as well as the national states.

    Term Project Courses

    ES 591 Term Project I (Donem Projesi I)
    Directed research leading to a term paper on a topic of interest to the student, chosen with the approval of the adviser.

    ES 592 Term Project II (Donem Projesi II)
    Directed research leading to a term paper on a topic of interest to the student, chosen with the approval of the adviser.

    ES 593 Term Project III (Donem Projesi III)
    Directed research leading to a term paper on a topic of interest to the student, chosen with the approval of the adviser.

    ES 597 Special Topics on European Integration I
    (Avrupa Butunlesmesinde Ozel Konular I)
    Social, economic, political, cultural, and legal issues that are on the agenda of European public opinions and governments. Current debates related to the expansion, the strengthening of ties and the future of the European Union.
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