Bilgi Teknolojileri Hizmet Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programı

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Bilgi Teknolojileri Hizmet Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programı

  • Program tanımları Bilgi Teknolojileri Hizmet Yönetimi programı, Bilgi Teknolojileri Yüksek Lisans programı altında İngilizce yürütülen, tezsiz bir programdır.

    BTHY bilgi teknolojileri sistemlerinin yönetimi üzerine kurulmuş ve felsefesi müşterinin perspektifinden BT'nin iş süreçlerine katkısı üzerine odaklanan bir disiplindir. BTHY, bilgi teknolojileri yönetiminde teknoloji odaklı yaklaşımlara alternatif bir duruş sergiler ve iş/işletme eğilimlidir. BTHY süreç odaklıdır ve süreç geliştirme akımlarının (Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, Altı Sigma, vb.) metodları ve içeriği ile yakından ilişkilidir. BTHY temelde bilgi teknolojileri yönetimin teknoloji geliştirme kısmıyla değil “arka ofisi” ile ilgilenir.


    Program, orjinali IBM tarafından daha genel bir çerçevede geliştirilmiş olan Hizmet Mühendisliği ve Yönetimi programına dayanmaktadır. IBM programın müfredatındaki derslerin bir kısmını geliştirmiştir ve bu dersler dünyanın seçkin üniversitelerindeki çeşitli yüksek lisans programlarında yer almaktadır. IBM'in nihai hedefi Hizmet Mühendisliği ve Yönetimi konusunun tüm boyutlarını ele alan dört yıllık bir lisans ve bunu takip eden bir yüksek lisans programı geliştirmektir. IBM Türk ile yapılan çeşitli görüşmeler neticesinde Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi IBM'den uzman ve deneyim desteği karşılığında böyle bir programı geliştirmeye gönüllü olmuştur. Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi'nin hali hazırda BT alanında bir yüksek lisans programı yürütüyor olması ve hizmet yönetimi ile ilgili boyutların bu alana kolayca eklenebilir nitelikte olması nedeniyle, programın ilk etapta Bilgi Teknolojilerinde hizmetler alanıyla sınırlandırılması konusunda görüş birliğine varılmıştır.

    Böylesi bir programın geliştirilmesi konusu aynı zamanda Northeastern Üniversitesi ile de görüşülmüş ve bu alanda iki üniversite arasında bir işbirliği oluşturma fikri Northeastern Üniversitesi tarafından çok olumlu karşılanmıştır. NEU'nun on-line derslerle çeşitli yüksek lisans dereceleri veren Profesyonel ve Sürekli Çalışmalar Enstitüsü dünya üzerinde pek çok başka üniversiteyle de işbirliği içinde yüksek lisans programları sürdürmektedir. Bu çerçevede Bilgi Teknolojileri Hizmet Yönetimi alanında da ortak bir yüksek lisans programının geliştirilmesine karar verilmiştir.


    IBM Türk desteğiyle ve Northeastern Üniversitesi ile ortaklaşa yürütülen programda 18 kredisi Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi'nden (6 adet 3 kredilik ders) ve 16 kredisi Northeastern Üniversitesinden (8 adet 2 kredilik ders) olmak üzere toplam 34 kredilik ders yükü ve yine Bahçeşehir Üniversitesinde yapılacak bir proje çalışması yükümlülüğü yer almaktadır. Northeastern Üniversitesi'nden alınacak dersler elektronik ortamdan takip edilecektir. Programı başarıyla tamamlayan öğrenciler biri Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi'nden Bilgi Teknolojileri Yüksek Lisans diploması ve diğeri Northeastern Üniversitesi'nden Proje Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans diploması olmak üzere iki ayrı diploma almaya hak kazanacaklardır.

    Ders Listesi

    Advanced System Analysis and Design I     
    Advanced System Analysis and Design II    
    Software Quality and Risk Management
    Specification and Design
    Distributed Database Systems I
    Software Project Management    
    Extensible Markup Language (XML)    
    Distributed Database Systems II
    Web Services    
    Introduction to IT Services Management    
    Information and Services Economy
    Service Oriented Architectures    
    Business Systems Management    
    Strategic Planning During Tech. Revolutions    
    Operations Research in IT Services Management    
    Information Security Management    
    Master Thesis    

    Ders Tanımları

    Advanced System Analysis and Design I
    Course emphasizes the tasks, activities and end results of a software system engineering effort and the various methodologies and techniques that can be utilized in software engineering effort. A number of software systems, such as information, Web-based or data warehouse systems, and activities in the SLCP (software life-cycle process), including variations of requirements analysis, systems design and systems implementation.

    Advanced System Analysis and Design II
    A guide for the transition from programming- in-the-small to programming-in-the-large. Major design methods and available computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools, the proper application of design methods, and techniques for estimating the magnitude of the development effort. UML based software development models. Developing object oriented software systems by designing distributed objects.

    Software Quality and Risk Management
    This course focuses on the methods and techniques in software testing and quality assurance. The topics include unit, subsystem, system, regression, performance, and load testing; test specification; test management; software validation and verification; software quality factors; software quality assurance tools. Objectives include testing objectives and strategies; test automation; unit testing; integration testing; system and acceptance testing; performance and load testing; test case design; web and GUI testing; and white and black box testing.

    Specification and Design
    Schemas; overview of the schema language; patterns and structure; declarations and predicates; schema semantics; bindings and types. Schema operators; mechanisms for schema combination; abstract data types; state-based specification; encapsulation of data members; composition of operations. Applications; case studies and exercises.

    Distributed Database Systems I

    Communication paradigms: client/server protocols, remote procedure call (e.g., Java RMI), multicast protocols handling asynchronous communication and failures. Distributed transaction management requires enhanced concurrency control methods. Comparing algorithms proposed by researchers and commercial solutions.  Replicating data to increase fault-tolerance and the performance of databases.

    Software Project Management
    Fundamental elements include integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk, and procurement management as defined in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard for project management. Various approaches to software project planning, software project estimating, networks and scheduling, tracking and control, and technical and support processes are analyzed.

    Extensible Markup Language (XML)
    Motivation for XML, representing data in XML. XML Schemas; defining the structure and content of a document; a type system for XML. XSLT; translating XML documents to various multimedia formats; functional programming in XSL. XPath; locating XML content within an XML document. XML in context; bibliography databases, domain specific languages.

    Distributed Database Systems II
    Introduction to distributed database management, database distribution architectures, distributed database design, distributed query processing, distributed query optimization, distributed transaction management, distributed concurrency control, distributed reliability protocols, multi-database systems, mobile distributed database management.

    Web Services

    Introduction to IT Services Management
    Foundations in IT services course provides an overview of IT Services. Topics include enterprise systems management (ESM), which is the complete and total management of a company's IT elements and/or environment. IT services, or ESM, involves two categorizations: infrastructure management -the discipline regarding services responsible for maintaining and managing the IT elements in an environment, and relationship management -the discipline containing the services that are customer facing in relation to their IT infrastructure.

    Information and Services Economy
    A new, interdisciplinary field that combines social science, business, and engineering knowledge needed for organizations (private, public, or nonprofit) to succeed in the shift to the service and information-based economy. A survey of the historical, economic, and theoretical foundations of the rise of the service economy, the analysis and design of services, the technology and implementation of services, and the delivery of services.

    Service Oriented Architectures
    The SOA overview course begins with an introduction to what business process and information technology IT architecture are and what functions business process an IT architects perform. The course then describes the concepts of service orientation to a business process or information technology. Components of service oriented architecture are described including and enterprise service bus (ESB), and service connection methods such as extensible markup language. Additionally, concepts such as component business modeling (CBM), business process execution language (BPEL), and web services description language (WSDL the XML-based language which provides the model for describing Web Services) are also introduced.

    Business Systems Management

    Business systems management provides an overview of the business and technological aspects of managing business processes focused to affect business impact and outcomes. The courses will use an architectural method to teach how to determine business impact of IT elements and map IT elements to business processes. The prerequisite for this course is an understanding of information technology (IT) devices and categories, and foundations in IT services.

    Strategic Planning During Tech. Revolutions
    This course will apply an inter-disciplinary approach both to a critique of traditional strategy as well as the search for something better -or at least more pragmatic- for students whose careers will inevitably (perhaps already have done so) put them in roles that require creative thinking about business, whether from a business, engineering, or IT perspective.

    Operations Research in IT Services Management

    Introduction to operations management: strategy and process design, forecasting and relevance for inventory control, MRP, cycle time, capacity and waiting time. Introduction to marketing and its role in businesses and organizations: the nature of exchange, value proposition and markets. The evolution of exchange and markets in the "new" economy. Introduction to decision analysis. Simulation with linear programming and other OR algorithms.

    Information Security Management
    The main objectives of this course are to teach students how to identify and prioritize information assets, identify and prioritize threats to information assets, define an information security strategy and architecture, plan for and respond to intruders in an information system, describe legal and public relations implications of security and privacy issues, present a disaster recovery plan for recovery of information assets after an incident. ISO approach to the security management (ISO27001) will also be introduced.

    The purpose of this seminar is to equip the student enrolled in a program with a thesis with the necessary background for preparing a thesis. Although not compulsory, it is expected that the student prepares a pre-research document on her/his thesis subject and make a presentation at the end of the term.

    Master Thesis
    The Master Thesis is a study that students enrolled in a program with a thesis have to carry out under the leadership of an advisor on a subject related to the program followed. The thesis has to be prepared in line with academic ethic rules, presented to and approved by a thesis committee. The student has to register to this course for at least two terms.

    This is a study that students enrolled to a program without a thesis have to prepare under the leadership of an advisor. Some real life analysis utilizing the techniques covered in the program is expected to be carried out. A presentation of the work to an academic commission is also expected.

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