M.Sc. in Biochemical Pharmacology and Toxicology

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M.Sc. in Biochemical Pharmacology and Toxicology

  • Program tanımları Biochemical Pharmacology and Toxicology

    Involved Faculty Members :

    Prof. Dr.    Emel Arınç
    Prof. Dr.    Mesude İşcan
    Prof. Dr.    Tülin Güray
    Prof. Dr.    Orhan Adalı

    Admission conditions for the field : The students who apply to this program are expected that they have taken the following courses or equivalents
    BIO 307         Biochemistry I
    BIO 308         Biochemistry II
    BIO 353         Biochemistry
    BIO 310         Biochemistry Laboratory
    BIO 321         Bioanalytical Chemistry
    BIO 425         Molecular Pharmacology
    BIO 419         Biochemical Calculations
    BIO 500         Master Thesis
    BIO 501         Seminar in Biology
    Required (Recommended) course list:
    BIO 522         Metabolic Aspects of Conjugation Reactions
    BIO 520         Biometry
    BIO 713         Molecular Aspects of Oxygenases
    BCH 501        Free Radicals in Biochemical Systems
    BCH 508        Biochemical Toxicology and Pharmacology
    Selected course list:
    BIO 580         Controlled Release Systems and Drug Targeting
    BIO 543         Experimental Enzymology
    BIO 715         Genomics and Proteomics
    BIO 512         Quantitative Problems in Biochemistry
    BIO 503         Intermediary Metabolism and Regulation
    Other courses!
    6 technical elective (List of suggested graduate courses)

    Course Descriptions
    503 Intermediary Metabolism and its Regulation (3-0)3
    (See also BCH 503)
    Intensive study of the metabolic pathways of carbohydrates, lipids and nitrogenous compounds and their interrelationships, including control mechanisms. The effects of hormonal and nutritional status on the activity of these major pathways.(S)*

    BIO 509 Enzyme Kinetics (3-0)3
    (See also BCH 509)
    Steady-state treatment of simple and multistep enzymatic reactions. Inhibition analysis, activation, cooperative interactions. Multi substrate systems. Environmental effects on enzyme activity. Transient state kinetics. (A,F/W,E)*

    BIO 510 Structure and Function of Biological Membranes (3-0)3
    (See also BCH 510)
    Biochemistry of basic elements of natural (mammalian, plant and bacterial) and reconstituted membranes (liposomes, black lipid membranes). Techniques used in the study of membranes. Topics in cell biology and physiology, structure -function relationships of membranes depending on lipid fluidity, membrane fusion, cell recognition, hormone- receptor interactions, enzyme activities and transport phenomena.(R)*

    BIO 512 Quantitative Problems in Biochemistry (3-0)3
    (See also BCH 512)
    Solution of numerical problems in biochemistry involving acid-base chemistry, blood buffers, chemistry of biological molecules, enzymes, biochemical energetics, spectrophotometry, isotopes and scintillation counting.(R)*

    BIO 543 Experimental Enzymology (1-4)3
    (See also BCH 543)
    A laboratory course concerned with  biochemical and molecular aspects of enzyme function. Purification and characterization of the enzymes, optimization of the enzyme assays, simple enzyme kinetics, spectrophotometry, SDs-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA).(AF)*

    BIO 555 Ecology of Shallow Lakes (3-0)3
    Governing mechanisms in shallow lakes; light, sedimentation and resuspension, nutrient dynamics; biotic factors: phytoplankton, trophic cascades, vegetation. Managing and restoration eutrophic shallow lakes; nutrient management, biomanipulation, hydrological adjustment.

    BIO 516 Control Mechanisms in Biochemistry (3-0)3
    (See also BCH 516)
    Transcriptional, translational and post-translational control of protein level and activity in response to changes in the intracellular and extra cellular environment (R)*

    BIO 562 Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules and Membranes (3-0)3
    Basic theory, instrumentation and recent research applications of spectroscopic techniques in biological macromolecules and biological membranes.(R/WE)*

    BIO 705 Protein Structure-Function and Stability (3-0)3
    This course covers the inter and intra molecular forces determining protein structure, basis aspects of polypeptide structure, three dimensional structure of proteins, proteins in solution, factors affecting protein stability, protein denaturation and renaturation, measuring protein stability, thermodynamics of protein unfolding, protein-ligand, protein-protein and lipid interactions.
    BIO 715 Genomics and Proteomics (3-0)3
    Concepts and current knowledge and applications in the rapidly emerging disciplines of structural and functional genomics (genome analysis and comparative genomics, technologies for transcriptional profiling, analysis of protein-protein interaction) and proteomics and related bioinformatics.

    BIO 7XX Special Topics in Biology (3-0)3
    Courses not listed in catalogue. Contents vary from year to year according to interest of students and the instructor in charge. Typical contents include Cell Biology, Endocrinology, Developmental Biology, Quantitative Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, Neuroscience, Plant Biology, Molecular Biophysics etc.(R)*

     * F: Fall, S: Spring, A: Alternative year, R: upon request, WE: wide elective
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