Kentsel Sistemler ve Ulaştırma Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programı

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Kentsel Sistemler ve Ulaştırma Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programı

  • Giriş gereklilikleri Kentsel Sistemler ve Ulaştırma Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programı Kabul Koşulları: * Üniversitelerin dört yıllık ilgili lisans programından başarıyla mezun olmak. * ALES sınavında sayısal kategoriden en az 55 puan almış olmak. Mühendislik lisans programlarından mezun olan öğrenciler programa doğrudan başlayacaklar; diğer lisans programlarından mezun olan öğrenciler ise, bilgi altyapıları göz önünde tutularak, bir ya da iki yarıyıllık bilimsel hazırlık programına alınacaklardır. Bilimsel hazırlık programında okutulacak dersler, öğrencinin danışmanının önerileri doğrultusunda Enstitü Kurulu tarafından belirlenecektir.
  • Program tanımları
    Kentsel Sistemler ve Ulaştırma Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programı, tezli ve tezsiz seçenekleri bulunan, eğitim dili Türkçe olan bir programdır.

    Tezli program, 21 kredilik 7 ders, seminer ve tez çalışmasından oluşmaktadır. Tezsiz program, 30 kredilik 10 ders, seminer ve proje çalışmasından oluşmaktadır. Her iki program da en erken 3 yarıyılda tamamlanabilir.


    Kentsel Sistemler ve Ulaştırma Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programının amacı, dört yıllık ilgili lisans bölümlerinden mezun olmuş bireylere kent ve ulaştırma sistemleri hakkında üst düzey bilgi ve uzmanlık kazandırmaktır. Bu program, kariyerini geliştirmek isteyen bireylere ulaştırma ve planlama sistemlerine yönelik olarak ülkemiz koşullarına uygun yaratıcı ve yenilikçi fikirler sunarak ve aldıkları görevlerde etkinliklerini arttırarak yardımcı olur. Program genel mühendislik ve planlama konularındaki problemleri çok disiplinli yaklaşımlar dahilinde çözebilmek için gerekli olan bilgileri de içinde barındırır. Bu programa katılanlar, kamu ve özel kuruluşlarda yönetici ve planlamacı pozisyonlarının gerektirdiği organizasyon, planlama, karar alma ve yönetim yetkinliklerini kazanır.

    Kentsel Sistemler ve Ulaştırma Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans Programı temel olarak,
    • Kentsel sistemler ve ulaştırma yönetimi konusunda bilgi ve deneyim elde ederek kariyerlerini geliştirmek isteyen ilgili bölüm mezunu bireyleri,
    • Çalıştığı kurumlarda planlama ve yönetim kademelerini hedefleyen bireyleri,
    • Çok disiplinli bir yaklaşım çerçevesinde planlama ve yönetim becerisi kazanmak isteyen bireyleri,
    • İlgili alanda daha üst düzeyde akademik çalışma yapmaya hazırlanan katılımcıları

    hedeflemektedir. Bu programa ilgili her hangi bir lisans derecesi olanlar başvurabilir.

    Kentsel Sistemler ve Ulaştırma Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans programında, öğrencileri kendi kariyer planlarına uygun karma bir program seçebilecekleri gibi günümüzün şartlarına göre tanımlanmış alt uzmanlık modüllerinden herhangi birini de seçebilir. Seçmeli derslerin farklı gruplandırılması ile aşağıdaki iki ayrı alanda uzmanlaşma sağlanabilir.

    Kentsel Sistemler Yönetimi Alanı; şehir problemleri ve çözümlerine yönelik disiplinlerarası bir eğitim vermeyi hedeflemektedir. Çevresel, mimari, kültürel yaklaşımlar ile şehircilik yaklaşımını bir araya getirmeyi ve bu bakış açısından yeni çözümler sunmayı hedeflemektedir.

    Ulaştırma Sistemleri Yönetimi Alanı; şehrin tüm dinamiklerini ele alarak, özellikle günümüzde büyük şehirlerimizde büyük bir problem haline gelmiş olan ulaştırmaya yeni yaklaşımlar ve çözümler sunmayı hedeflemektedir.

    Kentsel Sistemler ve Ulaştırma Yönetimi öğrencilerinin programda belirtilen dört dersi alması zorunludur, öğrenciler seçmek istedikleri uzmanlık alanına bağlı olarak, koordinatörlerinin önerisi çizgisinde, kısıtlı ders havuzundan en az iki ders seçmek zorundadırlar. Proje dersi tezsiz yüksek lisans programında herkese zorunludur. Öğrenciler kalan kredilerini kısıtlı seçmeli ya da serbest seçmeli ders havuzlarındaki derslerden tamamlayabilir. Her öğrenci program dersleri dışında başka programlardan en fazla bir ders alabilir. Bu dersler Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü ya da Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü bünyesindeki programlardan ilgili program koordinatörlerinin de onayı ile alınabilir.

    Ders Listesi

    Transportation Engineering and Planning     
    Urban Transportation Systems    
    Urban Landscape Design    
    Urban Systems    
    Urban Logistics    
    Port and Terminal Management    
    Urban Travel Demand Modeling    
    Geographic Information System Applications    
    Public Area and Accessibility    
    Transportation Systems Analysis    
    Spatial and Social Dynamics in Metropolitan Cities    
    Tunnel Management Systems in Road Networks    
    Landscape Design    
    Free Area Management    
    Park Conversion Projects    
    Ship Management    
    Container Shipping in Naval Transportation    
    Public Infrastructure Management
    Land Use Ethics and Management    
    3D Modeling and Laser Scanning Technologies    
    Material Science    
    Intermodal Transportation    
    Urban Morphology    
    Traffic Management and Control    
    Intelligent Transportation Systems    
    Transportation Economics    
    Transportation I
    Transportation II    
    Disaster and Emergency Management    
    Metropolitan Administration    
    Urban Law    
    City and Urban Development    
    Waste Management    
    Environmental Effects of Transportation    
    Urban Economics and Finance Management    

    Ders Tanımları

    Transportation Engineering and Planning
    Transportation and socio-economical development. Development of transport. Transport modes. Land transportation. Air transportation. Water transportation. Pipelines, infrastructures of transport modes. Terminals. Operating characteristics of transport modes. Performance criteria. Capacity. Traffic flexibility. Safety. Urban transport systems. Future developments in transportation. Aim of transportation planning. Outline of transportation planning process. Environmental effects of transportation. Management in transportation.

    Urban Transportation Systems
    Introduction and basic definitions, urban structure, historical development of cities, urban activities, urban transportation demand, urban transportation characteristics, urban transportation systems, characteristics and performance, urban transportation planning stages, demand management in urban transportation.

    Urban Landscape Design
    Urban landscape design, urban landscape project, urban recreation, recreation possibilities in cities, free urban areas, landscape design.

    Urban Systems
    Urban development process, human actions and urban systems, demographic change and emigration, evaluation of urban systems, urban dynamics, urban system analysis, globalization and global networks, information and telecommunication technologies.

    Urban Logistics
    Logistics theorem, evaluation of logistics, logistics management, basic logistic activities, supply chain management, outsourcing, 3PL, 4PL, simple and active logistics, e-logistics, urban logistics, importance of urban logistics, definition and contents, elements and sides of urban logistics, problems and solutions about urban transportation, logistics/transportation sectors and centers in Turkey, classification of logistic centers, organized logistic zones, basic characteristics, services in OLZ, OLZ size determination, location selection for OLZ, feasibility study for OLZs.

    Port and Terminal Management
    Definition of ports, functions, activity fields and classification. Organizational and administrative structure of ports, applications in our country. Organization of sea and port traffic. Planning and management of port infrastructure/superstructure. Public and private firms serving in ports. Technical terms used in port management.

    Urban Travel Demand Modeling
    Basic sampling theorem, practical applications in sampling, errors in modeling and forecast, data collecting methods, network and zone systems, modern approaches for travel demand modeling, practical applications and errors, forecast methods, modern approaches for traffic assignments.

    Geographic Information System Applications
    Definitions about GIS, GIS application, geographic data types and sources, GIS components, GIS stages, planning of city and transportation, application samples.

    Public Area and Accessibility
    Disabled person definition, grouping and characteristics, legal outline, physical outline, difficulties, accessibility, actions that would be taken in public areas, international design principles.

    Transportation Systems Analysis
    Introduction: the profession of transportation systems analysis, interrelationships between transportation system and activity system. The demand for transportation: disaggregate prediction of behavior, utility functions and indifference curve, deterministic model for consumer behavior, stochastic model for consumer behavior, aggregate prediction of behavior. Transportation supply: cost functions. Transportation system performance: understanding performance functions, carrier operations planning, network analysis, evaluation and choice, cost-benefit analysis and multi-criteria evaluation techniques of transportation projects.

    Spatial and Social Dynamics in Metropolitan Cities
    Rural area, rural settlement concepts, metropolitan settlement concepts, industrial cities, global cities, economical structure, social structure, Istanbul urban macroform, globalization effect on communal structure.

    Tunnel Management Systems in Road Networks
    Traffic system analysis in tunnels, tunnel illumination systems, tunnel ventilation systems, traffic signalization in tunnels, energy obtaining systems in tunnels, tunnel fire alarm and extinguishing systems, tunnel radio systems, tunnel automation.

    Landscape Design
    Landscape definition and types, subject of landscape architecture, relations of landscape design with planning, engineering and art, different application scales of landscape design, design elements with samples, area forms, types, landscape elements, landscape structures.

    Free Area Management
    Importance of free and green areas in emergency conditions, accessibility and permanence, distribution of free areas between zones, closeness to the risky zones in emergency conditions, establishment and management.

    Park Conversion Projects
    Earthquake parks, area selection for park conversion projects, selection criteria, planning and management, determination of necessary areas for earthquake parks.

    Ship Management
    Earthquake parks, area selection for park conversion projects, selection criteria, planning and management, determination of necessary areas for earthquake parks.

    Container Shipping in Naval Transportation
    Definition and types of containers, importance of container shipping in naval transportation, container ships and types, container terminal planning, management, intermodal transportation.

    Public Infrastructure Management
    Infrastructure management, infrastructure organizations and systems, public infrastructure monitoring and evaluation, public infrastructure planning, public infrastructure programming and budgeting, public infrastructure design, project development, public infrastructure environmental impact assessment, public infrastructure construction, public infrastructure operations, public infrastructure maintenance, case studies about public infrastructure management, summary, conclusion, and future directions.

    Land Use Ethics and Management
    Location versus land use, explanations of spatial structure; Three-dimensional 'space' versus two-dimensional 'land' (Kohl), land as a source of wealth: population and urban growth (Henry George), rent and utility: dependent variables in land use models (A. Marshall)

    3D Modeling and Laser Scanning Technologies
    3D modeling and laser scanning technologies, 3D modeling in urban planning, traffic, security areas, 3D modeling from laser data, numerical area models, 3D modeling of old buildings, laser scanning techniques.

    Material Science
    Atomic structure of solids, structure of non-ideal solids, point and line defects, mechanical properties of solids, cracking and fatigue, plastic defects, theoretical strength of crystal solids, dislocation energy, strength mechanisms.

    Intermodal Transportation
    Intermodal transportation concept and definitions, combined transport, SWOT analysis, specialization in transportation, competition and collaboration in transportation, transportation vehicle types, transportation chain, roads, railways, naval lines and airlines, combined transportation applications.

    Urban Morphology
    Description of Urban Morphology, Theoretical Basis and the schools of urban morphology, historical evaluation of cities urban forms, principle and secondary urban elements; the development of settlements; settlements and growth; plan analysis, spatial methods for studying and analyzing the urban patterns, analysis on a sample area selected from Turkey.

    Traffic Management and Control
    Traffic and transportation problems depending on population and vehicle. Effective traffic management and control. Effective use of the existing transport infrastructure in accordance of vehicle, passengers and pedestrians. Most effective Traffic Circulation Project in the cities, traffic signs to be used in necessary places with enough numbers, optimum use of Traffic lights, effective use of intelligent Traffic systems, road quality and safety, traffic awareness of drivers, passengers and pedestrians and use of IT Technologies in controlling traffic.

    Intelligent Transportation Systems
    ITS components and stakeholders, ITS system architecture and standards, advanced traffic management systems (ATMS), advanced traveler information systems (ATIS), advanced public transportation systems (APTS), commercial vehicle operations (ITS-CVO), intermodal systems, advanced vehicle control and safety systems (AVCS), automated highway systems (AHS), communication issues in ITS, status of ITS deployment in the world, EU and Turkey, ITS evaluation and future challenges.

    Transportation Economics
    Basic engineering economy principals, economic analysis principals, benefit expenditure analysis, organization techniques, environmental effect estimation, development plan phases, application of optimization methods to transportation systems, decision making under uncertainty, risk, uncertainty and reliability concepts.

    Transportation I
    Introduction to earthworks. Volumes of fills and cuts. Mass diagram. Optimization of earth moving. Excavation methods and machines. Excavators and dampers. Introduction to railroad engineering. Train dynamics. Geometric standards of track. Gradients, curves, transition curves, location of track, superstructure elements and materials. Layout of track.

    Transportation II
    Basic concept in highway engineering. Characteristics of driver-pedestrian-vehicles. General properties of highway traffic. Geometric standards and design traffic of highways. Highway capacity. Highway location and horizontal alignment. Vertical alignment and curves. Horizontal curves. Urban roads. Intersection control and design. Soil engineering for highway design. Drainage.

    Disaster and Emergency Management
    Concepts and definitions: Emergency management, hazard, emergency, disaster, history of disaster, natural disaster, atmospheric disasters, geological disasters, hydrological disasters, seismic disasters, technological hazards, dam failures, fires, traffic incidents, hazardous materials, nuclear accidents, community hazard analysis, the four phases of emergency management, resources, participants, major functions, need to supplement resources, private sector resources, asking for help, framework of an integrated emergency management system (IEMS), four phases of emergency management: (preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery), coordination, communication, chain of command, functional groups in EM, interactions in EM, coordination among organizations, roles of participants, citizens, private sector, government, application; case study. Emergency manager proficiency.

    Metropolitan Administration
    The nature of metropolitan administration, the necessity for the metropolitan administration, the kinds of metropolitan administration, administrative cooperation in metropolitan areas, public authorities in metropolitan areas, one-tire and two-tire metropolitan administrations should be discussed. The metropolitan areas of Paris, Roma, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Toronto, Tokyo, Moscow and Cairo should be investigated as the main examples of metropolitan administration.

    Urban Law
    Turkish laws and regulations dealing with the planning authority, planning hierarchy, technical and social infrastructure, plan implementation tools, property rights, urban protection laws, squatter laws, the coastal law, bylaws on the areas without any plan, the exclusive environmental protection areas, tourism areas, industrial areas, agricultural areas, water pollution control areas, forest areas, land hunting areas, water product areas, national parks and disaster areas will be investigated and the implementation problems of these laws will be determined.

    City and Urban Development
    Historical perspective on city and urban development, urban development in history, socio-economical, political, and technological facts about development.

    Waste Management
    Sources and composition of solid wastes. Solid waste generation and collection rates. Integrated waste management, Waste handling and separation, storage, and processing at the source. Collection of solid waste. Transfer and transport. Materials recycling. Medical wastes management. Fundamentals of Hazardous Waste management. Technical issues in planning water reuse systems, Reuse applications: Urban reuse, industrial reuse, agricultural reuse, Funding alternatives for water reuse systems, Public information programs.

    Environmental Effects of Transportation
    Introduction, definitions, use of energy and air pollution in traffic, noise pollution in traffic, land use in transportation, accidents, congestion, other environmental effects caused by traffic, differences between transport modes from the point of these effects, evaluation of the parameters dealing with the environmental effects in the transport modes, calculation principles and evaluation of unit traffic environmental effect costs, importance of environmental effects in transport planning, measures for decreasing environmental effects.

    Urban Economics and Finance Management
    This course is concerned with the market analysis and financial feasibility of urban projects and large scale real estate developments. Demand and supply of facilities, market activities, financial viability, investment strategies, project structures. Methods of market analysis for housing, shopping, office and hotel facilities and the property cycles will be examined.  Alternatives financing for urban projects, the discounted cash flow model and sensitivity analysis to evaluate project feasibility will also be discussed.

    The purpose of this course is to share basic researches about Urban Systems and Transportation Management program. Various applications and information that may be helpful in thesis and project would be gained with in the context of seminar course.


    Project is a study of application and research about transportation management, urban systems and urban management. As a content public transportation, urban structure, urban transportation systems, disaster management and likewise topics relevant with Urban Systems and Transportation Management may be selected.

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