Designing Online Experiences

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Designing Online Experiences

  • Program tanımları
    About Us:

    HTK Online
    Study online, when you want, where you want & super flexible. You can complete your assignments in the comfort of your home with distance learning studies at HTK Online. Simply log into the intranet and you will find the Online Academy available round the clock. Who are we? We are HTK Online, the creative distance learning school recognized by the German State Central Office for Distance Learning. The online courses in English are offered in cooperation with LDU (Laureate Design Universities).

    CDES 102A Designing Online Experiences:

    The Designing Online Experiences course is an eight week online course. Students who complete this course will: 
    • Learn to develop information visually on the Web and in print
    • Create a wireframe mock up
    • Design a web site using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
    Shopping , surfing, and chatting were once terms only associated with physical movement. Now they also describe a range of activities on the Internet. This course introduces students to planning and designing effective, interactive online experiences including Web pages, blogs, and social media. Students critically evaluate existing online experiences for quality, accessibility, and design, and create their own online experiences for a course project along with accompanying elements for the Web. Topics include information architecture, navigation, interactivity, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), accessibility, and image manipulation for the Web.

    Target group:
    English-speaking, special interest in the field of design or existing design-knowledge.

    Course duration:
    8 weeks


    Course Fee:
    650 EUR
    The first 20 Onliner will receive a 50% discount.

    A prestigious certificate of attendance of the HTK Online in cooperation with the LDU (Laureate Design Universities), access possibilities to courses or even complete modules with the option to achieve a final certificate. First start date: April 2017

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