M.A Program in Psychological Counseling and Guidance

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M.A Program in Psychological Counseling and Guidance

  • Program tanımları MASTER OF ARTS PROGRAM

    Guidance and Psychological Counseling

    The Master of Arts Program in the Department of Educational Sciences in Guidance and Psychological Counseling is a two-year program consisting of 36 credit hours of coursework spread over four semesters including the preparation of a thesis (Yuksek Lisans Tezi) and the oral defense of the thesis. Students are also required to do field work as assigned on a non-credit basis. The successful completion of the program leads to the Master of Arts Degree in Educational Sciences (Egitim Bilimleri Yuksek Lisans Diplomasi).


    Psychological Counseling and Guidance

    First Semester     
    ED 501     Inferential Statistics in Education     
    ED 505     Research Design and Methodology     
    EC 523     Theories and Techniques of Counseling     
    -- --     Elective     

    Second Semester
    ED 524     Psychological Assesment
    ED 526     Counseling with Families and Groups     
    ED 564     Seminar I     
    -- --     Elective     
    Third Semester     
    ED 569     Field Experince I     
    ED 579     Graduate Seminar     
    ED 580-589     Special Topics in Education     
    ED 690     Master's Thesis     

    Fourth Semester
    ED 570     Field Experince II     
    ED 580-589     Special Topics in Education     
    ED 690     Master's Thesis    

    ED 501 Inferential Statistics in Education (Egitimde Vardamli Istatistik) (2+0+2) 3
    Principles and techniques in the application of inferential statistics to data with an emphasis on the analysis of variance and multiple comparison procedures.

    ED 505 Research Design and Methodology (3+0+0) 3
    (Arastirma Deseni ve Yontemleri)

    Analysis of concepts related to scientific inquiry. Study of different types of designs i.e., experimental, survey and correlational. Replicating and criticizing research designs. Designing projects and writing research reports.

    ED 511 Advanced Educational Psychology (Ileri Egitim Psikolojisi) (3+0+0) 3
    Major topics in human development, personality and motivation, intelligence and thinking, learning and cognition, social and organizational context of behavior, and instruction and intervention. Emphasis on original writings, dilemmas or unsettled questions.

    ED 513 Development and Learning in Adulthood (3+0+0) 3
    (Yetiskinlik Caginda Gelisim ve Ogrenme)

    The transition from adolescence to adulthood, youth to middle age, and middle age to old age, changing concomitants of family, work, and other roles. Psychological and personality changes during the adult life-cycle. Review of research on adult learning.

    ED 516 Mastery-Learning: Theory and Application (3+0+0) 3
    (Tam-Ogrenme: Kuram ve Uygulama)

    The theory of Mastery Learning; the assumptions underlying the theory, its instructional model as well as the empirical research done under quasi laboratory and school conditions related to the theory. Application of the instructional model to particular learning tasks.

    ED 517 The Family and Personality Development (3+0+0) 3
    (Aile ve Kisilik Gelisimi)

    The relationship of family structure and processes and the child's socio-emotional and cognitive development. Focus on different interaction styles and the development of personality.

    ED 523 Theories and Techniques of Counseling (2+0+2) 3
    (Danismanlik Kuramlari ve Teknikleri)

    Study of major theoretical approaches of change in people. Elaboration and application of techniques used in bringing about change, predominantly in individual counseling.

    ED 524 Psychological Assessment (Psikolojik Degerlendirme) (2+0+2) 3
    Survey of techniques used in psychological assessment. Supervised application of these techniques.

    ED 525 Community Resources in School Guidance (2+0+2) 3
    (Rehberlik icin Cevre Kaynaklari)

    Study of community agencies from local to national levels for the implementation of educational guidance programs. More detailed study of selected agencies.

    ED 526 Counseling with Families and Groups (2+0+2) 3
    (Grup ve Aile Danismanligi)

    Review of theoretical approaches used in counseling with systems (other than the individual) such as families and groups. Study of the technical implications of these theoretical approaches in practice.

    ED 531 Development in Childhood and Adolescence (3+0+0) 3
    (Cocukluk ve Genclikte Gelisim)

    Physical, mental, emotional and social development during childhood and adolescence. Adjustment problems due to growth and development; the struggle for self-direction, commitment and independence and the role of education during this process.

    ED 533 Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Okuloncesi Egitimin Temelleri)

    The course covers philosophical and historical foundations and influences underlying the education of young children.

    ED 534 Assessment of Children (2+0+2) 3
    (Okuloncesi Cocuklarini Degerlendirme)

    Assessment techniques appropriate to the study of child development. Observation techniques and tests appropriate for 0-6 years of age. Examples of assessment related to research and practice.

    ED 536 Principles of Early Childhood Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Okuloncesi Egitim Ilkeleri)

    Features of pre-school education. Programs, activities, and techniques. The role of the teacher, parent, and school relations as well as the importance of play, toys, materials, and the arrangement of the physical environment.

    ED 541 Fundamentals of Adult Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Yetiskin Egitiminin Temelleri)

    The nature, extent and significance of adult education. Major areas, types of programs with special reference to the Turkish scene. Outstanding trends and issues in the organization, management, and evaluation of adult education programs.

    ED 543 Adult Education Methods (Yetiskin Egitimi Yontemleri) (2+0+2) 3
    Review of teaching methods and techniques commonly used in adult education, including the various forms of presentation, interactional approaches and self-study arrangements. The selection and use of appropriate teaching strategies. Broader aspects of teaching influencing learning outcomes.

    ED 546 Program Planning in Adult Education (2+0+2) 3
    (Yetiskin Egitiminde Program Planlama)

    Principles and procedures in identifying and appraising program opportunities in adult education. Special considerations in design, development and implementation of learning programs. Evaluation of adult education programs.

    ED 558 Administrative Processes in Education (2+0+2) 3
    (Egitimde Yonetim Sureci)

    Focus on the contemporary framework of educational administration. Planning, organization, management issues in adult as well as in formal educational institutions.

    ED 564 Seminar I (Seminer I) (2+0+2) 3
    Orientation towards professional expectations and responsibilities. Integration of scientific principles with professional ethics and identity.

    ED 565 Seminar II (Seminer II) (2+0+2) 3
    Intensive study of a selected topic (or topics) in education through presentations and group discussions.

    ED 567 Educational Policies and Practices in Turkey (2+0+2) 3
    (Turkiyede Egitim Politikalari ve Uygulamalari)

    A critical examination of the Turkish educational system. The socio-economic conditions and needs which affect the practices related to school and adult education. Trends and issues in school organization, administration, instructional programs and student services.

    ED 569 Field Experience I (Alan Calismasi I) (2+0+2) 3
    Supervised field experience with emphasis on the application of concepts, principles and skills acquired in previous work. Submission of a written report by the end of the semester.

    ED 570 Field Experience II (Alan Calismasi II) (2+0+2) 3
    Additional supervised field experience with emphasis on the application of concepts, principles and skills acquired in previous work. Submission of a written report by the end of the semester.

    ED 571 Curriculum: Theory and Design (2+0+2) 3
    (Egitim Programi: Kuram ve Tasarim)

    Principles for the selection and formulation of objectives, selection and organization of subject matter content, selection and arrangement of learning environments, arranging necessary social interactions, employment of relevant methods of media, integration of instructional components as well as provisions for flexibility.

    ED 573 Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment (3+0+0) 3
    (Olcme ve Degerlendirme)

    Comparison of measurement, evaluation and assessment approaches. Familiarization with different constructs in testing and concepts related to testing. Interpretation of test results and intervention outcomes.

    ED 574 Workshop in Curriculum Design (Uygulamali Egitim Programi) (1+0+4) 3
    Development of an instructional unit on a specific subject-matter area or for a particular educational need. Production of software and hardware prototypes.

    ED 577 Construction of Achievement Tests (2+0+2) 3
    (Basari Testlerinin Gelistirilmesi)

    Operational definition of constructs to be measured, development of objectives, formulation of tables of specification, development of items for formative and summative evaluation instruments.

    ED 578 Curriculum and Program Evaluation (3+0+0) 3
    (Egitim Programlarini Degerlendirme)

    The evaluation of school curricula and other programs. Special problems of measurement in evaluation research. Comparison of objectives with outcomes.

    ED 579 Graduate Seminar (Lisansustu Seminer) (0+1+0) 0 P/F
    The widening of students' perspectives and awareness of topics of interest to educational scientists and psychological counselors through seminars offered by faculty, graduating thesis students, and invited guests from industry, government, business, and academia.

    ED 581-582 Individual Study I-II (Bireysel Calisma I-II) (3+0+0) 3
    Open to students who would like to study a special topic in depth under the guidance and supervision of a staff member. Preparation of a plan approved by the instructor and submission of a written report at the end of the semester.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    ED 590-599 Special Studies in Education (Egitimde Ozel Calismalar) (3+0+0) 3
    Studies of current issues in education.

    ED 603 Statistical Techniques of Data Analysis (3+0+0) 3
    (Veri Analizlerinde Istatistiksel Yontemler)

    Data analysis using multivariate techniques including multiple correlation, multiple regression , multiple classification analysis, factor analysis, and others.

    ED 604 Non-Parametric Statistics in Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Egitimde Parametrik Olmayan Istatistik Yontemler)

    Samples of non-parametric statistics and their application to educational data. Their applications to class projects.

    ED 605 Computers and Education (Bilgisayar ve Egitim) (2+0+2) 3
    Introduction to computer, data storage and retrieval. Examples of usage of computers in the field of education as a teaching and managerial tool.

    ED 608 Seminar in Educational Research (2+0+0) 3
    (Egitimde Arastirma Semineri)

    A seminar intended for students to be enrolled in thesis projects. Research ideas will be discussed in the group. The students will be helped to develop their individual research proposals.

    ED 610 Development and Learning (Gelisim ve Ogrenme) (3+0+0) 3
    Examination of various theoretical approaches to human development inclusive of the physical, cognitive, affective, social and moral dimensions, with emphasis on behavioral, social and cognitive theories of learning. Discussion of motivational aspects of learning and issues of human diversity.

    ED 620 Planning and Evaluation of Instruction (3+0+2) 4
    (Ogretimde Planlama ve Degerlendirme)

    Conceptual analysis of the principles of higher education-level instructional planning, curriculum development methodologies, and strategies of learning-teaching processes. Developing instructional designs related to particular subject matter areas. Developing projects on course objectives, tables of specifications, and evaluation instruments derived from these.

    ED 641 Comparative Adult Education (3+0+0) 3
    (Karsilastirmali Yetiskin Egitimi)

    Comparative study of adult education concepts and practices in selected countries. The socio-economic factors affecting the development of adult education in different cultural settings. Analysis of trends, common problems, and recurrent issues.

    ED 643 Mass-Media in Adult Education (2+0+2) 3
    (Yetiskin Egitiminde Kitle Iletisimi)

    The use of mass-media in adult education, including film, radio, television and printing press: integration of mass media production with on going or newly developed adult education programs; evaluation of existing programs.

    ED 645 Parent Education (Ana/Baba Egitimi) (2+2+0) 3
    Review of theory and research in the field of parent education. Methods and techniques of providing educational services to parents in child care and development, family planning, family relations, home management and other aspects of family life.

    ED 646 Administration of Adult Education Programs (2+2+0) 3
    (Halk Egitimi Programlarinin Yonetimi)

    Methods of assessing needs, developing programs, staffing, financing, evaluation and adult education programs in institutions and communities.

    ED 674 Programmed Instruction and Self-Teaching Materials (2+2+0) 3
    (Programlanmis Ogretim ve Bireysel Ogrenme Materyali)

    Design and development of programmed instruction, criteria for selection and evaluation of self-teaching materials with a special emphasis on text-books.

    ED 676 Media-Based Curriculum (2+2+0) 3
    (Donatim Agirlikli Ogretim Programlari)

    The role of various communication channels in behavioural change. Implementations for education regarding social needs. Application of communication theory, educational and social psychology to design, production and evaluation of audio-visual-tutorial instruction.

    ED 678-679 Curricular Approaches for Selected Topics I-II (3+0+0) 3
    (Secilmis Konulara Iliskin Ogretim Programi Yaklasimlari I-II)

    Ways and means of making curricula applicable to school and out-of-school education and snsitive to national and international problems such as pollution, malnutrition, poppulation explosion, inflation, inequality, energy crisis, alienation, etc.

    ED 686-687 Special Topics in Adult Education (1+0+2) 2
    (Yetiskin Egitiminde Ozel Konular I, II)

    Intensive study of a selected topic of significance in the field of adult education. The topic is to be announced at the beginning of the semester. An individual or group project is required.

    ED 690 Master's Thesis (Yuksek Lisans Tezi)
    Design and completion of an original research project under the supervision of a thesis advisor on a specific topic in the area of specialization selected in accordance with the particular interest of the student.

    ED 695-696 Seminar I-II (Seminer I-II) (1+0+2) 2
    Seminar presentations and group discussions on selected topics in education for intensive analysis, theoretical and conceptual formulations.

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