Program tanımlarıThe goal of the philosophy department at METU is to contribute to the cultural life of the community at large and to produce free-thinking individuals, through distinguished scholarly activity, research, and teaching. We are a pluralistic department in which the major thematic areas and historical periods are represented. Department members have research interests in such traditional areas as logic, philosophy of science, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics, as well as in newer fields like ecophilosophy and philosophy of technology. Analytic and Continental-historical approaches are both represented. The department is committed to creating and maintaining an intellectual environment conducive to the communication and sharing of ideas through conferences and regularly held seminars.
Students applying for admission to our M.S./Ph.D. program are normally required to take an interview. (In the case of applicants residing in foreign countries admission may be granted without the interview, and purely based on the documented credentials of the applicant) The applicant has the option to take the interview in English or Turkish. Through the interview, the interview committee will try to sense if the applicant has any real interest in and serious intent to study philosophy, and of course, has the ability to finish the degree. This includes the ability to produce an original dissertation.
Since English is the medium of instruction at the Middle East Technical University, applicants to any graduate program of the university are required to pass the English Proficiency Exam administered by the university. Applicants with adequate TOEFL or similar test scores do not have to take the English Proficiency Exam.
In order to be admitted to any graduate program in a university in Turkey, students have to take the LES exam (Lisansüstü Eğitim Sınavı). LES is administered by a government organization twice a year (in the months of May and December) in several cities in Turkey. It is similar in nature to the GRE Aptitude Test except it has only two parts, Verbal and Quantitative, and it is in Turkish. Non-Turkish citizens are normally expected to take the GRE in place of LES.
Ceylan, Yasin : Ph.D., University of Edinburgh ( Great Britain).
The Relationship between Theology and Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Medieval Metaphysics, Ethics
Ergüden, Akın : Ph.D., Michigan State University ( U.S.A.).
Philosophy of Communication, Methodology of Science, Political and Social Philosophy, Philosophy of History
Grünberg, Teo (Retired Professor, Part-time Faculty Member): Ph.D., Istanbul University.
Philosophy of Logic, Proof Theory, Intentional Logic, Knowledge and Epistemic Justification, Confirmation of Scientific Theories
İnam, Ahmet : Ph.D., Istanbul University.
Philosophical Problems in Intercultural Communication, Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Environment, Ethics, Philosophy of the Sentimental
Grünberg, David : Ph.D., Middle East Technical University.
Confirmation in Science; Analytic Philosophy with Special Interest in Theories of Meaning and Truth; Later Wittgenstein
Sayan, Erdinç : Ph.D., Ohio State University ( U.S.A.).
Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics, Analytic-Style Metaphysics, with Special Interest in the Problems of Causation, Space, Time, and Motion, Philosophy of Mind
Bağçe, Samet: Ph.D., London School of Economics University of London. ( Great Britain)
Philosophy and Methodology of Science with Special Attention to the Problems of Reason and Change in Science, and the "Context of Discovery"-"Context of Justification" Distinction; History and Philosophy of Geometry, with a Special Interest in the role of "Heuristics" in Geometrical Progress; Social Dimensions of Knowledge; Kant, Poincaré and Reichenbach
Bolender, John : Ph.D., Columbia University.
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology, Cognitive Sciences
Turan, Halil : Ph.D., Middle East Technical University.
Epistemology, Ethics, Political Philosophy, Metaphysics
Çırakman, Elif : Ph.D., Middle East Technical University.
Continental Philosophy, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel
Kocayiğit, Tahir: M.A., Middle East Technical University.
History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Time
Parkan, Barış : Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Process Philosophy (Whitehead), 19 th C. German Philosophy (Hegel), Value Theory, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics
Sol, Ayhan : Ph.D., Middle East Technical University.
Philosophy of Science, Environmental Philosophy (Conservation Problems, Environmental Ethics and Aesthetics), Science Ethics
Required Courses
PHIL 501 Research Methods
PHIL 504 Prothesis Seminar
PHIL 551 Advanced Logic I
PHIL 599 Master's Thesis
PHIL 800-899 Special Studies
5 electives
Elective Courses
PHIL 505 Confirmation of Scientific Theories I
PHIL 506 Confirmation of Scientific Theories II
PHIL 507 Philosophical Logic I
PHIL 508 Philosophical Logic II
PHIL 510 Topics in Epistemology
PHIL 511 Graduate Readings in Philosophy
PHIL 512 Graduate Readings in Philosophy II
PHIL 513 Graduate Readings in Philosophy III
PHIL 514 Graduate Readings in Philosophy IV
PHIL 515 Philosophy of Technology I
PHIL 516 Philosophy of Technology II
PHIL 517 Philosophy of Communication I
PHIL 518 Philosophy of Communication II
PHIL PHIL 521 Studies in the History of Science I
PHIL 522 Studies in the History of Science II
PHIL 523 Studies in Philosophy of Science I
PHIL 524 Studies in Philosophy of Science II
PHIL 525 Measurement and Evaluation
PHIL 527 Philosophy in Science
PHIL 529 Philosophy of Biology
PHIL 530 Studies in Greek Philosophy: Hellenistic Philosophers
PHIL 540 Special Issues in Philosophy I
PHIL 541 Special Issues in Islamic Philosophy I
PHIL 542 Special Issues in Islamic Philosophy II
PHIL 544 Special Issues in Philosophy II
PHIL 545 Graduate Readings in Turkish-Islamic Philosophy I
PHIL 546 Graduate Readings in Turkish-Islamic Philosophy II
PHIL 550 Major Philosophers I
PHIL 553 Scientific Explanation
PHIL 554 Scientific Concepts and Theories
PHIL 555 Analytic Philosophy and the Analytic Tradition
PHIL 556 Major Philosophers II
PHIL 560 Studies in Political Philosophy and Ethics: Constractarianism
PHIL 571 Eco-Philosophy: Philosophy of Environment I
PHIL 572 Eco-Philosophy: Philosophy of Environment II
PHIL 580 Bioethics and Biopolitics: New Dimensions in Moral Philosophy
Ders İçerikleri
PHIL 501 Research Methods (Araştırma Yöntemleri):
Bu derste uluslararası düzeyde felsefe makalesi yazma yöntemleri ve bunun için gerekli araştırma teknikleri öğretilmektedir.
An advanced paper-writing workshop aiming to teach students methods and techniques of research and publication in philosophy.
PHIL 504 Prothesis Seminar (Tez öncesi Seminer):
Yüksek lisans derecesine aday öğrencilerin tezleriyle ilgili bir konuda verecekleri bir seminer.
A seminar to be given by each Master�s degree candidate related to her/his thesis topic.
PHIL 505 Confirmation of Scientific Theories I ( Bilimsel Kuramların DoğrulanmasıI):
Kuram doğrulamada Bayesci, varsayımlı-tümdengelimli ve "bootstrapping" (çizme çekeceği) modelleri; doğrulamada idealizasyon ve yuvarlamanın (approximation) önemi. Geçmişte apaçık olan sorunu.
The hypothetico-deductive, Bayesian, and "bootstrapping"models of theory confirmation. Importance of idealizations and approximations for confirmation in science. The problem of old evidence.
PHIL 506 Confirmation of Scientific Theories II ( Bilimsel Kuramların Doğrulanması II ):
PHIL 505 'in devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 505 .
PHIL 507 Philosophical Logic I ( Felsefî Mantık I ):
Kipler mantığı, içlem mantığı: süreler mantığı, bilgi kuramı mantığı, ödev mantığı.
Modal and intentional logics. Tense logic, epistemic logic, deontic logic.
PHIL 508 Philosophical Logic II ( Felsefî Mantık II ):
PHIL 507 'nin devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 507 .
PHIL 510 Topics in Epistemology ( Bilgi Kuramında Ana Konular ):
Bilgi kuramının ana konuları üzerine bir çalışma.
Study of selected topics in epistemology.
PHIL 511 Graduate Readings in Philosophy I ( İleri Düzeyde Felsefe Okumaları I ):
Tarih ve sosyal bilimlerdeki temel felsefe metinleri üzerine incelemeler.
Examination of major philosophical texts in history and social sciences.
PHIL 512 Graduate Readings in Philosophy II ( İleri Düzeyde Felsefe Okumaları II ):
PHIL 511 'in devamı. Ön koşul: Öğretim üyesinin öğrencinin dersi almasını uygun görmesi gerekmektedir.
A continuation of PHIL 511. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
PHIL 513 Graduate Readings in Philosophy III ( İleri Düzeyde Felsefe Okumaları III ):
PHIL 512 'nin devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 512.
PHIL 514 Graduate Readings in Philosophy IV ( İleri Düzeyde Felsefe Okumaları IV ):
PHIL 513 'ün devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 513.
PHIL 515 Philosophy of Technology I ( Teknoloji Felsefesi I ):
Teknolojinin değerlendirilmesi, teknoloji değerbilgisi (teknoaksioloji), artan teknolojik gücün getirdiği sorumluluk, teknolojiye ilişkin tarihsel, bilgi kuramsal ve metafizik problemler, bilişim ve bilgisayar, yeni ortaya çıkmış bir felsefe alanı olarak teknoloji felsefesinin sorunları.
Technology assessment, technoaxiology, responsibility of increased technological power, historical, epistemological, and metaphysical problems regarding technology, information and computers, the problems of philosophy of technology as a recently emerged philosophical discipline.
PHIL 516 Philosophy of Technology II ( Teknoloji Felsefesi II ):
PHIL 515 'in devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 515.
PHIL 517 Philosophy of Communication I ( İletişim Felsefesi I ):
Ders, 1) Öğrencinin, insanın yapıp etmelerindeki dil, doğruluk, ussallık ve yönelim arasındaki bağıntılardan kaynaklanan iletişim sorunlarına ilişkin kavrayışını geliştirmeyi; 2) Felsefi ve kılgısal sorunlarda kanıtlayıcı söylem kuramı ve bu söylemin kullanımına yönelik bilgisini artırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçları gerçekleştirmek için, iletişim felsefesine geleneksel (Eskiçağ, Ortaçağ, Modern) ve çağdaş yaklaşımlar ve bu yaklaşımların çeşitli iletişim sorunlarına getirdikleri çözümler üzerine gereken ölçülerde yoğunlaşılmaktadır.
The course aims at: 1) Improving the student's understanding of the problems of communication stemming from the relationship between language, truth, rationality and intentionality of human action; 2) to increase his knowledge of the theory and use of argumentative discourse in philosophical and practical problems. To this end, this course will proportionally focus on traditional (ancient, mediveal, modern) and contemporary approaches to philosophy of communication and their solutions to various communication problems.
PHIL 518 Philosophy of Communication II ( İletişim Felsefesi II ):
PHIL 517 'nin devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 517 .
PHIL 521 Studies in the History of Science I ( Bilim Tarihinde Çalışmalar I ):
Tarihsel bir bakış açısından bilimsel kuramların değişimi üzerine çalışmalar.
Studies in change of scientific theories in historical perspective.
PHIL 522 Studies in the History of Science II ( Bilim Tarihi Üzerine Çalışmalar II ):
Phil 521 'in devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 521 .
PHIL 523 Studies in Philosophy of Science I ( Bilim Felsefesinde Çalışmalar I ):
Çağdaş bilim felsefesindeki çeşitli sorunların tartışılması. Bu konularda yeni felsefî görüşler üzerine eleştirel değerlendirmeler.
Discussion of various problems in contemporary philosophy of science. Critical assessment of recent philosophical views on these issues.
PHIL 524 Studies in Philosophy of Science II ( Bilim Felsefesinde Çalışmalar II ):
Phil 523 'ün devamı
A continuation of PHIL 523 .
PHIL 525 Measurement and Evaluation ( Ölçüm ve Değerlendirme ):
Sürekli ve süreksiz değişkenler. İçlemsel ve kaplamsal nitelikler. Ölçüm ölçekleri. Değerlendirme mantığı.
Continuous and discrete variables. Intensive and extensive qualities. Scales of measurement. The logic of evaluation.
PHIL 527 Philosophy in Science ( Bilimde Felsefe ):
Mantıkçı Deneyci bilim felsefesi. Mantıkçı Deneyciliğin kökenleri. Doğrulama. Kuramsal terimler. Açıklama. Yanlışlama. Bilimin yeni görüntüsü. Algılama ve kuram. Bilimde ön varsayımlar. Bilimsel devrimler. Buluş bağlamı ve temellendirme bağlamı. Bilimde temel bilgi kuramsal ve metafizik sorunlar. Bilimsel bilgi ve bilimsel doğruluk.
The logical empiricist philosophy of science. The origins of logical empiricism. Confirmation. Theoretical terms. Explanation. Falsification. The new image of science. Perception and theory. Presuppositions in science. Scientific revolutions. Context of discovery and context of justification. Some basic epistemological and metaphysical problems in science. Rationality. Scientific knowledge and scientific truth.
PHIL 540 Special Issues in Philosophy I ( Felsefede Özel Konular I ):
Belli bir felsefe dizgesinin ya da bir felsefe sorununun kurulması üzerine çalışmalar
Studies in the formalization of a particular philosophical system or problem.
PHIL 541 Special Issues in Islamic Philosophy I ( İslam Felsefesi'nde Özel Konular I ):
İslam Felsefesi'ne içkin sorunlar ve bu sorunlara El Farabî, İbn-i Sinâ, Gazzali, Sadra ve İbn-i Arâbî gibi önemli filozofların getirdikleri çözümler.
Immanent issues in Islamic philosophy with solutions by important philosophers such as Al Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ghazzali, Sadra and Ibn Arabi.
PHIL 542 Special Issues in Islamic Philosophy II ( İslam Felsefesi'nde Özel Konular II ):
Phil 541 'in devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 541 .
PHIL 544 Special Issues in Philosophy II ( Felsefede Özel Konular II ):
Phil 540 'ın devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 540 .
PHIL 545 Graduate Readings in Turkish-Islamic Philosophy I ( Türk-İslam Felsefesi'nde İleri Düzeyde Okumalar I ):
El Farabî, İbn-i Sinâ, İbn-i Rüşd, Mevlâna, Sadr ald-Din, El Kuaravî ve Kemal Paşazade gibi içkinci Türk-İslam filozoflarının çalışmalarından seçme okumalar.
Selected readings from the works of immanentist. Turkish and Islamic philosophers such as Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Mevlana, Sadr ald-Din, al Quarawi and Kemal Pashazade.
PHIL 546 Graduate Readings in Turkish-Islamic Philosophy II ( Türk-İslam Felsefesi'nde İleri Düzeyde Okumalar II ):
Phil 545 'in devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 545 .
PHIL 550 Major Philosophers I ( Önemli Filozoflar I ):
Önemli bir filozofun felsefesi üzerine yoğunlaşan, bu filozofun düşüncesinin felsefe tarihindeki yerini ve önemini ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bir çalışma.
Intensive study of the work of a major philosopher with a view to delineating the significance for the whole body of philosophical knowledge.
PHIL 551 Advanced Logic I ( İleri Düzeyde Mantık I ):
Biçimsel dizgeler için kanıtlama kuramı ve doğrulam kuramı. Yinelge kuramı.
Proof theory and model theory of formal systems. Recursion theory.
PHIL 552 Advanced Logic II ( İleri Düzeyde Mantık II ):
Phil 551 'in devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 552 .
PHIL 553 Scientific Explanation ( Bilimsel Açıklama ):
Bilimin doğası ve yöntemleri. Bilimsel yasalar ve yasaya benzer önesürüşler. Nedensellik ilkesi. Bilimsel açıklamanın mantıkça çözümlenmesi. Açıklama türleri. Bilimsel açıklama üzerine son görüşlerin eleştirel bir gözle değerlendirmesi.
The nature and methods of science. Scientific laws and lawlike statements. The principle of causality. Logical analysis of scientific explanation. Kinds of explanation. Critical appraisal of current views on scientific explanation.
PHIL 554 Scientific Concepts and Theories ( Bilimsel Kavramlar ve Kuramlar ):
Kavramın oluşturulması: Bilimde tanım, sınıflandırıcı, karşılaştırıcı ve nicel kavramlar. Gözlem dili, kuram dili ve karşılık kuralları. Kuramsal terimler sorunu. Bilimsel kuramların ve bilimsel modellerin doğası.
Concept formation: Definition in science, classificatory, comparative, and quantitative concepts. Observation language, theoretical language, and correspondence rules. The problem of theoretical terms. The nature of scientific theories and models.
PHIL 555 Analytic Philosophy and the Analytic Tradition ( Çözümleyici Felsefe ve Çözümleyici Gelenek ):
Çözümleyici geleneğin öncüleri, kurucuları. Mantıkçı Deneyciler. Gündelik dil felsefesi ve biçimsel dil felsefesi. Çözümleyici felsefenin tanımı; felsefe ve bilim; metafizik bilgi savlarının felsefece çözümlenmesi, deneyci anlam ölçütü.
The forerunners and the founders of the analytic tradition. The logical Empiricists. The ordinary-language and the formal-language philosophy. Definition of analytic philosophy; philosophy and science; philosophical analysis of metaphysical knowledge claims; the empirical criterion of meaning.
PHIL 556 Major Philosophers II ( Önemli Filozoflar II ):
Phil 550 'nin devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 550 .
PHIL 571 Eco-Philosophy: Philosophy of Environment I ( Çevre Felsefesi I ):
Çevre sorunları üzerine felsefe tartışmaları.
Philosophical discussions of environmental problems.
PHIL 572 Eco-Philosophy: Philosophy of Environment II ( Çevre Felsefesi II ):
Phil 571'in devamı.
A continuation of PHIL 571 .
PHIL 580 Bioethics and Biopolitics: New Dimensions in Moral Philosophy ( Biyoetik ve Biyopolitika: Ahlâk Felsefesinde Yeni Boyutlar ):
Etiğin günümüzde geçirdiği dönüşüm, yeni ahlâk sorunları. Biyo-tıp etkinlik, insan-doğa ilişkisi gibi bağlamlarda değer sorunları üzerine araştırmalar.Yaşamküreye insanın müdahalesi sonucunda ortaya çıkan çevre sorunları üzerine etik bir çalışma olarak biyopolitika.
New moral issues involved in the transformation of Ethics in our time. Inquiry in value problems in different settings such as biomedical activity and man-nature relationship. Biopolitics as ethical study of environmental (ecological) issues with man's impact on the biosphere as the origin.