Fizik Doktora Programı

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Fizik Doktora Programı

  • Program tanımları DERS İÇERİKLERİ

    PHYS 600 NC Ph.D. Thesis

    (Program of research leading to Ph.D. degree arranged between the student and a faculty member. Students register to this course in all semesters starting from the beginning of their third semester.)

    PHYS 691 (0-2)NC Advanced Seminar in Physics
    Ph.D. Students study and present a topic under the guidance of a faculty member.

    PHYS 693 (1-0)1 Advanced Directed Studies in Physics
    Ph.D. Students prepare an advanced topic in the form of project or seminar in contemporary physics other than their research fields.

    PHYS 729 (3-0)3 Special Topics in Low Dimensional Field Theories
    Abelian and non-Abelian Chern-Simons theories. Quantization of C-S theories. Field theoretic approaches to superconductivity, quantum hall effect and other low dimensional phenomena. Lower dimensional gravitation.

    PHYS 7XX (2-2;3-0)3 Special Topics in Physics
    Courses not listed in the catalogue. Contents vary from year to year according to interest of students and instructor in charge.

    PHYS 9XX (4-0)NC Advanced Studies
    Graduate students as a group or a Ph.D. student choose and study advanced topics under the guidance of a faculty member, normally his/her advisor.
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