Executive MBA Yüksek Lisans Programı

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Executive MBA Yüksek Lisans Programı

  • Program tanımları Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Executive MBA programı orta ve üst düzey yöneticilik yapmakta olan profesyonellerin Genel İşletmecilik alanında yüksek lisans derecesi almalarına  yönelik olarak tasarlanmıştır. Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi’nin seçkin öğretim kadrolarının haricinde iş dünyasının önde gelen yöneticileri ve danışmanlarının da eğitim vereceği Executive MBA programı, yurtdışındaki seçkin üniversitelerin ders programları örnek alınarak hazırlandı. Grup çalışmaları ve vaka analizleri ile işlenen konulara ek olarak her dönem bir kaç kez tekrarlanan seminer çalışmaları ile üstdüzey yönetici adaylarına klasik işletme fonksiyonlarının haricinde iş dünyası ile ilgili çok yönlü bilgi ve becerilerin kazandırılması hedeflenmektedir. Her türlü işletme faaliyetinin belli kriterlerle ölçümlenmesi, işletmelerin sosyal sorumlulukları; tahmin ve analiz yeteneklerinin geliştirilmesi E-MBA programının ağırlıklı konularını oluşturmaktadır. E-MBA Yüksek Lisans Programı’nda belli dersler teori ve pratik olmak üzere ayrı ayrı ve birbirini tamamlayıcı bir şekilde okutulacaktır.

    Ders Listesi

    Managerial Economics     

    Knowledge-Based Management and Organizations    

    Management Information Systems    

    E-commerce and E-business Management    

    Management of Technology    

    Practicum - Management of Change    

    Perspectives on Management    

    Practicum - Competition Strategy Game    

    Global Strategic Management    

    Government and Legal Environment of Workplace    

    Managerial Negotiations    

    Practicum - Managerial Communications

    Leadership Development    

    Business Ethics and Social Responsibility    

    Managing People at Workplace    

    Portfolio Theory and Money Management    

    Practicum - Portfolio Game    

    Practicum - Marketing Strategy Game    

    Marketing Management    

    New Product Development    

    Research Methods in Business    

    Fundamental & Technical Analysis in Finance Markets    

    Statistical Analysis for Management

    Decision Models Under Uncertainty

    Accounting and Finance    

    Practicum - Applications in Accounting and Finance    

    Managerial Accounting    

    Financial Issues in Entrepreneurship    


    Ders Tanımları

    Managerial Economics
    Managerial economics is a branch of economics that applies microeconomic analysis to business decisions. This course will gradually develop these economic concepts and show how they can be applied to managerial decisions. The concepts and principles that students learn in this course will serve as building blocks for the understanding of other business disciplines such as accounting, marketing, corporate finance and human resource management.

    Knowledge-Based Management and Organizations
    This course focuses on individualization of customer requirements, globalization and worldwide radius of action, heterogeneous structures and team orientation, worldwide intellectual competition, cuts and trends, self-determination and new values.

    Management Information Systems
    MIS provide important tools supporting delivery and adding credibility to an organization. This course focuses on capturing information and to store it. It helps students access stored information and manipulate it to the needs of a company. It also aims at controlling flow of information into, around and out of the system. Students will be able to produce reports, manage and track records of work.

    E-commerce and E-business Management
    The course reviews the history and current development of the field, exploring the relationship between traditional business and new economy. It introduces the concepts and terminology of modern e-business approaches, and deals with aspects in marketing, web technologies, security, legal issues, and search machines. It will also focus on the commerce aspects and explore electronic data interchange, electronic markets, and internet commerce.

    Management of Technology
    This course is concerned with exploring and understanding technology as a corporate resource that determines both the strategic and operational capabilities of the firm in designing and developing products and services for maximum customer satisfaction, corporate productivity, profitability and competitiveness. Managers who attend this course will be fit for competitive, technology-based companies who are adept in technology as they are in traditional business skills.

    Practicum - Management of Change
    Organizational change is a complex yet essential process for growth and development in business. This module of the course will examine the nature of this critical process in light of new developments in theory and experience. Covering fundamental concepts as well as including new ideas, this course covers the nature and process of transformational change, the basic concepts of change and new developments in our understanding of them, the need for and ways of aligning current tasks, systems processes, and culture with organizational goals, and the support systems required for change and new behavior and the need to develop and maintain these support systems.

    Perspectives on Management

    This course aims to apply the constructive critical attitude to contemporary organizational issues; to develop creative, deeper ways of looking at management both on contemporary theoretical developments and empirical research. It enables participants to become more sensitized to wider social, political, ethical, economic and philosophical issues that shape contemporary management and to consider future directions. There will be an implementation session included in this course.

    Global Strategic Management
    In an introduction to the strategic management of multinational corporations, students learn how to create competitive advantage in a global context. Three levels of analysis are presented: trends in the competitive environment in which multinational corporations operate; changing ways MNCs organize and conduct global operations; and changing roles of MNC management.There will be an implementation session included in this course.

    Practicum - Competition Strategy Game
    This course focuses on issues central to an enterprise's long and short term competitive position. Students take the role of key decision makers and address questions related to the creation or reinforcement of competitive advantage. Topics include industry analysis and competitive advantage as it derives from the firm's strategic investments, resource allocation, and organizational coalition.

    Government and Legal Environment of Workplace
    This course provides students with a basic understanding of how the law and the political process affect business strategy and decision making. Topics include how market infrastructure (contracts, commercial law, intellectual property, fraud law, and securities law) influences business strategy, with special emphasis on differences among countries.

    Managerial Negotiations
    This course is designed for managers who seek to learn how to become effective negotiators. A broad range of situations will be covered including negotiating a plant acquisition, resolving conflicts that deadlock negotiations, top management team negotiations over corporate strategy, creating strategic alliances, negotiating difficult personnel issues, being effective in low-power situations, and allocation decisions.

    Practicum - Managerial Communications
    This course aims to improve professional levels of workplace communication ability in managers to make them better leaders. The attendants of this course will develop core managerial strengths: the ability to develop, deliver, assess, and respond to messages that engage, inform, and persuade individuals and groups. In doing so, the student will understand that managerial communication is a multi-faceted, audience-conscious, strategic workplace tool. The students are expected to gain practical communication skills essential to contemporary workplace effectiveness. They will also learn how to acquire the judgment, creativity, analytic ability, confidence, and interpersonal skill to communicate effectively, efficiently, and ethically.

    Leadership Development
    The management theories, principles, and analytical methods needed to understand and execute effective business practices are emphasized. Main topics are to lead a team; to manage people in a global environment; to envision new approaches; to solve problems; to influence others;to integrate functional areas to achieve broad organizational goals; to understand and balance various factors in taking effective decisions. There will be an implementation session included in this course.

    Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
    The course has two aims: Fırstly, to navigate public policy surrounding ‘business ethics’. Topics will include shareholder rights, financial reporting, employee rights and responsibilities, international business. The second aim is to engage ‘business ethics’ as working individuals. The definition of ‘meaningful work’ will be given. Students will also discuss principles designed to aid assessment of developing a personel perspective.

    Managing People at Workplace
    This course develops some of the basic themes associated with managing people, making use of theories that transcend the workplace, such as the psychology of individual and group bahaviour. Concepts covered include motivation and job satisfaction, the ndesign of jobs and employee empowerment, group behaviour and teamwork, leadership, and alternative international models for managing employees.

    Portfolio Theory and Money Management
    Fundamental economic notions will be treated as preference relations and utility functions and show how these are applied in portfolio optimization and measure of risk. This will be done first for static markets and extended later on to a dynamic setting, where time is discrete. Finally options both in discrete and continuous time are considered and how stochastic control theory can be applied to find hedging or super hedging strategies are shown. There will also be an implementation session.

    Practicum - Portfolio Game
    This part of the course introduces the concepts and theories in which students practice the process of managing the assets of a mutual fund, including choosing and monitoring appropriate investments and allocating funds accordingly.

    Marketing Management
    Executive managers will confront the challenge of designing and implementing a successful combination of marketing variables to carry out a firm’s strategy in its target market. Managers will learn to apply analytic perspectives, decision tools and concepts of marketing to such decisions as product offering, communications programs, distribution channels and pricing.There will be an implementation session included in this course.

    Practicum - Marketing Strategy Game
    This part of the course introduces the concepts and theories underlying marketing decision making. As a follow up of marketing management course, students will be expected to weigh considerations behind each element of the marketing mix. A comprehensive computer simulation game will help highlight these issues and provides the class with a rich set of realistic examples for discussion and analysis.

    New Product Development
    In this course students will learn the elements of a world-class new product development process supported by real world examples and case analysis. The course will include the product development process, customer centric product development, global product development, product portfolio, project planning and project post operations review.There will be an implementation session included in this course.

    Research Methods in Business
    This course aims to set up a framework for conducting research in a scientific manner in all areas of business. Students will learn to develop practical knowledge and skills to understand and carry out research projects. This course also helps students understand the ways in which systematic research can be conducted to describe, explain, and predict phenomena of interest pertaining to business. Managerial relevance and ethical implications are covered in this course.

    Fundamental & Technical Analysis in Finance Markets
    Fundamental part of the course involves the use of financial and economic data to evaluate the liquidity, solvency, efficiency, and the earning potential of a given company. Technical analysis of the financial markets looks at the actual history of trading and the price of a security or index. This course will help measure the relative strength of buyers and sellers, and to formulate a risk strategy.

    Statistical Analysis for Management
    This course introduces statistical ideas as they apply to managers. Two key ideas will dominate the material of the course: summarizing and decribing data, and modeling variability and randomness using probability modes. The course also covers the use of two key statistical methodologies: regression analysis and experimentation. Attendents will learn techniques such as least squares estimation, tests and confidence intervals, correlation and autocorrelation, co-linearity, and randomization.

    Decision Models Under Uncertainty
    Decision making is often complicated by the dynamic and uncertain information involved. This course unifies and generalizes the major approaches to modeling and solving a subclass of such decision problems. The relevant problem characteristics include discrete problem parameters, separable optimality functions, and sequential decisions made in stages. The relevant approaches include semi-Markov decision processes, dynamic decision modeling, and decision-theoretic planning.

    Accounting and Finance
    The course covers an understanding of corporate financial accounting and its reporting. It provides an overview of the corporate entity’s financial accounting system, a review of the concepts and procedures; how the recorded items are measured and presented in the financial statements. The "textbook knowledge" and its application to the analysis and interpretation of "real world" corporate financial statements are emphasized. There is an implementation session included in this course.

    Practicum - Applications in Accounting and Finance
    This course in advanced financial management will cover a general view to corporate finance from the foundations of statement and cash flow analysis to the essentials of capital budgeting through strategic operational planning. In the business world it is essential to understand the financial decision making and how to best plan for the short and long term needs for corporations.

    Managerial Accounting
    This course will examine management accounting systems, including job order costing, standard costs and variance analysis, and their usefulness for decision-making and control. The problems of incentives and control within organizations and the role of accounting reports will be studied within this context. Activity-based costing, TQM, economic value added and balanced score card will be discussed. Extensive problem solving is used, including case studies.

    Financial Issues in Entrepreneurship
    This course is on entrepreneurship and enterprise development, with attention paid to the formation and management of new-business ventures. The role of entrepreneurship; identification of new venture opportunities; location and market analysis; legal and tax aspects; sources of financing; financial analysis and planning for personnel and organizational structure; the legal form of organization; intellectual property and copyrights; buy-sell agreements are topics covered in this course.

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