İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Doktora Programı

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İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Doktora Programı


    The Ph.D. program is open to students holding an M.A. degree in English Language Education or Applied Linguistics, but those who have a similar degree in related disciplines may also be admitted provided that they complete a certain number of prerequisite courses following their admission. The requirements of the Ph.D. program consist of a minimum of 30 credit hours of course work beyond the M.A. degree spread over a maximum of four semesters followed by a qualifying examination, the submission of a dissertation and its oral defense. The successful completion of the program leads to the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in English Language Education (Ingiliz Dili Egitimi Doktora Diplomasi).


    First Semester
    FLED 611     Asp. of Bilingualism     
    FLED 631     Teacher Ed. in Engl. as a Foreign Lang.     
    FLED 680-689, 691-699     Special Topics in Applied Linguistics     
    Appl. Ling. Elective     

    Second Semester

    FLED 602     Adv. Res. Meth.
    FLED 634     Field Work
    FLED 680-689, 691-699     Special Topics in Applied Ling.     
    Appl. Ling. Elective  


    FLED 501 Research Methods (Arastirma Yontemleri) (3+0+0) 3
    Introduction to the basic concepts and processes of research in second language learning with emphasis on data collection and analysis.

    FLED 511 Theories of Second Language Acquisition (3+0+0) 3
    (Ikinci Dil Edinim Kuramlari)

    Analysis of major theories of second language acquisition. Each theory to be examined with respect to second language development, relations between first and second language acquisition, and second language research.

    FLED 512 Sociolinguistic Issues in Second Language Acquisition (3+0+0) 3
    (Ikinci Dil Kazaniminda Toplumsal Dilbilim Sorunlari)

    Examination of the applications to second language acquisition of sociolinguistic and sociopsychological paradigms.

    FLED 513 Psycholinguistic Issues in Second Language Acquisition (3+0+0) 3
    (Ikinci Dil Kazaniminda Ruhsal Dilbilim Sorunlari)

    Study of second language acquisition from a psycholinguistic perspective. Examination of such factors as the learner's development in the second language, the learner's contribution to second language learning, and the learner's situation.

    FLED 515 Cross-Cultural Communication and Language Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Kulturlerarasi Iletisim ve Dil Egitimi)

    Discussion of how such factors as culture and perception, cultural learning, or differences across cultures in verbal and nonverbal communication may affect second language learning and teaching.

    FLED 522 Analysis of Current Methods in English Language Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Ingilizce Egitiminde Guncel Yontemler)

    Critical appraisal of current approaches, methods, and techniques of English language teaching. Evaluation of class procedures and observation techniques.

    FLED 524 Approaches to Teaching Language Skills (3+0+0) 3
    (Dil Becerileri Ogretimine Yaklasimlar)

    Demonstration and discussion of materials and techniques for teaching listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

    FLED 542 Syllabus Design and Materials Development/Evaluation (3+0+0) 3
    (Duzence Deseni ve Gerec Gelistirme/Degerlendirme)

    Principles of syllabus design, implementation, and evaluation. Discussion of ways in which theories of language learning can be incorporated into designing materials for specific language skills. Development, adaptation and evaluation of materials. Production of a syllabus design with a sample lesson.

    FLED 543 Educational Technology in English Language Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Ingilizce Egitiminde Egitim Teknolojisi)

    The nature, scope, and application of instructional technology systems to English language teaching. The use of software and hardware in language teaching. Selection and evaluation of instructional media in learning English.

    FLED 544 Principles of Foreign Language Testing (3+0+0) 3
    (Yabanci Dil Sinama Ilkeleri)

    Examination of current methods for classroom and standardized foreign language testing and evaluation. Discrete-point versus integrative approaches to testing. Focus on test construction and evaluation.

    FLED 551 Pedagogical Grammar of English (3+0+0) 3
    (Ingilizcenin Ogretsel Dilbilgisi)

    Survey of English grammar from the pedagogical point of view. Use and usage distinction emphasized. Discussion of the grammatical structures of English as units of usage for selection, their grading and presentation in the domain of use.

    FLED 552 Discourse Analysis and English Language Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Soylem Cozumlemesi ve Ingilizce Egitimi)

    Analysis of spoken and written English discourse through sociolinguistic, psycho and linguistic perspectives. Role of discourse analysis in second language learning and use. Cross-cultural implications of discourse analysis.

    FLED 571 Literature in English Language Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Ingilizce Egitiminde Edebiyat)

    Review and appraisal of conventional approaches to the use of literature in English language teaching. Discussion of the contributions of the communicative approach to the teaching of literature in English as a foreign language.

    FLED 579 Graduate Seminar (Lisansustu Seminer) (0+1+0) 0 P/F
    The widening of students' perspectives and awareness of topics of interests through seminars.

    FLED 580-599 Special Topics in English Language Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Ingilizce Egitiminde Ozel Konular)

    Readings and discussions on selected topics in English language teaching. Content may vary from one year to another.

    FLED 602 Advanced Research Methods (4+0+0) 4
    (Ileri Duzey Arastirma Yontemleri)

    Examination of different research methods in second language learning. Focus on procedures of observational and correlational studies. Constructing research designs, hypotheses, and questionnaires.

    FLED 611 Aspects of Bilingualism (Ciftdilliligin Kesitleri) (4+0+0) 4
    Study of bilingual societies, language choice by bilinguals, bilingual language acquisition, and effects of bilingualism on language structure and use.

    FLED 631 Teacher Education in English as a Foreign Language (4+0+0) 4
    (Ingilizce Ogretmeni Yetistirme)

    Teaching the teacher trainers in various aspects of English as a foreign language in Turkey.

    FLED 634 Field Work (Alan Calismasi) (2+0+4) 4
    Guided individual study in observation, evaluation, and revision of programs or courses in English language teaching.

    FLED 680-689, 691-699 Special Topics in Applied Linguistics (4+0+0) 4
    (Uygulamali Dilbilimde Ozel Konular)

    Advanced study of special subjects in applied linguistics.

    FLED 690 Master's Thesis (Yuksek Lisans Tezi)
    Design and completion of a research project on a topic of student's special interest under the supervision of a thesis advisor.

    FLED 790 Doctoral Dissertation (Doktora Tezi)
    Design and completion of an original research project on a major topic of student's particular interest under the supervision of a dissertation advisor. 
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