Çevre Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Programı

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Çevre Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Programı

  • Giriş gereklilikleri Who can apply: * Environmental Engineers * Other Engineers (Civil, Chemical, Food, Agriculture etc.) * Architectures * Graduates from Other Scientific and Technical Programs of four years
  • Program tanımları Environmental Sciences and Engineering Graduate Program operates under the Institute of Sciences and Technology of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) as one of the two graduate programs of Environmental Engineering.

    The objectives of ITU Environmental Sciences and Engineering Program are; to educate experts and researchers who have the professional ethical awareness and are reputable at international scale in environmental sciences and environmental technologies, who can define the environmental problems on both a national and an international level and find solutions for those problems, can provide contribution to science and practice with research projects on a global basis and to utilize policies for protecting the environment within the framework of sustainability.

    Requirements for the degree

    Courses (all worth 3 credit hours except Seminar course)

    1.Minimum credit hours: 24
        * Compulsory Courses : 15 credits (5 out of 7, all of which are in English)
        * Elective Courses : 9 credits (3 out of 24 courses offered, of which 15 are in English)
        * Non-credit Seminar course: (attendance: 100%)

       Minimum 2 semesters
       Advanced research in recent topics of interest

    3.Graduate Seminar

    4. Time Granted

    To complete the graduate study time granted: 4 semesters

    Completion of a minimum of 30 % of courses offered in English is the general educational policy of ITU. In the Graduate Programs of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, it is possible to get the degree through 100 % of courses offered in English without taking any course in Turkish.

    Compulsary Courses

    Biological Processes and Treatment
    Physicochemical Processes and Treatment
    Earth System Modeling/Eurasia Ins.of Earth Sciences
    Fate and Transport of Pollutants in the Environment
    Principles of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
    Principles of Industrial Pollution Control
    Statistical Analysis for Experimental Design and Data Processing

    Elective Courses
    Atmospheric Chemistry     
    Atıksulardan Biyolojik Azot ve Fosfor Giderimi     
    Computational Methods in Environmental Systems     
    Experimental Evaluation of Unit Operations and Processes     
    Kentsel Altyapı ve Çevre Planlaması     
    Atıksuların Kimyasal Yöntemler ile Arıtımı     
    Fate and Management of Micropollutants     
    Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse
    Scale up of Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems     
    Arıtma Çamurlarının Susuzlaştırılması     
    Yeraltısuyu Kirlenmesi     
    Biological Processing of Solid Wastes     
    Natural Treatment Systems     
    Air Pollution Modelling
    Anaerobic Treatment Systems
    İçmesuyu Arıtma Tesislerinin Modellenmesi ve Tasarımı
    Katı Atık Sızıntı Sularının Kontrolu
    Çevre Sistemlerinde Koku ve Emisyon Kontrolu
    Quality Management in Environmental Systems
    Transients in Environmental Systems
    Zirai Atıkların Yönetimi ve Kontrolü
    Soil Pollution: Processes and Dynamics
    Research Writing in Environmental Sciences
    Biodegradation of Industrial Wastes

    Ders İçerikleri

    Biological Processes and Treatment (English)
    Metabolic classification and diversity- Stoichiometry and Bacterial Energetics - Microbial Kinetics - Biofilm Kinetics- Reactors and mass balances - Activated sludge process - Aerobic digestion - Aerobic biofilm processes - Anaerobic treatment processes

    Physicochemical Processes and Treatment (English)

    Aeration and gas transfer, mixing, coagulation-flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, flotation, adsorption-ion exchange, chemical oxidation, disinfection and other processes.

    Earth System Modeling/Eurasia Ins.of Earth Sciences (English)
    Modeling approaches in natural sciences. Introduction to the system concept. Model building from simple to complex. Conservation laws and constitutive relations. Mathematical frameworks for system representation. Vector spaces and linear transformations; matrix representation. Ordinary differential equation systems, differential algebraic systems and numerical methods. Properties of solutions in phase space. Dynamical systems, bifurcations, chaos. Box models. Parametric sensitivity of models; adjoint model concept. Partial differential equations and corresponding physical process types, common numerical solution methods. Stochastic processes and Monte Carlo methods. Introduction to scientific visualization.

    Atmospheric Chemistry (English)
    Air Pollution, air pollutant parameters, effects, sources, atmosphere, atmospheric composition, global cycles, lifetimes of air pollutants, organic pollutants and sources, atmospheric photochemistry and chemical kinetics, chemistry of troposphere, basic photochemical cycles, mechanism of radicals, chemistry of primary and secondary pollutants, chemistry of the atmospheric aqueous phase, chemistry of stratosphere, ozone hole, transport of ozone, halocarbons, properties of atmospheric aerosols, dynamics of aerosol particles, dry and wet deposition, atmospheric chemistry and climate changes.

    Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal From Wastewaters (Turkish)
    Nitrogen and Phosphorus in wastewaters: sources and quantities, impact of nitrogen and phosphorus.- Principles of Biological Nitrogen Removal: Kinetics and Stoichiometry of Nitrification, Kinetics and Stoichiometry of Denitrification. Principles of Biological Phosphorus Removal: biochemical mechanism.- Design of Activated Sludge Biological Nutrient Removal Plants : Process Configurations, Effects of Wastewater Characteristics and Operation Conditions, Design Algorithm for Nitrogen Removal Systems, Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal with Nitrogen Removal.

    Computational Methods in Environmental Systems (English)
    Data reduction techniques, Linear and nonlinear curve fitting, Numerical solution of equations, Numerical integration, Differential equations from environmental engineering, Numerical solution of differential equations, Solution of partial differential equations (solution with finite differences and eigen values, solution by series).

    Experimental Evaluation of Unit Operations and Processes (English)

    Purpose and basis of instruction, rules and order of laboratory applications; Demonstrations of physical and chemical processes: Determination of reactor characteristics, aeration and gas transfer, stripping, mixing, coagulation-flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, flotation, adsorption-ion exchange, chemical oxidation, disinfection; operation of activated sludge systems, fill-draw reactors, sequencing batch reactors, continuous reactors

    Urban Infrastructure and Environmental Planning (Turkish)

    Urbanization, land use, planning, policies of urbanization, relations between urban planning and infrastructures, water supply, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, solid waste, transportation and other environmental factors, special topics and projects related to environmental planning and infrastructural work, preparation and evaluation of environmental maps for urban planning, quality of life, planning and environment.

    Chemical Treatment of Wastewaters (Turkish)

    Methods and practices of chemical treatment; coagulation- flocculation; chemical precipitation, basic principles and practice of chemical oxidation, effects of wastewater composition on chemical treatment processes, quantity of sludge from chemical treatment, chemical treatment of domestic wastewaters; chemical treatment of industrial wastewaters: leather tanning industry; textile industry; metal finishing industry; pulp and paper industry; pharmaceutical industry; landfill leachate.

    Fate and Management of Micropollutants (English)

    Definition of micropollutants and spesific water pollutants; analysis parameters for micropollutants characterization; sources of MPs, point, diffuse and intermittent sources; categorization, impacts and hazard rating of MPs, impact assessment of MPs for human health and aquatic life; removal of MPs from water and wastewater; treatment, advanced treatment, detoxification, biodegradability; inhibition effect of MPs in biological systems; probable improvements in treatment systems for MPs; control of MPs, priority pollutant lists, black lists; control of organochlorine compounds in drinking water; highly hazardous chemicals in water, dioxine, asbestos, heavy metals; micropollutants in food chain; law and regulations and their assessment of MPs and special topics.

    Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse (English)
    Technical issues in planning water reuse systems, Evaluation of the water reuse technology and potential, Reuse applications: Urban reuse, industrial reuse, agricultural reuse, groundwater recharge, recreational reuse, water reuse regulations and guidelines, Funding alternatives for water reuse systems, Public information programs

    Scale up of Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems (English)
    Introduction. Scale up and scale down concepts and problems. Fundamentals of scale up: Physical models, general techniques for model development. Dimension analysis similitude. Scaling up of bioreactors. Scale up methods in use: Fundamental method, semi-fundemental method, dimensional analysis, rules of thumb and regime analysis Scale up and down applications: Aeration systems, activated sludge and trickling filters, sequencing batch reactor systems, anaerobic contact reactors, anaerobic fluidized bed reactors.

    Dewatering of Treatment Sludges (Turkish)
    The characteristics of sludges: Rheology, classification of water in sludge, sludge conditioning, Natural dewatering technologies: sludge drying beds, sludge lagoons, reed beds, Mechanical means of dewatering: the theory of cake filtration, Measurement of dewaterability: specific resistance to filtration, capillary suction time, filtration time, Laboratory: conditioning, specific resistance to filtration, capillary suction time, time to filter, filter leaf test, Filterpres, Belt pres filter, centrifuge, vacuum filter, other technologies for sludge dewatering, quantity and characteristics of side streams from dewatering facilities, mass balance

    Groundwater Contamination (Turkish)
    Groundwater hydrology. Water quality standards. Groundwater pollution sources. Transportation of pollutants. Determination of priority pollution sources in ground water. Groundwater monitoring techniques. Groundwater sampling. Groundwater analyses methods. Treatment of organic matter in ground water.In-situ chemical treatment. In-situ biological treatment (bioremedation).

    Biological Processing of Solid Wastes (English) (Environmental Biotechnology Program)

    Natural Treatment Systems (English) (Environmental Biotechnology Program)

    Fate and Transport of Pollutants in the Environment (English)

    Transport of pollutants in surface and groundwater and in atmosphere, including advection, dispersion, sorption, interphase mass transfer, and transformation; the role of surface water, groundwater and soil in mobilizing and spreading contamination, the processess that control distribution and fate of surface and subsurface contamination, the accepted methods of investigating and analyzing contamination, and contaminant transport.

    Principles of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (English)
    Sources and composition of solid wastes. Physical, chemical, and biological properties of municipal solid waste. Solid waste generation and collection rates. Waste handling and separation, storage, and processing at the source. Collection of solid waste. Optimization of collection systems. Transfer and transport. Materials recycling. Landfilling; Overall picture of landfills. Landfill gas: Modeling of landfill gas generation and movement. Modeling of landfill leachate. Thermal Conversion Technologies. Medical wastes management. Fundamentals of Hazardous Waste management; Definition, basic concepts and terms, Process fundamentals. Current Management Practices: Environmental audits, pollution prevention, facility development and operations. Treatment and disposal Methods; Physico-Chemical processes, biological methods, stabilization and solidification, thermal methods, land disposal. An overview of rehabilitation of solid waste landfills. Regulation of Hazardous Waste. Trans boundary of hazardous wastes.

    Principles of Industrial Pollution Control (English)
    Review of basic concepts of industrial pollution control: process analysis, process profile, waste survey, pollution profile; assessment of the impact of industrial pollution on the environment, life cycle analysis, labeling, risk assessment, sustainable development; In-plant control, clean technologies, reuse and recycle; discharge standards and micropollutant limitations; environmental management approaches and standards; case studies covering all steps of assessment and controlling the industrial pollution.

    Statistical Analysis for Experimental Design and Data Processing (English)
    Basic concepts of statistics; probability, random variables, probability distributions, estimation methods, estimating percentiles, the limit of detection, sampling distributions. Testing hypotheses and goodness of fit. Correlation and regression; linear, nonlinear and multiple linear correlation and regression analysis. The effect of autocorrelation on regression. Analysis of variance; estimating variance components in experimental measurements, multiple factor analysis of variance, factorial experimental design. Designing experiments to estimate parameters in nonlinear models. Fitting models to multiresponse data. Effects of measurement errors on calculated values. Using simulations to study statistical problems.

    Air Pollution Modelling (English)
    The continuity equations for atmosphere, turbulence, mixing heights, variation of wind speed with height, atmospheric stability classes, atmospheric diffusion theories, Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches, solution of the atmospheric diffusion equations for a continuous point source, gaussian equations, plume rising, solutions of the steady state atmospheric diffusion equations, model types, box models, three dimensional chemical transport models, numerical solutions, emission inventories, applications.

    Anaerobic Treatment Systems (English)

    Comperative evaluation of anaerobic and aerobic biological treatment. Fundementals of anaerobic treatment: Microbiology, biochemistry and energetics. Environmental conditions and process control. Treatment kinetics and modelling. Engineering design of biological reactors. Anaerobic treatment systems: Conventional anaerobic digesters, anaerobic contact reactors, anaerobic filters, anaerobic expanded and fluidized bed reactors, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors, membrane anaerobic reactors, dry anaerobic fermenters. Treatability studies. Anaerobic treatment of industrial and domestic wastewaters, landfill leachates, and organic solid wastes. Special topics in anaerobic treatment.

    Modelling and Design of Water Treatment Plants (Turkish)

    Selection of water treatment processes, Contaminant removal effectiveness, Proprietary designs, Facilities design: flow measurements, chemical feeders and mixers, flocculation facilities, clarifiers, flotation, filters, sludge handling units. Modelling of the treatment units, Adsorbtion. Ion exchange facilities. Disinfection. Iron and Manganese removal. Membrane processes. Removal of natural organic matter. Operational aspects. Materials.

    Control of Landfill Leachates (Turkish)
    Sanitary landfill leachate. Regulations and their impacts. Moisture routing and leachate generation: Solid waste decomposition in a sanitary landfill. Leachate generation from sanitary landfills. Leachate characterization. Leachate modeling. Leachate quality and toxicity. Leachate attenuation: Leachate migration, prediction and modelling. Leachate containment. Leachate treatment: Leachate treatment problems. Leachate treatment processes. Selection of an effective leachate treatment train. Leachate treatment costs.

    Odor and Emission Control in Environmental Systems (Turkish)

    Odor characteristics, measurement and regulation, odor occurrence in water and wastewater treatment plants, odor occurrence in solid waste processing plants, odor occurrence in industrial plants, odorous compound and emission rates, odor source monitoring programs, evaluating odor control alternatives, biological alternatives, oxidation alternatives, wet control alternatives, adsorptive techniques, atmospheric dispersion and odor modelling.

    Quality Management in Environmental Systems (English)

    Introduction, definition of the problem, concepts and definitions, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), History, Legislations, EIA processes, EIA identification methodologies, Cumulative Impact Assessment, Environmental Management System (EMS), Resource Management, Waste Management, EMS Standarts, ISO 14001, ECO-Management, Environmental Aspects Evaluation Methods, Relation between EIA and EMS, Environmental Risk Assessment and their modelling, Environmental Models, Modelling approach, parameters, Main functions and equations, Computing software of the model, Results and application of the model for case studies

    Transients in Environmental Systems (English)
    Transients in environmnetal engineering - reasons and characteristics, Typical examples of transients, Mass balance, steady states vs unsteady states, General solution of time dependent problems - Runge Kutta methods, Transients in biological systems, Transients in physicochemical systems, upgrading of treatment systems, Time dependent problems in Monitoring and control in water quality management. Examples of transients from environmnetal engineering systems

    Management and Control of Agricultural Wastes (Turkish)
    Sources of agricultural and animal wastes: Wastewater, solid waste and air. Agricultural waste characteristics. Role of soils and plant in agricultural waste management. Geologic and ground water considerations. Stages in planning. System equipment design for agricultural waste management. Systems designed for specific product recovery; Compost and silage. Industrial materials production from agricultural waste. The animal industry and the quality of environment. Utilization, disposal and treatment of animal wastes. Technologies for processing and treatment of animal wastes. Biogas production from agricultural and animal waste; Low solids anaerobic digestion, high solid anaerobic digestion. Odor control in barn and coop. Operation, maintenance, and safety. Products, utilization and economy of agricultural waste. Regulations, policy, and environmental quality criteria.

    Soil Pollution: Processes and Dynamics (English)
    The structure and classification of soil; the soil as a porous medium: the solid, liquid and gaseous phases of soil; soil biota; pollutants - soil solution interactions; volatilization into the soil atmosphere; retention of pollutants on and within the soil solid phase; pollutant behavior in soils: reversible and irreversible retention - release and bound residues; transformation and metabolite formation; pollutants transport in the soil medium; modeling the fate of pollutants in the soil.

    Research Writing in Environmental Sciences (English)(Environmental Biotechnology Program)

    Biodegradation of Industrial Wastes (English)(Environmental Biotechnology Program)
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