M.Sc Program in Plant Biology

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M.Sc Program in Plant Biology

  • Program tanımları Plant Biology

    Involved Faculty Members :

    Zeki Kaya
    Musa Doğan
    H.A. Öktem
    M. Yücel
    S. Önde
    Admission conditions for the field : The students who apply to this program are expected that they have taken the following courses or equivalents

    BIO 356         Plant Biology

    And any one of these

    BIO 353         Biochemistry or
    BIO 307 and BIO 308 (Biochem-I and Biochem-II)
    BIO 351         Introductions to Genetics
    BIO 310         Biochemistry Laboratory

    M.Sc. :

    Required Courses:
    BIO 500         Master Thesis
    BIO 501         Seminar in Biology
    Selected Course List:
    A: Max. of two courses could be selected from the list below
    BIO 403         Conservation Biology
    BIO 404         Evolution
    BIO 408         Plant Tissue Culture
    BIO 418         Population Biology of Plants
    BIO 432         Plant Biodiversity
    BIO 437         Plant Hormones
    BIO 442         Exp. Plant Physiology
    BIO 452         Plant Biotechnology
    BIO 470         Applied Ecology

    B: Up to seven courses could be selected from this list
    BIO 510         The Structure and Functions Of Biological Membranes
    BIO 511         Experimental Techniques in Biochmeistry
    BIO 512         Quantitative Problems in Biochemistry
    BIO 517         Numerical Taxonomy
    BIO 520         Biometry
    BIO 525         Population Genetics
    BIO 527         Transgenic Plant Technology
    BIO 528         Quantitative Genetics
    BIO 546         Plant Genetics and Breeding
    BIO 571         Advanced Ecology
    BIO 574         Major Concepts in Ecology
    BIO 576         Advanced Plant Systematics
    BIO 578         Evolutionary Genetics and Environmental Stress
    BIO 588         Biodiversity and Habitat Conservation
    BIO 715         Genomics and Proteomics
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