Kimya Yüksek Lisans Programı

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Kimya Yüksek Lisans Programı

  • Program tanımları


    M.S. in Chemistry

    Core Courses
    CHEM 585 Seminar in Chemistry* (0-2)NC
    CHEM 590 Thesis Studies (0-1)NC
    CHEM 8XX Special Studies (4-0)NC
    CHEM 9XX Special Topics (4-0)NC
    *All M.S. students must register Seminar in Chemistry course until the beginning of their 4th semester.
    In addition, at least 2 of the following courses must be taken.
    CHEM 501 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 503 Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 505 Advanced Analytical Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 516 Advanced Biochemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 533 Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry (3-0)3
    Total credit (min.) :21
    Number of courses with credit (min.): 7

    Elective Courses
    CHEM 502 Colloid Chemistry and Surface Science (3-0)3
    CHEM 504 Molecular Spestroscopy (3-0)3
    CHEM 506 Inorganic Materials (3-0)3
    CHEM 507 Advanced Organometallic Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 508 Industrial and Biochemical Applications of Molybdenum Compounds (3-0)3
    CHEM 509 Glow Discharge and Analytical Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 510 Analytical Separations (3-0)3
    CHEM 511 Environmental Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 512 Interfacial Phemomena (3-0)3
    CHEM 513 Classification and Clutering Techniques in Analytical Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 514 Chemical Thermodynamics (3-0)3
    CHEM 515 Near–Infrared Spectrocopy and Raman Spectroscopy In Multivariate Analysis (3-0)3
    CHEM 517 Mass Spectroscopy (3-0)3
    CHEM 518 Mathematica in Laboratory (3-0)3
    CHEM 519 Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 520 Special Topics in Organic Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 521 Fundamentals and Applications of Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (3-0)3
    CHEM 522 Nanoscience And Nanotechnology (3-0)3
    CHEM 523 Selected Topics in Mass Spectrometry (3-0)3
    CHEM 524 Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 525 Chemometrics (3-0)3
    CHEM 526 Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 527 Experimental Proteomics (3-0)3
    CHEM 528 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 529 Molecular Modelling (3-0)3
    CHEM 530 Reactions and Synthesis in Organic Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 531 Symmetry and Spectroscopy (3-0)3
    CHEM 532 Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis (3-0)3
    CHEM 534 Manipulation and Characterization Techniques for Air Sensitive Compounds (3-2
    CHEM 535 Introduction to Crystallography (2-2)3
    CHEM 536 Spectrochemical Analysis (3-0)3
    CHEM 537 Analysis Techniques in Solid State Chemistry (2-2)3
    CHEM 538 Spectroscopic Methods in Inorganic Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 540 Advanced Solid State Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 541 Bioconjugate Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 542 Applied Bioconjugate Chemistry (3-0)3
    CHEM 545 Chemical Applications of Group Theory (3-0)3
    CHEM 546 Advances in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (3-0)3
    CHEM 548 Experimental Design and Optimization (3-0)3
    CHEM 550 Analytical Applications of Nuclear and
    Radiochemical Methods (3-0)3
    CHEM 551 Nanobiotechnology (3-0)3
    CHEM 552 Single Molecule Chemistry and Biophysics (3-0)3
    CHEM 554 Nanophotonics (3-0)3
    CHEM 555 Protein Chemistry (3-0)3


    CHEM 501 Advanced İnorganic Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Atomic structure. Ionic bonding and nature of solids. The covalent bond. Acid-base chemistry. Coordination chemistry. Theory and structure, reaction kinetics and mechanisms. Organometallicchemistry and catalysis.

    CHEM 502 Colloid Chemistry and Surface Science (3-0) 3
    Two major components of particle-particle interaction, namely van der Walls and electrical doublelayer forces, will be examined for a theoritical estimate of the colloidal behavior for varying conditions.Coagulation and stability phenomena will be discussed with special emphasis on brownian and shear coagulation.Effect of polymer addition on the stability of a particulate system will be presented.

    CHEM 503 Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Basic principles of statistical thermodynamics, moleculer spectroscopy and some other advanced topics of physical chemistry.

    CHEM 504 Molecular Spectroscopy (3-0) 3
    Applications of quantum mechanism and group theory to the interpretation of electronic,
    vibrational, rotational and magnetic spectroscopy.

    CHEM 505 Advanced Analytical Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Graduate level review of modern analytical chemistry and the literature. The analytical process and quality assurance/quality control. Fundamentals of chemical analysis including, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria, complex formation and redox systems. The use of modern analytical methods. Chemical and biochemical sensors, Total analysis systems, hyphenated techniques and process analytical chemistry.

    CHEM 506 Inorganic Materials (3-0) 3
    An introductory course describing the synthesis, physical characterization, structure, electronic properties and uses of solid state materials. Non-linear optics, their structers,
    properties and characterization.

    CHEM 507 Advanced Organometallic Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Synthesis, properties and reactivity of organometallic compounds; the methodologies of
    organometallic chemistry of particular emphasis will be techniques of preparing and handling air and moisture sensitive compounds and coumpound purification and crystallization.

    CHEM 508 Industrial and Biochemical Applications of Molybdenum Compounds (3-0) 3
    Various oxidation states of molybdenum and its inorganic compounds, inorganic compounds of molybdenum, oxo and imido compounds of molybdenum, molybdenum compounds as heterogeneous catalysts, molybdenum oxo and imido compounds as catalysts, molybdenum containing enzymes, molybdenum compounds as biochemical

    CHEM 509 Glow Discharge and Analytical Chemistry (3-0) 3
    This course will cover the followıng subjects: fundamentals of glow discharge spectroscopies, glow discharge optical spectroscopy, glow discharge mass spectrometry, solids analysis, new developments, and comparison with other methods of analysis.

    CHEM 510 Analytical Separations (3-0) 3
    Fundamental concepts of separation and practical aspects of current separation techniques used in analytical chemistry. Solvent extraction, volatilization, ion exchange, solid phase micro-extraction,liquid, gas and supercritical fluid chromatography, electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis and field-flow fractionation.

    CHEM 511 Environmental Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Reaction thermodynamics, ionic and oxidation-reduction equilibria, and reaction kinetics as related to natural aquatic and pollution control processes.

    CHEM 512 Interfacial Phenomena (3-0) 3
    The course will start off with a concise mention of chemical thermodynamics to elucidate the basic terminology.A discussion on the thermodynamics of liquid system will be covered so as to include van der waals, electrostatic and steric forces.Surfaces at solids will be examined as a prelude to more detailed analysis of various processes taking place at solid-liquid, liquid-liquid, solid-gas and liquid-gas interfaces, wetting, flotation and detergency will be included to emphasize how the phenomena studied applies to practical systems.

    CHEM 513 Classification and Clutering Techniques in Analytical Chemistry (3-0) 3
    This course will have general coverage of the subjet ranging from principles of classification and clutering techniques, Hierarchical and Non–hierarchical, pattern recognition, K–nearest neighbor, Principle Component Analysis (PCA) Factorial Discriminant Analysis and , Mahalanobis Distance Method.

    CHEM 514 Chemical Thermodynamics (3-0) 3
    Development of thermodynamic theory, with special reference to common physical changes and chemical reactions.

    CHEM 515 Near–Infrared Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy in Multivariate Analysis (3-0) 3
    This course will have general coverage of the subjet ranging from principles of Near–Infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, multivariate analysis techniques, and their applications.

    CHEM 516 Advanced Biochemistry (3-0) 3
    Chemistry of metarials of biochemistry interest. Carbonhydrates, lipids, proteins, aminoacids, nucleic acids, porphynins. Biochemistry of blood. Enzymes, metobolism, protein and nucleic acid biosynthesis.

    CHEM 517 Mass Spectroscopy (3-0) 3
    General description of mass spectrocopy, ion sources, mass analysers, ion detectors, qualitative and quantitative analyses with the mass spectrometer, isotops and their application in mass spectrometry, theory of the mass spectrum, ionisation effciency curves and determination of ionisation energies, other applications of the mass spectrometer, interpretation of mass spectro.

    CHEM 518 Mathematica in Laboratory (3-0) 3
    Introduction to Mathematica. Importing data from files. Visualizing data. Data analysis. Generating text data. Exporting data. Introduction to instrument control and data acquisition. Understanding.

    CHEM 519 Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Topics of current interest in analytical chemistry including advanced electrochemistry, surface spectroscopy, separations, laboratory automation, and new spectroscopic techniques.

    CHEM 520 Special Topics in Organic Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Contents vary according to interest of students and instructor in charge. Typical contents include contemporary developments in Organic Chemistry.

    CHEM 521 Fundamentals and Applications of Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (3-0) 3
    Fundamental concepts in production, evolution and decay of the laser induced plasmas.
    Plasma characterization. Analytical applications of LIPS as an atomic emission spectroscopic technique. Optical and electronic instrumentation for LIPS.

    CHEM 522 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (3-0) 3
    This course will cover the fundamentals of nanoscience and nanotechnology providing
    exemplary nanoscale materials and applications.

    CHEM 523 Selected Topics in Mass Spectrometry (3-0) 3
    The new ioznization (MALDI and ESI) techniques and biopolymers and polymers analysis with mass spectrometry will be discussed. The course will also be discussed about CID and MS/MS techniques
    for structural identification of biopllymers and polymers.

    CHEM 524 Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Contents vary according to students’s interest including topies related to modern inorganic
    chemistry and organometallic chemistry. Chemistry of some inorganic materials; synthetic methods and caracterization techniques will also be discussed.

    CHEM 525 Chemometrics (3-0) 3
    A survey of chemometrics, providing sufficient statistical background for chemist. The topics
    covered include probability, statistics, sampling estimation, multivariate regression analysis, optimization and experimental design, data analysis and signal processing.

    CHEM 526 Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Contents vary according to student’s interest covering general aspects of modern physical

    CHEM 527 Experimental Proteomics (3-0) 3
    Proteomic application of mass spectrometry will be discussed. Sample preparation and sample handling will also be discussed. Protein sequencing, electrophoresis and HPLC techniques will be discussed. Protein purification and new bio-analytical techniques will also be discussed..
    Prerequisite: CHEM 523 Selected Topics in Mass Spectrometry

    CHEM 528 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Spectroscopic methods that include infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy, mass
    spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy will be used to identify the structures of organic compounds.

    CHEM 529 Molecular Modelling (3-0) 3
    Potential energy surfaces. Molecular mechanics. Introduction to molecular orbitals. Semi-empirical molecular orbital methods. Geometry optimization. Vibrational frequencies. Thermochemistry. Electron correleation. Density functional theory. Excited states. Solvent effects

    CHEM 530 Reactions and Synthesis in Organic Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Reactions and synthesis: nucleophilic reactions, electrophilic additions, reduction of functional groups, cycloaddition, unimolecular rearrangements, organometallic compounds, aromatic substitution, oxidations, multistep synthesis.

    CHEM 531 Symmetry and Spectroscopy (3-0) 3
    Symmetry, spectroscopy and its application will be discussed. Experimental approach will be used to monitor symmetry distortion and symmetry changes. These changes will be discussed and spectrum will be used to calculate certain values (e.g. rotational constant) for simple molecules.

    CHEM 532 Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis (3-0) 3
    Covers basic principles related to the asymmetric synthesis in organic chemistry, such as: the diastereoselectivity in reactions of enantiopure starting materials and asymmetric catalysis.

    CHEM 533 Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry (3-0) 3
    Basic and advanced topics of organic chemistry mainly related to structure and mechanisms and related advanced topics.

    CHEM 534 Manipulation and Characterization Techniques for Air Sensitive Compounds (3-2) 4
    Bench-top inert atmosphere techniques. Adaptations of standart glassware. Syringe and cannula techniques. Schlenk techniques. Hot tube and sealed tube techniques, inert atmosphere glove-box techniques,

    CHEM 535 Introduction to Crystallography (2-2) 3
    This class will include theory and applications of X-ray crystallography.

    CHEM 536 Spectrochemical Analysis (3-0) 3
    Fundamental aspects of optical spectrochemical methods including, nature of spectrochemical information and measurements, Methodology in spectrochemical analysis. Optical components and design of spectrometers. Theory and operation of instruments. Signal-to-Noise considerations. Atomic emission and absorption spectroscopy. Molecular spectroscopy including uv-visible and infrared and luminescence spectrometry. Molecular scattering methods. New developments in spectrochemical techniques.

    CHEM 537 Analysis Techniques in Solid State Chemistry (2-2)3
    This course will have general coverage of the analysis techniques in solid state chemistry to identify structural and physical properties of the compounds.

    CHEM 538 Spectroscopic Methods in Inorganic Chemistry (3-0) 3
    This course will have general coverage of EPR, electronic and photoelectron spectroscopy.
    Vibrational (IR, Raman), one and two dimentional NMR. Mass spectrometry. Diffraction methods and their applications.

    CHEM 540 Advanced Solid State Chemistry (3-0) 3
    This course will have general coverage of the subject ranging from synthesis, characterization and structural consideration to properties and applications.

    CHEM 541 Bioconjugate Chemistry (3-0) 3
    This course covers fundamentals of target chemicals/reagents and the chemistry of reactive groups in bioconjugate techniques.

    CHEM 542 Applied Bioconjugate Chemistry (3-0) 3
    This course provides experimental procedures of bioconjugate techniques.

    CHEM 545 Chemical Applications of Group Theory (3-0) 3
    It covers principles, including definitions, molecular symmetry, representation of groups and quantum mechanic and their applications.

    CHEM 546 Advances in Analytical Atomic Spectormetry (3-0) 3
    Review of developments in analytical atomic spectrometry, advances in AAS, ICP-AES and ICP-MS systems.

    CHEM 548 Experimental Design and Optimization (3-0) 3
    This course will have general coverage of the subject ranging from basic principles of experimental design and optimization, randozed block and latin square designs, central composite design, response surface methods, and simplex optimization.

    CHEM 550 Analytical Applications of Nuclear and Radiochemical Methods (3-0) 3
    Selected applications of radioisotopic tracers and nuclear radiation in chemistry and some of other scientific fields.

    CHEM 551 Nanobiotechnology (3-0) 3
    This course covers basics of functional nanoparticles for the biomedical technologies and the current state-of-the-art.

    CHEM 552 Single Moleculer Chemistry and Biophysics (3-0) 3
    This course provides information for the need of single molecule detection and discussion of vast array of single-molecule techniques with landmark examples in molecular biology and chemistry.

    CHEM 554 Nanophotonics (3-0) 3
    This course covers foundations of nanophotonics, theory and applications along with growth and characterization of nanoscale photonic materials.

    CHEM 555 Protein Chemistry (3-0) 3
    This course provides information for the importance of proteins in life and the reason of the
    chemistry knowledge of that macromolecules with landmark examples in biology and chemistry.
    Pre. CHEM 411

    CHEM 585 Seminar in Chemistry (0-2)NC
    Seminars that are given by Faculty of Science must be participated by students and a seminar about specific subjects will be given by the student.

    CHEM 590 Thesis Studies (0-1)NC
    Program of research leading to M.S. degree arranged between student and a faculty member.
    Students register to this course in all semesters starting from the beginning of their second semestre.

    CHEM 601 Seminar in Chemistry (0-2)NC
    Seminars that are given by Faculty of Science must be participated by students and a seminar about specific subjects will be given by the student.

    CHEM 8XX Special Studies (4-0)NC
    M.S. Students choose and study a topic under the guidance of a faculty member normally his/her advisor.

    CHEM 9XX Special Topics (4-0)NC
    Graduate students as a group or Ph.D. choose and study advanced topics under the guidance of a faculty member, normally his/her supervisor.
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