Pazarlama Yüksek Lisans Programı

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Pazarlama Yüksek Lisans Programı

  • Program tanımları Dünyada rekabetin her alanda yoğunlaşması , küreselleşme sürecinin yoğun olarak tüm yerel firmaları etkilemesi, teknolojik gelişmelerin ürün farklılaşmalarını artırması ve  tüketicilerin  bilinçlenmesi sonucunda  firmalar açısından en önemli yönetim fonksiyonunun Pazarlama olduğu görülmektedir.

    Bu açıdan dört yıllık bir lisans programını başarı ile tamamlayan ve iş dünyasında firmaların stratejik yönlendirilmesi konusunda görev üstlenmek isteyen kişilerin, çağdaş pazarlama anlayışı içinde, araştırma tekniklerini öğrenmeleri; yönetim alanında bu bilgileri kullanarak rekabet stratejileri hazırlayıp, uygulayacak becerileri kazanmaları ; bu kişilerin pazarlama iletişimi alanında  uzmanlaşarak, bütünleşik pazarlama anlayışını uygulamaları amaçlanır.

    Pazarlama alanında gerek Türkiye gerek globalleşen dünyanın artan rekabet  koşullarında görev alabilecek yüksek lisans öğrencilerinin bilimsel ve uygulamalı araştırmalar yapmaları ve araştırma sonuçlarını bilim dünyası ile paylaşarak, pazarlama alanının gelişimine katkıda bulunmaları teşvik edilir.

    Program farklı alanlarda uzmanlaşmak isteyen  kişiler için üç değişik  modül şeklinde hazırlanmıştır:

              Pazarlama Yönetimi
              Pazarlama Araştırmaları
              Pazarlama İletişimi

    Bu üç modüllü programın ders yapısı zorunlu ve seçmeli derslerden oluşmaktadır.  Öğrenciler ilk  yarıyılda üç temel zorunlu dersi alacaklardır. Bu dersler her üç modüle devam eden öğrenciler için de ortaktır. Temel zorunlu derslerini tamamlayan öğrenciler uzmanlık alanlarına göre Pazarlama Araştırmaları; Pazarlama Yönetimi ve Pazarlama İletişimi konularında modüler sistemde yer alan dersleri alacaklardır.

    Çok farklı lisans dallarından gelerek Pazarlama Yüksek Lisans programına devam etmek isteyen öğrenciler için, bir yıllık bir Bilimsel Hazırlık Programı hazırlanmıştır. Bilimsel Hazırlık Programının dersleri aşağıdaki gibidir:


    Marketing Management    
    Introduction to Statistics    

    Contemporary Management    
    Accounting and Finance

    • Pazarlama Araştırmaları Modülü
    Ders İçerikleri

    Innovation Management
    Innovation Management focuses on the process of designing innovative new information-based services, including problem definition, research, design, development, and execution. Concepts include blueprinting, ideation, blue ocean strategy, branding, observation and interview, personas, storyboards, customer journey, stage-gate process and project portfolio management.

    Theory of Marketing
    This course will consider major contemporary issues in marketing theory, understand the history and evolution of marketing thought, understand the fundamental issues involved in the philosophy of science and its impact on marketing inquiry, enhance the ability to conduct scientifically respectable research and to evaluate research in a professional-critical manner.

    Value Chain Management
    The course's objective is to make students recognize strategic challenges and opportunities for managing value chains, teach students to use several basic analytical tools to assess performance trade offs and support decision making, become familiar with several value chain strategies that have been adopted by leading companies.

    Entrepreneurial Marketing
    This course covers the key marketing concepts and methods relevant for entrepreneurs; marketing elements of new venture initiation; marketing decisions for small and growing organizations; product/service design, assessment of market potential, creation of successful distribution relationships; new product pricing; low-budget or no-budget market research; successful strategic alternatives for small business; alternatives to high-cost advertising; segmentation, and targeted marketing.

    Competitive Analysis
    This course develops game theoretic techniques and applies those techniques in order to study strategic interactions in imperfectly competitive markets. The course provides students with analytical tools; give solutions to how industry structure determines the profit potential; how strategic decisions of an individual firm shape the structure of its industry, and how individual firms can strategically shape their industry in order to earn and sustain the highest potential economic profits.

    Channel Management
    This course presents concepts and analytical tools necessary to manage distribution channels. Channels will be studied both as value delivery systems and as interorganizational systems. The course is organized around three themes: designing a go-to-market approach and channel structure, coordinating the channel participants, and changing channels.

    Services Marketing and Management
    This course focuses on the distinctive aspects of service organizations including the importance of service quality and how marketing goals, mixes and strategies are tailored accordingly. Students will learn about new developments in the marketing of services, including the Internet, and how they apply in different settings, including financial, professional and not-for-profit.

    High Technology Marketing Management
    Firms have to make decisions as the high technology changes at an unbelievable pace. Firms need to develop abilities to understand unarticulated customer needs and to forecast the development of new markets. The course aims to understand the characteristics of innovations and how they influence the technology life cycle; the important and changing role of intermediaries in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer environments.

    Strategy and Tactics in Pricing
    This course covers fundamental analytic tools, theories, and conceptual tools for formulating pricing strategy. It also covers pricing tactics, and some new economy pricing models. It will be supported by case studies and with the lectures of guest speakers with the relevant experience.

    Sales Management
    This course emphasizes the solutions to operating and management problems of sales-management executives. Students will learn how to relate the sales function to other functions of business and will study techniques for estimating sales potential, forecasting sales, manning territories, and selecting, training, supervising and compensating the sales force. You will learn about sales force automation tools, including web methods.

    Managing Marketing Programs
    This course focuses on how to make effective and integrated marketing implementation decisions via the marketing mix. Through a combination of lectures, cases, hands-on exercises, a brand management simulation, and industry speakers, the course covers topics such as demand analysis, product/service management, pricing, distribution, promotions and integrated communications.

    Supply Chain Management
    This course focuses on the management and improvement of supply chain processes. It will
    begin with some supply chain basics: the important supply chain metrics, the primary cost tradeoffs, and the key features of supply chain management strategies. Then it will consider supply chain incentive conflicts and possible solutions to those conflicts.

    Crisis Communications
    Crisis management is one of the most visible responsibilities of the corporate communications and PR profession. This course approaches the subject as a strategic opportunity to develop an integrated point of view to protect the reputation, brand and survival of an organization. Based on an initial demonstration by faculty of a strategic approach to crisis planning, analysis and evaluation, students will present both current crisis cases and also historical crises.

    Marketing Public Relations Management
    An important part of any product or service branding effort, MPR uniquely employs public relations strategies and tactics to attain corporate or organizational marketing and sales objectives. This course will demonstrate how public relations can both lead and contribute to effective integrated marketing programs. Student teams prepare and present complete integrated MPR plans for either a corporate or a global not-for-profit business-related foundation client.

    Media Economics and Technology

    The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the media industry and its business practices, operations, content and technology. The course establishes an understanding of the basic economic principles that underlie media businesses and the how audiences are leveraged to attract advertisers; the roles of audience measurement and media technology in shaping the content and format of media and the capabilities of advertising and other brand communications to reach target audiences.

    Advertising Management
    The primary objective of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to analyze, design, and evaluate various advertising decisions. The course focuses on the concepts, theory, models, and findings from marketing, marketing research, communication research, and management science that are relevant to the design and evaluation of advertising. The specific topics covered in this course include advertising as a communications process, research for advertising strategy development, determining the advertising budget, media strategy, media selection models, evaluating advertising effectiveness, and evaluating the advertising campaign.

    Integrated Marketing Communication
    The course provides an introduction to basic concepts and methods in marketing with two primary objectives. The first is to survey the state of knowledge of marketing practice and provide IMC students with a foundation in how corporations conduct marketing practices. Primary emphasis is placed on a consumer orientation, branding, market segmentation and positioning, globalization and the marketing mix variables of product, price and distribution.

    Marketing Communications Management
    An analysis of marketing communications from business, social, economic, and political perspectives, this course provides an in-depth discussion of advertising and promotion as key tools in marketing new and established products. It examines advertising planning and management, research, creative development, media selection, direct response, and advertising agencies. Emphasis is on new media technologies and the growing use of alternative media in communicating with selected publics.

    Statistical Methods in Research

    This course introduces commonly used statistical techniques. The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of statistical techniques and a tool box of methodologies. Intuitive developments and practical use of the techniques are emphasized. Topics include the basic laws of probability and descriptive statistics, conditional probability, random variables, expectation, discrete and continuous probability models, joint and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, point estimation, confidence intervals, contingency tables, logistic regression, and linear and multiple regression.

    Quantitative Models in Marketing Research
    This course introduces advanced quantitative analytic methods and their use in translating facts into meaningful information. It provides practical understanding of several advanced quantitative data analytic procedures including both predictive and interdependence techniques. Application to case analysis format will be emphasized to broaden analysis skills.

    Qualitative Marketing Research
    This course is designed to provide an overview of qualitative marketing research and its use in making effective marketing decisions. It emphasizes two things that are very relevant for a marketing manager: how to evaluate the design of research studies to assess whether the results are valid and meaningful; and how to analyze and interpret market research data for marketing decision making. Towards this end, the course will examine a variety of qualitative research techniques, including focus groups, observation, in-depth interviews, ZMET, and projective techniques.

    Data Analysis and Decision Making
    This course will be a study of the use of computer applications to improve business data analysis and decision-making skills. Relevant computer programs will be used with an integrated business database to teach varied statistical, decision modeling, and simulation techniques.

    Marketing Intelligence Systems
    This course is about gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data about markets and customers. It will help students using market research information rather than doing "marketing research." There is an immense increase in the quantity and quality of data available for market analysis and analytical frameworks for transforming this data into information used for marketing decisions. Other topics covered are: the sorts of marketing decision problems.

    Globalization and Business Strategy
    This course provides an advanced coverage of the development and transformation of business enterprise within the global economy, by focusing on the business strategy and dynamics of institutional and organizational change resulted from today's globalization process. This includes the effect of structural, institutional, and organizational change upon the strategy of the business enterprises for survival and success in the contemporary hyper-competitive, technology-driven, fast-paced, uncertain environment

    Industrial Marketing
    This course provides a strategic view of industrial and other business-to-business marketing. Students will gain experience in solving marketing mix problems over the product life-cycle and will learn about the impact of technology, derived demand, complex buying processes, and customization. Students will also study the impact and use of business e-commerce exchanges and other web-based techniques.

    Social Marketing
    This course explores social marketing and consumer culture from managerial and ethical perspectives by using marketing methods to benefit the public interest. Social marketing, social responsibility; cause related marketing; marketing in nonprofit organizations; green marketing; economic and sociological perspectives on consumer culture; the psychology of happiness; the influence of wealth, consumption, and materialism;public policy concerns related to marketing and advertising are covered.

    Brand Equity Management
    Brands as key business assets, and how branding can contribute to both sustainable corporate advantage and create increase in shareholder value are studied in this course. Critical aspects of branding and brand management, the development of a brand identity, architecture, promise development, extensions, licensing, dealing with brand issues arising from a merger or acquisition, achieving alignment with operational performance, and measurement of results are discussed in this course.

    Building Powerful Brands
    This course teaches students the strategic significance of the role of brands in creating shareholder value. Lectures, cases, discussions, exercises and projects are used to develop the core principles related to branding; understanding of how to develop a brand positioning, managing total brand experience, how to manage the brand relevancy over time, familiarity with the methodologies to evaluate brand equity, how to achieve growth through brand extension brand design and brand messaging.

    Theory of Consumer Behavior
    This course is designed to introduce and familiarize students with the basic concepts and procedures for investigating consumers' and industrial users' buying habits, pre-purchase decision processes, and post-purchase evaluation processes. Emphasis will be on assessing the importance of various factors within the market environment and their influences on the assessment of individuals and groups attitudinal and behavior outcomes in different market situations as well as in developing workable managerial strategies.

    The course prepares the students for writing the Master Thesis

    The course content is based on the student's approach to the relevant field of his/her choice. A primary aim of the thesis is to assist each individual student to identify a methodology and means to express their ideas and to locate their work within a wider context. An important aspect of this is to develop a strong awareness of how the context can inform that process as well as affect the reading and understanding of each individual student.

    Seminar in Marketing

    The course covers current research and practice components of marketing management. In-depth discussion of marketing mix variables, segmentation, targeting and positioning, and budget-related issues will also be included in the course.

    Current Marketing Research Topics
    The course will consider cultural and other factors which may affect research practices in different countries, extensive use of case studies, some in video form. Dependent upon student interests, marketing research will be handled in both private (including non-profit) and public organizations. The course will also deal with newer aspects of marketing research, such as its growing use on the Internet.

    Culminating in an individual piece of research in which learning on the program is applied to an appropriate topic of interest/specialization, under the guidance of a supervisor.

    • Pazarlama İletişim Modülü

    Ders İçerikleri

    Innovation Management
    Innovation Management focuses on the process of designing innovative new information-based services, including problem definition, research, design, development, and execution. Concepts include blueprinting, ideation, blue ocean strategy, branding, observation and interview, personas, storyboards, customer journey, stage-gate process and project portfolio management.

    Theory of Marketing
    This course will consider major contemporary issues in marketing theory, understand the history and evolution of marketing thought, understand the fundamental issues involved in the philosophy of science and its impact on marketing inquiry, enhance the ability to conduct scientifically respectable research and to evaluate research in a professional-critical manner.

    Value Chain Management
    The course's objective is to make students recognize strategic challenges and opportunities for managing value chains, teach students to use several basic analytical tools to assess performance trade offs and support decision making, become familiar with several value chain strategies that have been adopted by leading companies.

    Entrepreneurial Marketing
    This course covers the key marketing concepts and methods relevant for entrepreneurs; marketing elements of new venture initiation; marketing decisions for small and growing organizations; product/service design, assessment of market potential, creation of successful distribution relationships; new product pricing; low-budget or no-budget market research; successful strategic alternatives for small business; alternatives to high-cost advertising; segmentation, and targeted marketing.

    Competitive Analysis

    This course develops game theoretic techniques and applies those techniques in order to study strategic interactions in imperfectly competitive markets. The course provides students with analytical tools; give solutions to how industry structure determines the profit potential; how strategic decisions of an individual firm shape the structure of its industry, and how individual firms can strategically shape their industry in order to earn and sustain the highest potential economic profits.

    Channel Management
    This course presents concepts and analytical tools necessary to manage distribution channels. Channels will be studied both as value delivery systems and as interorganizational systems. The course is organized around three themes: designing a go-to-market approach and channel structure, coordinating the channel participants, and changing channels.

    Services Marketing and Management
    This course focuses on the distinctive aspects of service organizations including the importance of service quality and how marketing goals, mixes and strategies are tailored accordingly. Students will learn about new developments in the marketing of services, including the Internet, and how they apply in different settings, including financial, professional and not-for-profit.

    High Technology Marketing Management
    Firms have to make decisions as the high technology changes at an unbelievable pace. Firms need to develop abilities to understand unarticulated customer needs and to forecast the development of new markets. The course aims to understand the characteristics of innovations and how they influence the technology life cycle; the important and changing role of intermediaries in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer environments.

    Strategy and Tactics in Pricing
    This course covers fundamental analytic tools, theories, and conceptual tools for formulating pricing strategy. It also covers pricing tactics, and some new economy pricing models. It will be supported by case studies and with the lectures of guest speakers with the relevant experience.

    Sales Management
    This course emphasizes the solutions to operating and management problems of sales-management executives. Students will learn how to relate the sales function to other functions of business and will study techniques for estimating sales potential, forecasting sales, manning territories, and selecting, training, supervising and compensating the sales force. You will learn about sales force automation tools, including web methods.

    Managing Marketing Programs

    This course focuses on how to make effective and integrated marketing implementation decisions via the marketing mix. Through a combination of lectures, cases, hands-on exercises, a brand management simulation, and industry speakers, the course covers topics such as demand analysis, product/service management, pricing, distribution, promotions and integrated communications.

    Supply Chain Management
    This course focuses on the management and improvement of supply chain processes. It will begin with some supply chain basics: the important supply chain metrics, the primary cost tradeoffs, and the key features of supply chain management strategies. Then it will consider supply chain incentive conflicts and possible solutions to those conflicts.

    Crisis Communications

    Crisis management is one of the most visible responsibilities of the corporate communications and PR profession. This course approaches the subject as a strategic opportunity to develop an integrated point of view to protect the reputation, brand and survival of an organization. Based on an initial demonstration by faculty of a strategic approach to crisis planning, analysis and evaluation, students will present both current crisis cases and also historical crises.

    Marketing Public Relations Management
    An important part of any product or service branding effort, MPR uniquely employs public relations strategies and tactics to attain corporate or organizational marketing and sales objectives. This course will demonstrate how public relations can both lead and contribute to effective integrated marketing programs. Student teams prepare and present complete integrated MPR plans for either a corporate or a global not-for-profit business-related foundation client.

    Media Economics and Technology
    The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the media industry and its business practices, operations, content and technology. The course establishes an understanding of the basic economic principles that underlie media businesses and the how audiences are leveraged to attract advertisers; the roles of audience measurement and media technology in shaping the content and format of media and the capabilities of advertising and other brand communications to reach target audiences.

    Advertising Management
    The primary objective of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to analyze, design, and evaluate various advertising decisions. The course focuses on the concepts, theory, models, and findings from marketing, marketing research, communication research, and management science that are relevant to the design and evaluation of advertising. The specific topics covered in this course include advertising as a communications process, research for advertising strategy development, determining the advertising budget, media strategy, media selection models, evaluating advertising effectiveness, and evaluating the advertising campaign.

    Integrated Marketing Communication
    The course provides an introduction to basic concepts and methods in marketing with two primary objectives. The first is to survey the state of knowledge of marketing practice and provide IMC students with a foundation in how corporations conduct marketing practices. Primary emphasis is placed on a consumer orientation, branding, market segmentation and positioning, globalization and the marketing mix variables of product, price and distribution.

    Marketing Communications Management
    An analysis of marketing communications from business, social, economic, and political perspectives, this course provides an in-depth discussion of advertising and promotion as key tools in marketing new and established products. It examines advertising planning and management, research, creative development, media selection, direct response, and advertising agencies. Emphasis is on new media technologies and the growing use of alternative media in communicating with selected publics.

    Statistical Methods in Research
    This course introduces commonly used statistical techniques. The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of statistical techniques and a tool box of methodologies. Intuitive developments and practical use of the techniques are emphasized. Topics include the basic laws of probability and descriptive statistics, conditional probability, random variables, expectation, discrete and continuous probability models, joint and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, point estimation, confidence intervals, contingency tables, logistic regression, and linear and multiple regression.

    Quantitative Models in Marketing Research

    This course introduces advanced quantitative analytic methods and their use in translating facts into meaningful information. It provides practical understanding of several advanced quantitative data analytic procedures including both predictive and interdependence techniques. Application to case analysis format will be emphasized to broaden analysis skills.

    Qualitative Marketing Research
    This course is designed to provide an overview of qualitative marketing research and its use in making effective marketing decisions. It emphasizes two things that are very relevant for a marketing manager: how to evaluate the design of research studies to assess whether the results are valid and meaningful; and how to analyze and interpret market research data for marketing decision making. Towards this end, the course will examine a variety of qualitative research techniques, including focus groups, observation, in-depth interviews, ZMET, and projective techniques.

    Data Analysis and Decision Making
    This course will be a study of the use of computer applications to improve business data analysis and decision-making skills. Relevant computer programs will be used with an integrated business database to teach varied statistical, decision modeling, and simulation techniques.

    Marketing Intelligence Systems
    This course is about gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data about markets and customers. It will help students using market research information rather than doing "marketing research." There is an immense increase in the quantity and quality of data available for market analysis and analytical frameworks for transforming this data into information used for marketing decisions. Other topics covered are: the sorts of marketing decision problems.

    Globalization and Business Strategy
    This course provides an advanced coverage of the development and transformation of business enterprise within the global economy, by focusing on the business strategy and dynamics of institutional and organizational change resulted from today's globalization process. This includes the effect of structural, institutional, and organizational change upon the strategy of the business enterprises for survival and success in the contemporary hyper-competitive, technology-driven, fast-paced, uncertain environment

    Industrial Marketing
    This course provides a strategic view of industrial and other business-to-business marketing. Students will gain experience in solving marketing mix problems over the product life-cycle and will learn about the impact of technology, derived demand, complex buying processes, and customization. Students will also study the impact and use of business e-commerce exchanges and other web-based techniques.

    Social Marketing
    This course explores social marketing and consumer culture from managerial and ethical perspectives by using marketing methods to benefit the public interest. Social marketing, social responsibility; cause related marketing; marketing in nonprofit organizations; green marketing; economic and sociological perspectives on consumer culture; the psychology of happiness; the influence of wealth, consumption, and materialism;public policy concerns related to marketing and advertising are covered.

    Brand Equity Management
    Brands as key business assets, and how branding can contribute to both sustainable corporate advantage and create increase in shareholder value are studied in this course. Critical aspects of branding and brand management, the development of a brand identity, architecture, promise development, extensions, licensing, dealing with brand issues arising from a merger or acquisition, achieving alignment with operational performance, and measurement of results are discussed in this course.

    Building Powerful Brands
    This course teaches students the strategic significance of the role of brands in creating shareholder value. Lectures, cases, discussions, exercises and projects are used to develop the core principles related to branding; understanding of how to develop a brand positioning, managing total brand experience, how to manage the brand relevancy over time, familiarity with the methodologies to evaluate brand equity, how to achieve growth through brand extension brand design and brand messaging.

    Theory of Consumer Behavior
    This course is designed to introduce and familiarize students with the basic concepts and procedures for investigating consumers' and industrial users' buying habits, pre-purchase decision processes, and post-purchase evaluation processes. Emphasis will be on assessing the importance of various factors within the market environment and their influences on the assessment of individuals and groups attitudinal and behavior outcomes in different market situations as well as in developing workable managerial strategies.

    The course prepares the students for writing the Master Thesis


    The course content is based on the student?s approach to the relevant field of his/her choice. A primary aim of the thesis is to assist each individual student to identify a methodology and means to express their ideas and to locate their work within a wider context. An important aspect of this is to develop a strong awareness of how the context can inform that process as well as affect the reading and understanding of each individual student.

    Seminar in Marketing
    The course covers current research and practice components of marketing management. In-depth discussion of marketing mix variables, segmentation, targeting and positioning, and budget-related issues will also be included in the course.

    Current Marketing Research Topics

    The course will consider cultural and other factors which may affect research practices in different countries, extensive use of case studies, some in video form. Dependent upon student interests, marketing research will be handled in both private (including non-profit) and public organizations. The course will also deal with newer aspects of marketing research, such as its growing use on the Internet.

    Culminating in an individual piece of research in which learning on the program is applied to an appropriate topic of interest/specialization, under the guidance of a supervisor.

    • Pazarlama Yönetim Modülü

    Ders İçerikleri

    Innovation Management
    Innovation Management focuses on the process of designing innovative new information-based services, including problem definition, research, design, development, and execution. Concepts include blueprinting, ideation, blue ocean strategy, branding, observation and interview, personas, storyboards, customer journey, stage-gate process and project portfolio management.

    Theory of Marketing
    This course will consider major contemporary issues in marketing theory, understand the history and evolution of marketing thought, understand the fundamental issues involved in the philosophy of science and its impact on marketing inquiry, enhance the ability to conduct scientifically respectable research and to evaluate research in a professional-critical manner.

    Value Chain Management
    The course's objective is to make students recognize strategic challenges and opportunities for managing value chains, teach students to use several basic analytical tools to assess performance trade offs and support decision making, become familiar with several value chain strategies that have been adopted by leading companies.

    Entrepreneurial Marketing
    This course covers the key marketing concepts and methods relevant for entrepreneurs; marketing elements of new venture initiation; marketing decisions for small and growing organizations; product/service design, assessment of market potential, creation of successful distribution relationships; new product pricing; low-budget or no-budget market research; successful strategic alternatives for small business; alternatives to high-cost advertising; segmentation, and targeted marketing.

    Competitive Analysis
    This course develops game theoretic techniques and applies those techniques in order to study strategic interactions in imperfectly competitive markets. The course provides students with analytical tools; give solutions to how industry structure determines the profit potential; how strategic decisions of an individual firm shape the structure of its industry, and how individual firms can strategically shape their industry in order to earn and sustain the highest potential economic profits.

    Channel Management
    This course presents concepts and analytical tools necessary to manage distribution channels. Channels will be studied both as value delivery systems and as interorganizational systems. The course is organized around three themes: designing a go-to-market approach and channel structure, coordinating the channel participants, and changing channels.

    Services Marketing and Management
    This course focuses on the distinctive aspects of service organizations including the importance of service quality and how marketing goals, mixes and strategies are tailored accordingly. Students will learn about new developments in the marketing of services, including the Internet, and how they apply in different settings, including financial, professional and not-for-profit.

    High Technology Marketing Management
    Firms have to make decisions as the high technology changes at an unbelievable pace. Firms need to develop abilities to understand unarticulated customer needs and to forecast the development of new markets. The course aims to understand the characteristics of innovations and how they influence the technology life cycle; the important and changing role of intermediaries in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer environments.

    Strategy and Tactics in Pricing
    This course covers fundamental analytic tools, theories, and conceptual tools for formulating pricing strategy. It also covers pricing tactics, and some new economy pricing models. It will be supported by case studies and with the lectures of guest speakers with the relevant experience.

    Sales Management
    This course emphasizes the solutions to operating and management problems of sales-management executives. Students will learn how to relate the sales function to other functions of business and will study techniques for estimating sales potential, forecasting sales, manning territories, and selecting, training, supervising and compensating the sales force. You will learn about sales force automation tools, including web methods.

    Managing Marketing Programs
    This course focuses on how to make effective and integrated marketing implementation decisions via the marketing mix. Through a combination of lectures, cases, hands-on exercises, a brand management simulation, and industry speakers, the course covers topics such as demand analysis, product/service management, pricing, distribution, promotions and integrated communications.

    Supply Chain Management
    This course focuses on the management and improvement of supply chain processes. It will begin with some supply chain basics: the important supply chain metrics, the primary cost tradeoffs, and the key features of supply chain management strategies. Then it will consider supply chain incentive conflicts and possible solutions to those conflicts.

    Crisis Communications
    Crisis management is one of the most visible responsibilities of the corporate communications and PR profession. This course approaches the subject as a strategic opportunity to develop an integrated point of view to protect the reputation, brand and survival of an organization. Based on an initial demonstration by faculty of a strategic approach to crisis planning, analysis and evaluation, students will present both current crisis cases and also historical crises.

    Marketing Public Relations Management
    An important part of any product or service branding effort, MPR uniquely employs public relations
    strategies and tactics to attain corporate or organizational marketing and sales objectives. This course will demonstrate how public relations can both lead and contribute to effective integrated marketing programs. Student teams prepare and present complete integrated MPR plans for either a corporate or a global not-for-profit business-related foundation client.

    Media Economics and Technology
    The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the media industry and its business practices, operations, content and technology. The course establishes an understanding of the basic economic principles that underlie media businesses and the how audiences are leveraged to attract advertisers; the roles of audience measurement and media technology in shaping the content and format of media and the capabilities of advertising and other brand communications to reach target audiences.

    Advertising Management
    The primary objective of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to analyze, design, and evaluate various advertising decisions. The course focuses on the concepts, theory, models, and findings from marketing, marketing research, communication research, and management science that are relevant to the design and evaluation of advertising. The specific topics covered in this course include advertising as a communications process, research for advertising strategy development, determining the advertising budget, media strategy, media selection models, evaluating advertising effectiveness, and evaluating the advertising campaign.

    Integrated Marketing Communication

    The course provides an introduction to basic concepts and methods in marketing with two primary objectives. The first is to survey the state of knowledge of marketing practice and provide IMC students with a foundation in how corporations conduct marketing practices. Primary emphasis is placed on a consumer orientation, branding, market segmentation and positioning, globalization and the marketing mix variables of product, price and distribution.

    Marketing Communications Management
    An analysis of marketing communications from business, social, economic, and political perspectives, this course provides an in-depth discussion of advertising and promotion as key tools in marketing new and established products. It examines advertising planning and management, research, creative development, media selection, direct response, and advertising agencies. Emphasis is on new media technologies and the growing use of alternative media in communicating with selected publics.

    Statistical Methods in Research
    This course introduces commonly used statistical techniques. The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of statistical techniques and a tool box of methodologies. Intuitive developments and practical use of the techniques are emphasized. Topics include the basic laws of probability and descriptive statistics, conditional probability, random variables, expectation, discrete and continuous probability models, joint and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, point estimation, confidence intervals, contingency tables, logistic regression, and linear and multiple regression.

    Quantitative Models in Marketing Research

    This course introduces advanced quantitative analytic methods and their use in translating facts into meaningful information. It provides practical understanding of several advanced quantitative data analytic procedures including both predictive and interdependence techniques. Application to case analysis format will be emphasized to broaden analysis skills.

    Qualitative Marketing Research
    This course is designed to provide an overview of qualitative marketing research and its use in making effective marketing decisions. It emphasizes two things that are very relevant for a marketing manager: how to evaluate the design of research studies to assess whether the results are valid and meaningful; and how to analyze and interpret market research data for marketing decision making. Towards this end, the course will examine a variety of qualitative research techniques, including focus groups, observation, in-depth interviews, ZMET, and projective techniques.

    Data Analysis and Decision Making

    This course will be a study of the use of computer applications to improve business data analysis and decision-making skills. Relevant computer programs will be used with an integrated business database to teach varied statistical, decision modeling, and simulation techniques.

    Marketing Intelligence Systems
    This course is about gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data about markets and customers. It will help students using market research information rather than doing "marketing research." There is an immense increase in the quantity and quality of data available for market analysis and analytical frameworks for transforming this data into information used for marketing decisions. Other topics covered are: the sorts of marketing decision problems.

    Globalization and Business Strategy

    This course provides an advanced coverage of the development and transformation of business enterprise within the global economy, by focusing on the business strategy and dynamics of institutional and organizational change resulted from today's globalization process. This includes the effect of structural, institutional, and organizational change upon the strategy of the business enterprises for survival and success in the contemporary hyper-competitive, technology-driven, fast-paced, uncertain environment

    Industrial Marketing
    This course provides a strategic view of industrial and other business-to-business marketing. Students will gain experience in solving marketing mix problems over the product life-cycle and will learn about the impact of technology, derived demand, complex buying processes, and customization. Students will also study the impact and use of business e-commerce exchanges and other web-based techniques.

    Social Marketing
    This course explores social marketing and consumer culture from managerial and ethical perspectives by using marketing methods to benefit the public interest. Social marketing, social responsibility; cause related marketing; marketing in nonprofit organizations; green marketing; economic and sociological perspectives on consumer culture; the psychology of happiness; the influence of wealth, consumption, and materialism;public policy concerns related to marketing and advertising are covered.

    Brand Equity Management
    Brands as key business assets, and how branding can contribute to both sustainable corporate advantage and create increase in shareholder value are studied in this course. Critical aspects of branding and brand management, the development of a brand identity, architecture, promise development, extensions, licensing, dealing with brand issues arising from a merger or acquisition, achieving alignment with operational performance, and measurement of results are discussed in this course.

    Building Powerful Brands
    This course teaches students the strategic significance of the role of brands in creating shareholder value. Lectures, cases, discussions, exercises and projects are used to develop the core principles related to branding; understanding of how to develop a brand positioning, managing total brand experience, how to manage the brand relevancy over time, familiarity with the methodologies to evaluate brand equity, how to achieve growth through brand extension brand design and brand messaging.

    Theory of Consumer Behavior
    This course is designed to introduce and familiarize students with the basic concepts and procedures for investigating consumers' and industrial users' buying habits, pre-purchase decision processes, and post-purchase evaluation processes. Emphasis will be on assessing the importance of various factors within the market environment and their influences on the assessment of individuals and groups attitudinal and behavior outcomes in different market situations as well as in developing workable managerial strategies.

    The course prepares the students for writing the Master Thesis

    The course content is based on the student?s approach to the relevant field of his/her choice. A primary aim of the thesis is to assist each individual student to identify a methodology and means to express their ideas and to locate their work within a wider context. An important aspect of this is to develop a strong awareness of how the context can inform that process as well as affect the reading and understanding of each individual student.

    Seminar in Marketing
    The course covers current research and practice components of marketing management. In-depth discussion of marketing mix variables, segmentation, targeting and positioning, and budget-related issues will also be included in the course.

    Current Marketing Research Topics
    The course will consider cultural and other factors which may affect research practices in different countries, extensive use of case studies, some in video form. Dependent upon student interests, marketing research will be handled in both private (including non-profit) and public organizations. The course will also deal with newer aspects of marketing research, such as its growing use on the Internet.

    Culminating in an individual piece of research in which learning on the program is applied to an appropriate topic of interest/specialization, under the guidance of a supervisor.
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