M.S. Program in Chemical Engineering

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M.S. Program in Chemical Engineering

  • Program tanımları MASTER OF SCIENCE PROGRAM

    The M.S. program in Chemical Engineering comprises 24 credits of course work and a thesis. The total number of credits is composed of 15 credits of required courses and 9 credits of elective courses to be chosen from among the graduate courses offered by the program or the Institute, subject to the approval of the student's advisor. The required courses are designed to provide a uniform background covering fundamental areas:

    First Semester  
    ChE 555     Modeling and Analysis of Chemical Eng. Systems
    ChE 621     Phase Equilibria     
    ChE 631     Transport Phenomena I     

    Second Semester        
    ChE 642     Multiphase Reactor Analysis and Design    
    ChE 632     Transport Phenomena II     

    Students who have already taken CHE 555 in their undergraduate program may instead take elective courses approved by their advisor. Candidates who have not taken any process control course during their undergraduate studies must complete CHE 475 Process Dynamics and Control, without credit, with the approval of their advisor.


    CHE 511 Polymer Processing Principles and Modeling (3+0+0) 3
    (Polimer Isleme Ilkeleri ve Modelleme)

    Categories of polymeric materials. Morphology and structuring of polymers; surface properties. Analysis of polymer processing operations such as injection moulding, extrusion, calendaring, coating, fiber spinning, tubular film blowing and mixing. Computer modeling and design of polymer processing machinery.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CHE 518 Conformational Statistics and Dynamics of Polymers (3+0+0) 3
    (Polimerlerin Konformasyon Istatistigi ve Dinamigi)

    Structural and configurational properties of polymer chains. Random walk approach, freely jointed chain models. Rotational Isomeric State formalism. Stochastics of rotational motions, Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations of real polymeric systems in solution and in the bulk state.

    CHE 520 Downstream Processing in Biochemical Engineering (3+0+0) 3
    (Biyokimya Muhendisliginde Ayirma Islemleri)

    Separation and purification of biochemicals. Removal of insolubles by filtration, centrifugation and sedimentation. Isolation of products by adsorption and solvent extraction. Purification by nonlinear multicomponent chromatography, electrophoresis, dialysis and membrane processes. Polishing by drying and crystallization. Mathematical modeling and scale-up of selected operations.

    CHE 525 Basic Food Engineering (Temel Gida Muhendisligi) (3+0+0) 3
    Food raw material properties as related to process effectiveness, preliminary preparation operations (cleaning, sorting, grading), main conversion operations (size reduction, emulsification, mixing, filtration, extraction, crystallization, centrifugation), preservation methods (heat processing, dehydration, freezing, irradiation) applied and some relevant equipment used in food process industries.

    CHE 526 Technology of Food Preservation (3+0+0) 3
    (Gida Koruma Teknolojisi)

    Microbiological and biochemical considerations in food preservation. Discussion of various food preservation methods in detail. Food packaging and storage as related to the retention of organoleptic properties of fresh and processed foods.

    CHE 529 Biochemical Engineering II (Biyokimya Muhendisligi II) (3+0+0) 3
    Microkinetic modeling of growth and product formation of microbial cell cultures. Cell structures, metabolic pathways and molecular genetics. Conservation of mass and energy in bioreactions. Formulation and evaluation of structured models.

    CHE 550 Statistical Methods in Chemical Processes (3+0+0) 3
    (Kimyasal Sureclerde Istatistiksel Yontemler)

    Review of statistical principles as applied to chemical engineering problems. Linear and non-linear regression analysis. Factorial and optimal designs of experiments. Multivariate statistical process analysis. Time series analysis and forecasting methods.

    CHE 555 Modeling and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Systems I (2+0+2) 3
    (Kimya Muhendisligi Sistemlerinin Modellenmesi ve Analizi I)

    Modeling and mathematical formulation of lumped-parameter and distributed-parameter systems encountered in chemical engineering. Review of analytical and numerical methods used in the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.

    CHE 556 Modeling and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Systems II (3+0+0) 3
    (Kimya Muhendisligi Sistemlerinin Modellenmesi ve Analizi II)

    Modeling of stagewise processes and the solutions of resulting difference and difference differential equations by operator and Z-transform methods. Applications of the theory of matrices to chemical engineering processes. Operator theoretic methods and their use in solving problems of transport phenomena and chemically reacting systems.

    CHE 566 Process Engineering Strategy (Surec Muhendisligi Stratejisi) (3+0+0) 3
    Introduction to process analysis and conceptual process design via a study of the creation and assessment of processing alternatives, optimization of recycle systems and engineering in the presence of uncertainty.

    CHE 576 Chemical Process Control Strategies (3+0+0) 3
    (Kimyasal Surec Denetimi Stratejileri)

    Feed-forward control, ratio control, cascade control, selective control, internal model control and multivariable control techniques. Computer control of chemical processes.

    CHE 578 Dynamic Optimization of Chemical Processes (3+0+0) 3
    (Kimyasal Sureclerin Dinamik Eniyilemesi)

    Optimization of chemical processes under unsteady-state operation. Application of the optimal control theory and numerical algorithms to lumped-parameter and distributed-parameter chemical engineering systems. Iterative and simultaneous solution of differential/algebraic optimization problems. Nonlinear-model-based predictive control of chemical engineering systems
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CHE 579 Graduate Seminar (Lisansustu Seminer) (0+1+0) 0 P/F
    The widening of students' perspectives and awareness of topics of interest to chemical engineers through seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and graduate students.

    CHE 580-599 Special Topics in Chemical Technology (3+0+0) 3
    (Kimyasal Teknolojide Ozel Konular I, II)

    Special topics of current interest in chemical engineering technology selected to suit the interests of students and faculty.

    CHE 610 Advanced Topics in Polymer Science and Engineering (3+0+0) 3
    (Polimer Bilimi ve Muhendisliginde Ileri Konular)

    Recent advances in theoretical and experimental approaches for the investigation of polymeric systems. Statistical mechanics of homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Advanced methods for the characterization of molecular structure and properties. Segmental orientation in polymer networks and liquid crystalline materials. Techniques and approaches for high technology materials design.

    CHE 621 Phase Equilibria (Evre Dengeleri) (3+0+0) 3
    An advanced study of fundamental concepts in classical and molecular thermodynamics. Solution thermodynamics, vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibria, and chemical reaction equilibria in multicomponent systems; estimation of related thermodynamic properties.

    CHE 626 Advanced Computations in Phase Equilibria (3+0+0) 3
    (Ileri Evre Dengeleri Hesaplamalari)

    An advanced computational study of multicomponent vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibrium systems. Computer calculations of nonidealities in gas and liquid phases using theories of molecular thermodynamics.

    CHE 631 Transport Phenomena I (Tasinim Olaylari) (3+0+0) 3
    Momentum, heat and mass transfer from a unified approach using principles of continuum mechanics and molecular theories. Derivation of the balance laws for fluid, heat and mass transfer using vector and tensor notation. Solutions of resulting differential and integral equations for steady and unsteady state conditions with emphasis on analytical methods. Elementary constitutive equations and their use in solving fluid dynamics problems. Exact solutions by the use of stream functions and potential functions, boundary layer theory and integral averaging techniques; application to isothermal laminar and turbulent fluid flows.

    CHE 632 Transport Phenomena II (Tasinim Olaylari II) (3+0+0) 3
    Transient and multidimensional conduction heat transfer in solids. Nonisothermal flow through ducts and past immersed bodies. Approximate solutions by the method of weighted residuals. Derivation of the balance equations for heat and mass transfer in multicomponent mixtures. Applications of the Stefan-Maxwell and the linearized diffusion equations.

    CHE 636, 637 Selected Topics in Mass Transfer I, II (3+0+0) 3
    (Kutle Aktariminda Secilmis Konular I, II)

    An advanced course in mass transfer. Content varying from year to year with subject material drawn from topics of interest such as multicomponent diffusion, theories of mass transfer with simultaneous chemical reaction, interfacial phenomena, mass transfer in biological systems, etc.

    CHE 642 Multiphase Reactor Analysis and Design (3+0+0) 3
    (Cok Fazli Reaktor Analizi ve Tasarimi)

    General characteristics of solid catalyzed reactors. Transfer effects in multiphase reactors. Reactors employing a fluid phase and a catalytic solid phase in a fixed, moving or a fluidized bed. Catalyst deactivation. Regeneration of catalysts. General characteristics of two-fluid phase reactions. Models for interphase transfer in gas-liquid reactions. Design models for multiphase flow reactors. Reactors with three phases. Noncatalytic gas-solid reactions.

    CHE 670 Advanced Topics in Chemical Process Control (3+0+0) 3
    (Ileri Kimyasal Proses Kontrol Konulari)

    Review of time series analyses; applied stochastic control theory including minimum variance control, LQG control, self-tuning control and adaptive control. Generalized predictive control. Current topics in chemical process control.

    CHE 680-689, 691-698 Special Studies in Advanced Chemical Engineering
    (Ileri Kimya Muhendisliginde Ozel Konular) (3+0+0) 3

    Advanced topics of current interest selected to suit the interests of students and faculty.

    CHE 690 M.S.Thesis (Yuksek Lisans Tezi)

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