Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering

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Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering

  • Program tanımları Program Description

    Innovation in product design and manufacturing has become a major driver for industrial competitiveness and profitablity in recent years. As enabling technologies become more easily accessible, engineers are faced with increasing demands for designing and producing more complex mechanical devices to serve the needs of the society. Next generation engineering products will be 'smart' with many functionalities; they will be made of new materials; they will increase energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact; they will vary in size from nano to mega scales; and they will be more closely integrated with information processing systems. Also as mechanical systems are becoming increasingly complex to analyze and expensive to experiment, more emphasis will have to be placed on computer aided analysis, design, verification and manufacturing. Our research program in mechanical engineering responds to these trends and focuses on basic research related to materials science and process engineering, product design, and information integrated manufacturing processes. In doing so applications to different physical processes are studied (e.g. energy systems, bioengineering, metal forming, polymer processing, discrete part manufacturing to name a few).

    Research Areas
    • Vibrations and Nonlinear Dynamics
    • Human and Machine Haptics (Biomechanics, Robotics)
    • Biomimetics (Imitation of nature to manufacture new materials and machines)
    • Fabrication of Nanomaterials
    • Polymer Engineering
    • Microelectromechanical Systems
    • Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Systems
    • Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
    • Computer Aided Numerical Control (CNC) Systems and Machine Tools
    • Composite Materials Manufacturing
    • Process Control
    More information on research projects and faculty members can be found in the web pages of the individual schools.


    Graduate curriculum consists of the following 3-credit courses:
    • MATH 503 Applied Mathematics
    • MECH 511 Theory of Vibration
    • MECH 512 Advenced Dynamics
    • MECH 514 Design and Modelling of High Precision Systems
    • MECH 521 Advenced Fluid Dynamics
    • MECH 522 Computational Fluid Dynamics
    • MECH 524 Combustion Processes
    • MECH 531 Modern Control Systems
    • MECH 534 Computer Based Simulation and Modeling
    • MECH 541 Manifacturing of Advanced Engineering Materials
    • MECH 542 Mechatronics
    • MECH 543 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation
    • MECH 444/544 Robotics
    • MECH 546 Machine Tools in Manufacturing
    • MECH 552 Introduction to Biomechanics
    • MECH 561 Mechanics of Condenced Materials
    • MECH 562 Micro and Nanofabrication
    • MECH 564 Biomimetics
    • MECH 566 Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers

    Courses are selected by the students from the above list and from other courses not listed here in accordance with their areas of specialization and subject to the approval of their advisors. In addition, each student has to take a seminar course, MECH 590 Seminar. Students working towards the thesis register for MECH 595 M.S. Thesis, and students enrolled in non-thesis option register for MECH 591 Project.

    Students who have TA assignments  must take TEAC 500: Teaching Experience during the semesters of their assignments.  Students must also take ENGL 500: Graduate Writing course.

    Course Descriptions

    Math 503
    Applied Mathematics

    Review of Linear Algebra and Vector Fields: Vector Spaces, Eigenvalue Problems, Quadratic Forms, Divergence Theorem and Stokes' Theorem. Sturm-Liouville Theory and Orthogonal Polynomials, Methods of Solution of Boundary Value Problems for the Laplace Equation, Diffusion Equation and the Wave Equation. Elements of Variational Calculus.

    Mech 511
    Theory of Vibration
    (Also MECH 411)

    Deterministic vibratory motion of mechanical systems: Free, forced-harmonic, forced-periodic, and forced-transient vibration of single-degree-of-freedom, multiple-degree-of-freedom, and continuous systems. Introduction to the Finite Element Method. Prerequisite: MATH 203, MATH 204 or consent of the instructor

    MECH 512
    Advanced Engineering Dynamics
    (Also MECH 412)

    Particle kinematics. Kinematics of rigid bodies. Newtonian kinetics of a rigid body. Impulse-momentum and work-energy principles. Analytical mechanics. Holonomic and nonholonomic constrains. Virtual displacement. Generalized forces. Hamilton`s principle. Lagrange equations. Constrained generalized coordinates. Computational methods in the state space. Hamiltonian Mechanics. Gibbs-Appell equations. Gyroscopic effects. Prerequisite: MECH 206, MATH 204 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 514
    Design and Modeling of High Precision Systems
    (Also MECH 414)

    Introduction to precision systems ranging from those for the manufacture of integrated circuits, to machines for the manufacture of optical components and automobiles. The design of mechanical and structural precision machine components and their integration with sensor and control systems. Modeling and simulation. Control and structure interactions, use of computers in engineering design and CAD, design optimization.

    MECH 521
    Advanced Fluid Dynamics
    (Also MECH 421)

    Foundations of fluid mechanics introduced at an advanced level. Aspects of kinetic theory as it applies to formulation of continuum fluid dynamics. Introduction to tensor analysis and derivation of Navier Stokes equations and energy equation for compressible fluids. Boundary conditions and surface phenomena. Viscous flows, boundary layer theory, potential flows and vorticity dynamics. Introduction to turbulence and turbulent flows.
    Prerequisite: MATH 204, MECH 301 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 522
    Computational Fluid Dynamics
    (Also MECH 422)

    Numerical methods for elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic and mixed type partial differential equations arising in fluid flow and heat transfer problems. Finite-difference, finite-volume and some finite-element methods. Accuracy, convergence, and stability; treatment of boundary conditions and grid generation. Review of current methods. Assignments require programming a digital computer.
    Prerequisite: MATH 204, MECH 301 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 524
    Combustion Processes
    (Also MECH 424)

    An introduction to combustion and flame processes, with emphasis on fundamental fluid dynamics, heat and mass transport, and reaction-kinetic processes that govern combustion rates. Thermochemistry, kinectics, vessel explosions, laminar and turbulent premixed and diffusion flames, droplet combustion, and combustion of solids.
    Prerequisite: MECH 301 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 531
    Modern Control Systems
    (Also MECH 431)

    Introduction to modern control theory. Mathematical modeling of engineering systems. Feedback control, stability and performance analysis. Frequency and time response methods. Control system analysis and design using MATLAB.
    Prerequisite: MECH 304 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 534
    Computer Based Simulation and Modeling
    (Also MECH 434)

    Geometric, physics-based, and probabilistic modeling methodology and associated computational tools for interactive simulation: computer programming, numerical methods, graphical modeling and programming, physics-based and probabilistic modeling techniques.
    Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

    MECH 541
    Manufacturing of Advanced Engineering Materials
    (Also MECH 441)

    Advanced engineering material manufacturing processes. Metals: material removal, addition, change of form. Plastics and composites: injection molding, compression molding, extrusion, sheet forming, tow placement, pultrusion, liquid molding, filament winding, autoclave. Similarities/differences of processes, advantages/disadvantages of processes, proper selection of manufacturing process, applications from industries, issues and their solutions, on- and off-line control.
    Prerequisite: MECH 301, MECH 306 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 542
    (Also MECH 442)

    Modeling, simulation and identification of physical systems. Instrumentation. Sensors and transduscers. Hardware components. Pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical and electrical actuators. Programmable logic controllers (PLC). Signals, systems, and controls. Real time interfaceing and programming. Microprocessor-based electro-mechanical control applications and projects for factory automation, manufacturing and machine systems.
    Prerequisite: MECH 304 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 543
    Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation
    (Also MECH 443)

    Product realization systems from Computer Aided Design (CAD) to Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). Manufacturing Automation. Modern sensors in manufacturing. Computer control of manufacturing systems. Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine tools. Machining processes. Rapid prototyping. Fundementals of industrial robotics.
    Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

    MECH 544
    (Also MECH 444)

    Fundamental concepts of modeling, control sensing, and intelligence of robotic systems. Robotic manipulators and mobile robots. Forward and inverse kinematics, trajectory planning, dynamics, control, and programming of robotic manipulators. Hardware components of mobile robots, visual and navigational sensors, pose estimation, navigation, and reasoning in mobile robots. Hands-on experience with robotic arms and mobile robots in a laboratory environment.
    Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

    MECH 546
    Machine Tools in Manufacturing
    (Also MECH 446)

    Mechanics of metal cutting. Static and dynamic deformations in machining. Chatter vibration and stability issues. Design and analysis of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) systems. Machine tool drives. Feedback devices. Electrical drives. State-space model of feed drive control system. Digital position control system design. Sensor-assisted intelligent machining. Hardware and software machining modules. Applications and projects.
    Prerequisite: MECH 304, MECH 306 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 552
    Introduction to Biomechanics
    (Also MECH 452)

    Applications of mechanics to biological systems; basic principles of mechanics (force-moment, stress-strain, work, energy, rigid body dynamics), analysis of human movement, musculoskeletal mechanics, tissue mechanics, motor control system, sports biomechanics, and rehabilitation engineering.
    Prerequisite: MECH 201 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 561
    Mechanics of Condensed Matter
    (Also MECH 461)

    Definition of stress, strain and motion. Constitutive equations describing the mechanical and thermal behavior of elastic and viscoelastic materials. Relationships between macroscopic and microscopic stress and strain. Micromechanics of defects. Observables at the macroscopic and microscopic length scales in plasticity, fracture and fatigue.
    Prerequisite: MECH 201 and MECH 202 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 562
    Micro and Nanofabrication
    (Also MECH 462)

    Fabrication and characterization techniques for micro and nano electro mechanical systems, MEMS & NEMS (including: microlithography; wet & dry etching techniques; physical & chemical vapor deposition processes; electroplating; bonding; focused ion beams; top-down approaches - electron-beam lithography, SPM, soft lithography - ; bottom-up techniques based on self-assembly). Semiconductor nanotechnology. Nanotubes & nanowires. Biological systems. Molecular electronics.
    Prerequisite: MECH 202 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 564
    Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers
    (Also MECH 464)

    Illustration of viscoelastic behavior of polymers. Creep and relaxation. Storage and loss moduli. Dynamic viscosity, storage and loss compliance, loss tangent. Relaxation and retardation spectrum, calculation of viscoelastic functions form spectra. Experimental methods for highly viscous liquids, soft and hard solids. Viscoelasticity of glassy and crystalline materials. The time-temperature superposition principle. Application to practical problems such as vibration damping, heat generation in rapid oscillations, sliding friction, adhesion and abrasion, processability and lubrication.
    Prerequisite: MECH 202, MECH 206 or consent of the instructor.

    MECH 566
    (Also MECH 466)

    Understanding and imitating the basic principles and techniques used by nature in designing and manufacturing of materials, machines and mechanisms. A wide spectrum of case studies will be explored: The organization and functioning of proteins, molecular machines, smart minipumps, soft electroactive membrane actuators and sensors, gels, Ph activated systems, polymeric muscles and robotic actuation.
    Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

    Mech 590

    Mech 591

    Mech 595
    MS Thesis

    TEAC 500
    Teaching Experience
    Provides hands-on teaching experience to graduate students in undergraduate courses. Reinforces students' understanding of basic concepts and allows them to communicate and apply their knowledge of the subject matter.

    ENGL 500
    Graduate Writing
    This is a writing course specifically designed to improve academic writing skills as well as critical reading and thinking. The course objectives will be met through extensive reading, writing and discussion both in and out of class. Student performance will be assessed and graded by Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
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