Master of Arts in Teacher Education - History Teaching
Program tanımlarıHISTORY TEACHING
Autumn Semester
IR 205 Diplomatic History I
IR 439 Turkish Foreign Policy I
TE 509 Developmental Psychology
TE 510 Curriculum and Instruction
TE 528 Introduction to Educational Science
TE 534 History Teaching Methods I
TE 554 School Experience I in History
Spring Semester
IR 440 Turkish Foreign Policy II
TE 519 Classroom Management
TE 520 Instructional Technology and Material Design
TE 523 Teaching Theory of Knowledge
TE 524 Guidance
TE 544 History Teaching Methods II
TE 564 School Experience II in History
Autumn Semester
TE 518 Measurement and Evaluation
TE 525 Learning and Teaching: Theory and Approach
TE 574 Teaching Practice in History
Spring Semester
ENG 404 English for Philosophy of Education
TE 521 History of Political and Educational Philosophy
TE 526 Subject Area Research Project