Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı

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Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı

  • Program tanımları DERS LİSTESİ

    Core Courses

    ID 501 Industrial Design Studio * (4-8) 8
    ID 512 Advanced Product Development (2-4) 4
    ID 521 Research Methods in Design   (2-2) 3
    ID 592 Seminar**  (0-2) NC
    ID 600 Thesis  (0-1) NC
    ID 8XX Special Studies   (4-0) NC
    ID 9XX Special Topics  (4-0) NC

    *Exempt for ID oriented students
    **All M.S. students must register Seminar course until the beginning of their 4th semester.

    Total credit (min.)    :21
    Number of courses with credit (min.): 7

    Elective Courses

    ID 511 Vision, Form & Function   (3 0) 3
    ID 522 Advanced Design Planning   (2-2) 3
    ID 523 Design Consumption  (3-0) 3
    ID 524 Consumption Trends & Material Culture  (3-0) 3
    ID 525 Introduction to Visual Media   (3-0) 3
    ID 531 Design Evolution (3-0) 3
    ID 534 Materials and Production Technologies  (2-2) 3
    ID 541 Design Marketing  (3-0) 3
    ID 552 Design Management  (3-0) 3  
    ID 562  Ergonomics and Human Factors in Techno Industrial Design   (3-0) 3
    ID 572 Design Engineering    (3-0) 3
    ID 574 Control Technology in Design   (2-4) 4
    ID 581 Design Communication   (3-0) 3
    ID 582 Design Semiotics   (3-0) 3
    ID 584 Sustainable Design    (4-2) 5
    ID 588 Perception, Sign & Meaning   (3-0) 3
    ID 590 Digital Product Modeling   (2-2) 3
    ID 591 Technological Development And Design Innovation    (2-2) 3
    ID 621 Product Innovation  (2-2) 3
    ID 651 Fractal Geometry and Industrial Design Relations  (3-0) 3
    ID 671 Advanced Control Technology   (3-0) 3
    ID 672 Philosophical Context of Design Research  (3-0) 3
    ID 674 Fashion Concept in Design   (2-2) 3
    ID 682 Techno-Industrial Aesthetics  (3-0) 3
    ID 683 Art & Communication    (3-0) 3
    ID 684 Industrial &Graphic Photography (2-2) 3
    ID 686 Cinema and Design (3-0) 3

    Course Descriptions

    ID 501 Industrial Design Studio    (4-8) 8

    Presents and demonstrates the principles and methods of formulating a plan for a new product for the students. It is particularly concerned with the relationship between the project plan and the organizations overall design strategy and policy.

    ID 511 Vision Form & Function (3-0) 3
    Investigates the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of form through its perception and presentation. Particular attention is to be paid to the relationship between the perceived image and form, between the form and function, and between the image and function.

    ID 512   Advanced Product Development    (2-4) 4
    Involves students in applying high-tech concepts for developing industrial products. Focuses on latest trends in high -tech products and their production technologies.

    ID 521 Research Methods in Design (2-2) 3
    Within the scope of this course research methods leading to data collection, recording retriwal and also to analytical works that are compatible with industrial design studies will be dealth with.

    ID 523 Design Consumption   (3 0) 3
    Having an understanding of evolution and structure of material culture and consumer society by analyzing consumption patterns and the notion of lifestyle. The concept of consumption and its socio-economical models from the aspect of their evolution and their affects on contemporary design market, the consumer concept and symbolical motivation of consumption.

    ID 524 Consumption Trends & Material Culture (3-0) 3
    Conceptual and ideological aspects of material culture in the light of basic notions between modern and postmodern thought by their affects on consumption culture and patterns, lifestyles, cultural transformations and social praxis, anesthetization of daily life, notions of style, image & mythology, shifts in cultural heritage by the affects of globalization, the role of metro poles and the utility of their cultural capital.

    ID 525 Introduction to Visual Media   (3-0) 3
    This course is designed for the students who have no background in communication theories. The aim of this course is to offer a broad introduction to specific communication theories such as “technological determinism”, cultivation theory” and etc.

    ID 531 Design Evolution     (3-0) 3
    An evolutional approach to design history with examples from ancient artifacts to industrial products and high technology with respect to human abstraction and evolutional theories.

    ID 534   Materials and Production Technologies    (2-2) 3
    Presentation of information on materials, and production technologies of techno-industrial products from conventional and natural materials and technologies to the recent innovations in material and production industries.

    ID 541 Design Marketing   (3-0) 3
    Focusing on all kind of activities related to the flow of the products from designer to the end –user within design organizations .Strategically context of design marketing deals with the creation of required corporate strategy within the selected market, while the operative context would be about application of strategies by the creation of the appropriate marketing mix.

    ID 552   Design Management (3-0) 3
    With a notice of the importance of the interaction between design, business and management items in design organizations. To focus the strategically approach of the operative design discipline. Managing the design process by creating the right relationship between design and the variety of other activities within the corporation in order to build a strong corporate identity. To make the existence of the design activity visible in the corporate structure by means strategically planning.

    ID 562 Ergonomics and Human Factors in
    Techno Industrial Design      (3-0) 3
    Introduction human factors domain through ergonomics, anthropometry. Analytical procedures to identify and define ergonomically and anthropometrical data. Advanced ideas and methods that can be used to design techno-products that (answers is congruent with) the cognitive abilities, mental approaches of users. Perceptual, cognitive and behavioral reactions.

    ID 572 Design Engineering     (3-0) 3
    Introduction and analysis of engineering concepts related with technological industrial design. Using and transferring of engineering knowledge and abilities to design.

    ID 574 Control Technology in Design  (2-4) 4
    The incorporation of advanced micro computer processes in product and system design. Elements of the design of computer logic in both software and hardware and microcomputers are built from experimental laboratory kits. Processes are designed using the microcomputers as breadboard controllers for working Prototype and products.

    ID 581 Design Communication   (3-0) 3
    This course is designed to teach the students the basic methods of design communication including verbal and written communication, corporate communications (magazine design, newsletter, brochures), interactive communications (web site design, CD-ROM authoring), and corporate identity programs, word marks & logotypes.

    ID 582 Design Semiotics     (3-0) 3
    Examination of the representative function and the semiotic dimension of designed techno-industrial products through different semiotic approaches from Peirce’s basic terminology to recent studies.

    ID 584   Sustainable Design (4-2) 5
    Study of man/machine, man/workspace, and man/environment relationships case studies are made of physical dysfunction in operating systems. Troughs behavioral mapping interaction techniques, and other design methods, points of conflict between man and environment are located, new design criteria are formulated and physical solutions are generated. Design proposals solutions are presented as environmental models or, where possible, full-scale mock-ups.

    ID 588 Perception Sign and Meaning: Use of Visual Language in Design (3-0) 3
    This course is designed to teach the current concepts, applications and principles of visual perception including proximity, similarity, closure, illusions and personality factors, Gestalt critique, information theory and related topics. This course also introduce the students to the theories of signs and meaning in design studies not only to examine design product in the past but also to use these acknowledgements to create a new design projects in the present. This will also orient their career in the future.

    ID 590 Digital Product Modeling  (2-2)3
    Progression of digital experiences that expand upon and combine the intellectual and conceptual skills required for 3-dimensional design visualization. Emphasis on solving design problems through development and manipulation of 3- dimensional form within the virtual environment.

    ID 591 Technological Development and Design Innovation   (2-2) 3
    Concentrates on the exploitation of developments in material and manufacturing technology as a critical component in innovative design. Case studies are used to analyze the development of new products through technological domains and advancements.

    ID 592 Seminar (0-2) NC
    Seminar studies regarding the theory and practice of industrial design, executed under scientific research methods for research, presentation and discussion.

    ID 621 Product Innovation     (2-2) 3
    Application of technology for the innovation of new products. Application of systematic design methods to enhance creativity and develop innovative solutions.

    ID 651 Fractal Geometry and Industrial Design Relations    (3-0) 3
    The Lecture is necessary to understand the relation between industrial product design and design engineering through intellectual and geometrical structure of the universe and develop design creation performance.
    ID 671 Advanced Control Technology    (3-0) 3
    Analyzes the developments of “smart” products from the standpoints of the human operator and the machine. It introduces processes for decomposing the tasks of machine and operator to find optimal designs for both. Using sample products as reference examples, improved, human factored control systems are explored and computer software is designed to perform the control functions.

    ID 672 Philosophical Context of Design Research (2-0) 2
    Explores the philosophical framework for conducting research and building knowledge in the field of design. Topics include concepts from epistemology phenomenology and structuralism. The core concept and meaning behind material things through a variety of designer, designed product and style to be analyzed.

    ID 674   Fashion Concept in Design   (2-2) 3
    The concept of fashion is outlined by the notion of style, image and socio-cultural taste; the nature of adoption of a new idea from the innovator throughout different levels of society and the lifecycle of that idea with an output of a product with the affects of the lives of the social individuals as being consumers; exercises on creation of images in the light of conceptual statements.

    ID 682 Techno-Industrial Aesthetics (3-0) 3
    An aesthetical   and artistically approach towards technological products. Physical, psychological, physiological basics of aesthetic experience and techno-industrial products.

    ID 683 Art and Communication (3-0) 3
    Art as an ideologic expression of a cultural product is also tool of communication which has got encoded messages. This course aims at evaluating the form-language and meta-language of the art movements in the past and present.

    ID 684 Industrial and Graphic Photography(2-2) 3
    Beginning with an overview of industrial photography the course leads through an overall consciousness of the students from choosing lenses and camera equipment to film types and technical data, lighting and to control, developing an printing processes everything from choosing lenses and camera equipment to film types end technical data, lighting and tone control, processing management and printing. This both practical and technical course also includes a series of design studies and introduce students how to use current visual theories and methods. It also enables students to produce alternative design students for their project by the means of using high-resolution 3D image manipulation software including Adobe Photoshop.

    ID 686 Cinema and Design (3-0) 3
    This course is designed to teach the student the basic methods of design both to create cinematographic space (setting, lightening, space design, decor, costume, computer-mediated animation film, etc.) and also the way of using the material products which used in the films.

    ID 8XX  Special Studies   (4-0) NC
    M.S. students choose and study a topic under the guidance of a faculty member normally his/her advisor.

    ID 9XX Special Topics (4-0) NC
    Graduate students as a group or a Ph.D. student choose and study advanced topics under the guidance of a faculty member normally his/her advisor.

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