International Business Program - Loyola University Maryland

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International Business Program - Loyola University Maryland

  • Programın amacı The proposed course is an answer to the training needs of the US pre-degree certificate students that must experience a stay at universities away from their home country, and on the other hand, also to meet the needs of the pre-degree Spanish students that wish to carry out their business studies with the North American method of teaching. In this direction, the course has been outlined as a joint certificate of the Loyola College in Maryland and the University of Alcalá and is entirely taught in English following a North American university’s teaching methodology. To access the course the students must have a good enough command of English to understand the classes and work in teams together with the Loyola College students that attend the Programme. The international focus of the Programme is reflected in the humanistic and business contents of the course and the origin of the teaching staff and students. The Course includes five subjects: Business Ethics, International Finance, International Marketing, North American Literature and Theology. At the end of the course, the students should have the general knowledge to understand how the international finance markets work, get to known the most innovative marketing trends in the current globalized world and make use of the company’s .ethic behaviour codes. Likewise, the students will have a general knowledge of the North American literature in order to have available the interpretation keys of the North American Society. We are convinced this training offer we are presenting is an answer to the personal and professional needs and demands as well as of those derived from the market that encourages qualified incorporations to the participants’ companies.
  • Program tanımları Entry Requirements:

    It is a joint programme that includes the pre-degree Loyola College students that have come to carry out a Term abroad, as well as the CIFF Master in Finance students, and the UAH (University of Alcalá de Henares) students

    Course Description:

    At the beginning of the course an Outdoor activity will be run in Sigüenza, to encourage the team spirit and strengthen bonds among the students.

    The programme is divided in the following subjects:

    I. BUSINESS ETHICS 45 horas



    IV.THEOLOGY 45 horas

    45 horas

    135 horas o 225 HORAS

    It is a course that proposes to offer three or five subjects, depending on the student’s choice, as Theory and English Literature are optional subjects.

    The students from the Loyola College will in addition study the following subjects:

    V. SPANISH LANGUAGE( taught by Alcalingua) 45 horas

    VI.SPANISH CULTURE( taught by Alcalingua) 45 Horas


    This course emphasizes the role of marketing in creating value for customers, which in turn leads to value for other stakeholders in a firm (e.g., owners, shareholders, employees). The main objectives of the first course are to improve your ability to:

    1. Assess market opportunities by analyzing customers, competitors and the strengths and
    weaknesses of a company.

    2. Design effective marketing strategies to maximize a company’s chance of success in the markets in which they compete.

    This course is divided into four main parts:

    1. Int’l environment (legal structure, international agreement, correlation economics with marketing…)  

    2. The market analysis will take into consideration customer insights, competitive analysis and segmentation

    3. The strategy development that will suppose the study of the strategic options, the market assessment and targeting, relationship strategy and positioning.

    4. The study of the 4P (price, product, promotion and place) + Branding

    Maria-José LOPEZ
    ABD. Prof. Loyola / Delegate in Spain

    Tanguy JACOPIN
    PhD Sorbonne & Post-doctorate Columbia Univ. – Prof. CIFF

    Law Juris – Prof. CIFF

    Carmen YEBRA
    PhD. Candidate - Comillas Univ

    Alfonso CAMANO
    Former General Manager BBVA – Prof. CIFF


    It has an eminently practical focus, in which the students participate actively in solving cases and simulation exercises of real situations, carrying out individual and group works. The students must learn to solve problems, contribute to solutions and be flexible and innovative, learning to adapt to the real needs and using all the available information and knowledge acquired to work in a team within a professional environment.  


    The international nature of our environment is a reality that affects any activity, specially the financial environment in which a good command in English qualifies the professional and determines his/her orientation in the international and global environment. This is why the subjects are taught in English.

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