Ph.D. program in Civil Engineering

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Ph.D. program in Civil Engineering

  • Giriş gereklilikleri Admission to the Ph.D. Programs: Minimum requirements for application (i) A grade point average of 3.00 or its equivalent in the Master's program. (ii) All applicants are required to take the Bogazici University Proficiency Test or the other international proficiency tests cited below and an examination in their own subjects. Tests Minimum Score BUEPT - Bogazici University English Proficiency Test 60 This test is administered by the Bogazici University School of Foreign Language three times a year, in May June and November BUEPT is valid for two years. TOEFL 550 (213) TWE 4.5 Test of English as a Foreign Language. This test is given several times a year in many countries by the American Educational Testing Service and is valid for two years. TOEFL with TWE part is valid only. ELTS 7 The English Language Testing Service. This test is given by the British Council and is valid for two years. (iii) LES score in top 5% (iv) Departmental Entrance Exam All applicants who successfully meet the above criteria, will be considered for an interview with the faculty.
  • Program tanımları
    Head of Department: Erol Guler

    Professors: Gulay Altay, Ali Rana Atilgan•, Cem Avci, Gokhan Baykal, Turan Durgunoglu†,Gokmen Ergun, Erol Guler, Onur Gurkan*, Cengiz Karakoc, Turan Ozturan, Semih S. Tezcan†, Mehmet Taner Tumay•, Vedat Yerlici†, Ozal Yuzugullu*

    Associate Professors: Atilla Akkoyunlu, Osman Borekci, Ayse Edincliler*

    Assistant Professors: Ozer Cinicioglu, Hilmi Lus, Kutay Orakcal, Emre Otay, Nilüfer Ozyurt, Cem Yalcin, Ilgin Yasar

    Instructors: Dr. Feza Baykal

    * Part-time

    † Professor Emeritus


    The Ph.D. program in Civil Engineering is composed of a minimum number of 24 credits of course work planned under the supervision of an advisor and a dissertation carried out according to the regulations of the Institute.


    CE 501 The Boundary Element Method (Sinir Elemanlari Yontemi) (3+0+0) 3
    Green's functions; the BEM for Laplace's equation; constant, linear and higher order elements; numerical analysis and integration; application to ground water flows; Poisson's equation, Monte Carlo integration; methods for the transformation of domain integrals to boundary integrals, particular solutions, Galerkin vector approach, multiple reciprocity, Fourier expansions; the dual reciprocity method, application to convective problems, Helmholtz equation, Burger's equation and the Navier-Stokes equation.

    CE 503 Mathematical Methods in Engineering (4+0+0) 4
    (Muhendislikte Matematik Yontemler)

    Mathematical and experimental modeling in engineering. Tensor analysis. Extrema of a function and functionals. Differential mathematical models and solution methods. Weighted residual methods. Perturbation methods. Integral equations. Finite difference method. Boundary integral method. Finite element method.

    CE 505 Applied Stochastic Analysis and Modeling (3+0+0) 3
    (Uygulamali Stokastik Analiz ve Modelleme)

    Properties of continuous and discrete random variables. Analysis of stochastic processes and time series data. Linear system analysis. Field specific applications of random data analysis in engineering and physical sciences. Computational techniques in digital data analysis using Matlab.
    Prerequisite: CE 202 or equivalent.

    CE 507 Methods of Construction (Yapi Metodlari) (3+0+0) 3
    Economics of construction. Application of methods and equipment in the construction practice. Planning, organization and operation of construction sites.

    CE 510 Hydrology (Hidroloji) (3+0+0) 3
    Hydrologic cycle. Precipitation. Evapotranspiration. Infiltration. Groundwater flow. Hydrograph theory. Hydrologic routing. Statistical methods.

    CE 511 Design of Hydraulic Structures (Hidrolik Yapilarin Tasarimi) (3+0+0) 3
    Design of hydraulic structures such as weirs, reservoirs, dams etc. Engineering of irrigation systems including canals and rivers. Economy of different hydraulic structures.
    Prerequisite: CE 510 or equivalent.

    CE 512 Water Resources Engineering (Su Kaynaklari Muhendisligi) (3+0+0) 3
    The planning, engineering and economics of water resources development and project implementation. Applied hydraulics and systems engineering principles, along with social sciences and economy, to consider the hydrosocio-economic nature of water resources projects.
    Prerequisite: CE 510.

    CE 514 Coastal Hydrodynamics (Kiyi Hidrodinamigi) (3+0+0) 3
    Linear wave theory; non-linear waves, cnoidal, solitary and stream function wave theories; modeling of surf zone hydrodynamics, wave transformations, wave setup and setdown, wind, wave and tide induced coastal currents.
    Prerequisite: CE 311 or consent of instructor.

    CE 515 Littoral Processes (Kiyisal Tasinim Surecleri) (3+0+0) 3
    Coastal morphology. Nearshore hydrodynamics. Transport phenomena of sediments by waves and currents. Analytical and numerical methods of determining littoral transport quantities. Effects of groins, jetties and other coastal structures on littoral processes. Coastal erosion due to nearshore perturbations. Design implementations of dredging operations, beach restoration projects.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CE 516 Coastal Structures (Kiyi Yapilari) (3+0+0) 3
    Planning and design of coastal protection structures; rigid, rubble mound and soft structures, dredging, sand bypassing; beach and offshore nourishment; analysis of design forces due to waves, currents and tidal fluctuations.

    CE 518 Coastal Sediment Transport (Kiyisal Cokelti Tasinimi) (3+0+0) 3
    Sediment properties; long-term morphodynamic forces and response, wind, wave, tide and currents; profile and planform changes. Coastal landforms, equilibrium beach profiles; cross-shore sediment transport. Numerical models, longshore sediment transport, one-line and n-line models. Shore protection, beach nourishment, littoral barriers. Coastal features, river deltas, spits, beach cusps, rip currents, longshore bars, cuspate forelands and crenulate bays.
    Prerequisites: CE 514 or consent of the instructor.

    CE 523 Water Quality Management (Su Kalite Yonetimi) (3+0+0) 3
    Evaluation and control of water quality in streams, lakes and reservoirs. Mathematical analysis of patterns of water movement and their relation to water quality.

    CE 526 Environmental Engineering Laboratory (3+0+0) 3
    (Cevre Muhendisligi Laboratuvari)

    Model and pilot studies on unit operations and unit processes in environmental engineering, laboratory evaluation of related parameters in biological treatment units, determination of chemical requirements in water and wastewater treatment.

    CE 527 Public Health Engineering (Halk Sagligi Muhendisligi) (3+0+0) 3
    The application of scientific knowledge to the control of man's environment. Air, water, waste disposal, food, housing, vector control, accident, heat, light, noise and limiting radiation. The production, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of solid waste products including municipal, industrial and agricultural wastes and the introduction to air pollution control.

    CE 530 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory (2+0+2) 3
    (Ileri Geoteknik Muhendisligi Laboratuvari)

    Measurement statistics, control and data acquisition. Soil sampling. Hydraulic conductivity testing; infiltrometer, oedometer permeability test, flexible wall and rigid wall tests. Consolidation testing; swell, collapse, constant strain rate tests. Triaxial testing; pore pressure measurement, effective stress tests, stress path testing.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CE 531 Soil Mechanics II (Zemin Mekanigi II) (3+0+0) 3
    Soil mineralogy and electro-kinetic phenomena. Effect of ground water and seepage. Consolidation theory. Shear strength and stability problems. Dynamic soil behavior.

    CE 532 Soil Dynamics (Zemin Dinamigi) (3+0+0) 3
    Vibration of elementary systems, wave propagation in elastic, layered, saturated media. Behavior of dynamically loaded soils. Theories for vibrations of foundations. Design of dynamically loaded foundations. Prediction of soil response to earthquake motion. Determination of dynamic soil properties. Liquefaction of soils and soil subsidence due to earthquake.

    CE 533 Geotechnics in Practice (Pratikte Geoteknik) (3+0+0) 3
    Applications of fundamentals and theories of soil mechanics and foundation design to various civil engineering structures. Case studies related to settlement, bearing capacity, stability and retaining structures. Application and design of various soil improvement techniques.

    CE 534 Designing With Geosynthetics (Geosentetiklerle Projelendirme) (3+0+0) 3
    Properties and test methods of geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, geonets and geocomposites. Designing for separation, reinforced slope, reinforced walls, embankments on soft soils, filtration and drainage using geotextiles. Designing of pond and canal liners, reservoir covers, landfill liners, landfill closures and dams using geomembranes. Seaming of geomembranes and geotextiles. Designing with geogrids, geonets and geocomposites.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CE 535 Environmental Geotechnics (Cevre Geoteknolojisi) (3+0+0) 3
    Conduction phenomenon in soils. Field and laboratory measurement techniques of hydraulic conductivity. Engineering properties of compacted soils and wastes. Contaminant transport and soil/waste interaction, pore fluid effects. Design and performance evaluation of Earth-Lined containment systems. Remediation techniques. Utilization of wastes in construction.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CE 536 Soil Improvement Techniques (Zemin Iyilestirme Yontemleri) (3+0+0) 3
    Soil structure and its effect on engineering performance. Mechanical modification; dynamic compaction, vibrocompaction, vibroreplacement. Hydraulic modification. Modification by admixtures; cement, lime, fly ash, polymer stabilization. Physical and chemical modification. Modification by inclusions and confinement. Utilization of by-products for stabilization. In-situ evaluation of soil improvement and monitoring.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CE 544 Advanced Materials Science (Ileri Malzeme Bilimi) (3+0+0) 3
    Elastic, plastic and viscoelastic behavior of engineering materials. Relationship of mechanical properties to internal structures of ceramics, metals and polymers. Applications of material behavior and properties to design of engineering systems.

    CE 546 Advanced Mechanics of Materials (Ileri Mukavemet) (3+0+0) 3
    Bending of beams of arbitrary cross section. Shear stresses in thin-walled beams of unsymmetrical cross section. Shear center. Bending and twisting of closed and open thin-walled beams. St. Venant torison theory. Torsion of beams with constraint of axial warping. Plane theory of elasticity. Plane stress and plane strain. Thin-plate theory. Thermal stresses in beams and thin-plates.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CE 547 Elasticity (Elastisite) (3+0+0) 3
    Kinematics of deformation, analysis of stress, strain energy. Equations of elasticity and general theorems. Methods for two dimensional boundary value problems applied to torsion, bending and plane problems. Special problems in three-dimensional elasticity.

    CE 550 Structural Design (Yapi Tasarimi) (3+0+0) 3
    Theory of plasticity and its application to structural design. The behavior of steel structures beyond the elastic limit until collapse. Study of component parts of frames; methods of predicting strength and deformation in the plastic range. Plastic design of multistorey frames. Comparison of conventional design methods with plastic design techniques.

    CE 551 Nonlinear Problems in Reinforced Concrete (3+0+0) 3
    (Betonarmede Dogrusal Olmayan Problemler)

    Nonlinear behavior of concrete as a material. Formation of cracks and crack propagation up to failure. Shear resisting mechanisms with special emphasis on aggregate interlock and dowel action, and application of these aspects in numerical methods. The behavior of concrete under biaxial and triaxial state of stress. Bonding, mechanical interaction at the bar to concrete interface. The concepts and effects of confinement and ductility in the design of reinforced concrete elements. Analytical confinement models for concrete. Introduction to plasticity in concrete, failure criteria of concrete and related models. Shear friction design method.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CE 552 Prestressed and Prefabricated Systems (3+0+0) 3
    (Ongerilmeli ve Prefabrike Sistemleri)

    Introduction to prefabrication. State of the art and trends of prefabrication in Turkey and elsewhere. Types of prefabricated elements, and their construction technologies; details. Large panel, sandwich panel, dry wall, reinforced and unreinforced masonry, tunnel formwork, framed structures, etc. Principles of prestressing design, simple and continuing beams, I, T and Box sections, design criteria for buildings and bridges. Pre- and post-tensioning concepts, moment curvature relationship, losses, flexural design, bonding, bearing stress, shear behavior, secondary prestressing, and design applications for circular tanks, done rings, large frames, shell structures, etc.

    CE 553 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (3+0+0) 3
    (Yapilarin Depreme Dayanikli Tasarimi)

    Basic principles of ductile design. Discussion of design parameters influencing ductility and toughness. Irregular structures and code prescribed sanctions for safe design. Aseismic design provisions for beams, columns, shear walls, reinforced and unreinforced masonry. Conventional as well as high technology retrofitting methods using FRP material. Principles of performance-based design. Prefabricated industrial buildings. Types and basic characteristics of base isolation and visco elastic dampers.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CE 554 Theory and Design for Measurements in Structural Engineering (2+0+2) 3
    (Yapi Muhendisliginde Olcme Teknikleri Teorisi ve Uygulamalari)

    Basic concepts of measurement methods. Probability and statistics, uncertainty analysis. Characteristics of signals. Electrical devices, signal processing and data acquisition. Resistance type strain gages. Force, torque, and pressure measurements. Displacement, velocity and acceleration measurements. Strain measurements.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    CE 556 Plastic Analysis (Plastik Analiz) (3+0+0) 3
    Design of continuous beams and girders; roofs and bridges; rigid frames, arches, rings, space frames, suspension bridges; plastic design methods. Inelastic bending of beams and frames. Secondary stresses. Connections. Prestressed concrete principles and design. Domes and thin shells.

    CE 557 Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis (3+0+0) 3
    (Yapi Analizinde Matris Metodlari)

    Matrix methods of structural analysis in two and three dimensional bar structures. Stiffness properties of plane trusses, plane frames, grids, space trusses and space frames. Study of computer programming techniques. Applications to selected problems.

    CE 558 Advanced Reinforced Concrete (Ileri Betonarme) (3+0+0) 3
    Prestressed concrete fundamentals Composite construction. Structural building systems. Retaining walls. Bridges. Design project.

    CE 559 Structural Dynamics (Yapi Dinamigi) (3+0+0) 3
    Free and forced vibration of undamped and damped, single and multi degree of freedom lumped mass linear systems. Response spectrum approach. Modal analysis. Numerical evaluation of linear and non-linear dynamic response. Earthquake response of structures. Dynamic analysis of continuous systems.

    CE 560 Advanced Highway Design (Ileri Yol Tasarimi) (3+0+0) 3
    Highway functions and dynamics of motion. Design controls and criteria. Capacity analysis of freeways, weaving areas and ramps. Longitudinal and cross-sectional elements of design. Freeway and interchange design. Safety design principles. Intersection design. Design of traffic barriers, crush cushions and other safety furnitures of highways. Introduction to design softwares and various design aids.

    CE 561 Transportation Modeling and Planning (3+0+0) 3
    (Ulasim Planlama ve Modellemesi)

    Transportation demand theory. Classical approach to transportation planning and modeling: trip generation, trip distribution, modal-split and traffic assignment techniques and models. Direct-demand models. Survey methods. Quick-response methods. Disaggregate travel demand modeling. Freight demand and car-ownership modeling. Advanced methods in planning. Introduction to transportation planning softwares.
    Prerequisite: A course in probability and statistics or consent of instructor.

    CE 562 Advanced Traffic Engineering (Ileri Trafik Muhendisligi) (3+0+0) 3
    Emerging issues in traffic engineering. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Traffic stream parameters. Statistical distributions used in traffic engineering. Intersection signalization and capacity analysis. Actuated control and detection. Signal coordination. Methods for dealing with freeway and arterial congestion. Arterial design and management. Traffic simulation. Accident studies and safety counter measures. Introduction of various traffic engineering softwares.
    Prerequisite: A course in probability and statistics or consent of instructor.

    CE 563 Methods of Analysis for Planners and Researchers ((3+0+0) 3
    (Planlamaci ve Arastirmacilar icin Cozumleme Yontemleri)

    A review of probability and statistics. Linear regression analysis, generalized least squares estimation, engineering applications. Evaluation designs used in overcoming threats to validity. Bayesian estimation. Survey design, sampling procedures, design of experiments. Analysis of variance and covariance. Factor anlaysis.

    CE 578 Plain Concrete (Beton Teknolojisi) (3+0+0) 3
    History. Chemical and physical properties of cements and aggregates. Admixtures. Proportioning of concrete. Cell structure. Rheology of concrete, strength, deformation, creep, fatigue and durability of hardened concrete. Nondestructive testing.

    CE 579 Graduate Seminar (Lisansustu Seminer) (0+1+0) 0 P/F
    The widening of students' perceptive and awareness of topic of interest to civil engineers through seminar offered by faculty, guest speakers and graduate students.

    CE 580-589 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (3+0+0) 3
    (Insaat Muhendisligi ile ilgili Ozel Konular)

    Topics include various problems associated with the developments in Civil Engineering.

    CE 590-599 Special Studies in Civil Engineering (3+0+0) 3
    (Insaat Muhendisliginde Ozel Calismalar)

    Special Studies on current research topics in civil engineering.

    CE 601 Finite Elements I (Sonlu Elemanlar Metodu I) (3+0+0) 3
    Principle of minimum potential energy, theory of finite elements, a single element in plane elasticity and bending. Displacement, equilibrium and hybrid models. Lattice models, convergence and bound theorems. Applications to simple problems of theory of elasticity.

    CE 606 Finite Elements II (Sonlu Elemanlar Metodu II) (3+0+0) 3
    Advanced topics in Finite Elements Theory. Axi-symmetric stress analysis, high order triangular and quadrilateral finite element, three dimensional stress analysis, selected topics from heat conduction, seepage, viscous flow of fluids, steady heat flow in reactors. Eigenvalue and propagation problems, vibration and stability, non-linear elasticity.

    CE 610 Hydromechanics (Hidromekanik) (3+0+0) 3
    Applied incompressible fluid mechanics includes continuity, momentum and energy principles, potential flow laminar turbulence diffusion, boundary layer theory, wave theory and unsteady flow.

    CE 611 Hydraulics of River Engineering (Akarsu Hidroligi) (3+0+0) 3
    Hydraulics of flow in rivers, including varied open channel flow, unsteady flow, sediment transport and stable-channel design.

    CE 623 Wastewater Treatment Processes (Atik Su Tasfiye Surecleri) (3+0+0) 3
    Theoretical considerations and design criteria for chemical, physical and biological (aerobic and anaerobic) wastewater treatment processes. Handling and disposal of sludge. Disposal of hazardous wastes.

    CE 624 Water Treatment Processes (Su Aritma Surecleri) (3+0+0) 3
    Theory and design of water treatment processes, liquid solid separation: screening slow and rapid filtration; flocculation and coagulation, sedimentation, solid removal and disposal, disinfection.

    CE 625 Advanced Environmental Engineering Principles (3+0+0) 3
    (Ileri Cevre Muhendisligi)

    The underlying physical and biological principles involved in engineering studies of air, water and solid wastes, pollution problems.

    CE 629 Industrial Water Quality Management and Reuse (3+0+0) 3
    (Endustri Su Kalite Yonetimi ve Geri Kazanilmasi)

    Composition of industrial effects, pollution of environment and effects of industrial wastes on receiving waters. Wastewater treatment processes applied to industrial wastewater treatment. Recycling of solid and liquid wastes.

    CE 631 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering (3+0+0) 3
    (Ileri Geoteknik Muhendisligi)

    Theories and numerical methods for consolidation processes. Theory of subgrade reaction and laterally loaded piles, passive pile problem. Deep cuts and bracing systems. Limit analysis using theory of plasticity. Numerical techniques.

    CE 637 Seepage Through Soils (Zeminlerde Su Akimi) (3+0+0) 3
    Principles governing the flow of water through soils and their applications in civil engineering. Flow net techniques, numerical techniques, flow across boundaries, flow through anisotropic soils, seepage forces in soils, piping, effect of seepage on stability of soils, steady and unsteady state flow towards wells, multiple well systems.

    CE 638 Soil Behavior (Zemin Davranisi) (3+0+0) 3
    Clay mineralogy, soil formation, colloid phenomena in soils, swelling, shrinkage, analysis of mechanical behavior of soils in terms of physico-chemical principles, conduction, frost action, sensitivity, rate processes such as creep, secondary compression.

    CE 639 Critical State Soil Mechanics Theory (3+0+0) 3
    (Kritik Durum Zemin Mekanigi Kurami)

    Stresses and strains in soils. Stress and strain paths and invariants. Correspondence between parameters for stress and strain. Critical State Line and the Roscoe surface. The behavior of overconsolidated samples. Hvorslev surface. Behavior of sand. Elastic and plastic deformation. Elastic Wall concept. Plasticity for soils. Cam-Clay theory. Soil parameters for design from the Critical State Soil Mechanics Theory.

    CE 643 Viscoelasticity and Rheology (Viskoelastisite ve Reoloji) (3+0+0) 3
    Basic theories of viscoelastic and rheological properties of materials. Discussion of mathematical principles of creep and relaxation. Plastics, polymers and metals at elevated temperatures.

    CE 647 Special Topics in Elasticity (Elastisitede Ozel Konular) (3+0+0) 3
    Advanced topics in the theory of elasticity. Current research problems, e.g. theory of potential functions, linear thermoelasticity, dynamics of deformable media, integral transforms and complex variable methods in classical elasticity.
    Prerequisite: CE 547.

    CE 648 Theory of Plates (Plaklar Teorisi) (3+0+0) 3
    Cylindrical bending of plates. Definition of slope and curvature. Effects of various cross sections during two directional bending. Equations of slope and curvature. Moments and equilibrium equations. Various methods for solving plates and numerical examples.

    CE 649 Theory of Shells (Kabuklar Teorisi) (3+0+0) 3
    Basic equations governing the equilibrium of axi-symmetrical shells. Curvature, slope and bending moment relations. Membrane theory for shells of general shape. Multi-span shells. Computer solutions.

    CE 651 Non-Linear Structural Analysis (3+0+0) 3
    (Dogrusal Olmayan Yapi Analizi)

    Sources of geometric and material non-linearity in structural systems. Formulation of non-linear static problems. Solution procedures such as displacement control and arc-length methods for non-linear system of equations. Geometrically non-linear analysis including P-Delta effects. Plastic hinge and distributed plasticity concepts for non-linear material analysis. Non-linear static analysis of reinforced concrete and steel frame structures including both geometric and material non-linearity.

    CE 654 Theory of Structural Stability (Stabilite Teorisi) (3+0+0) 3
    Stability of bars; equilibrium diagrams, method of neutral equilibrium, imperfect column behavior, buckling of inelastic columns. Approximate methods: Rayleigh Ritz method, method of finite differences, matrix stiffness method. Beam columns. Buckling of frames, rings, arches, thin plates and thin cylindrical shells.

    CE 656 Earthquake Engineering (Deprem Muhendisligi) (3+0+0) 3
    Characteristics of earthquakes, causes of earthquakes, focus magnitude, intensity, types of wave equations, micro seismicity, seismicity in Turkey. Spectral properties of earthquakes, response of linear and non-linear systems, earthquake effects on reservoirs, behavior of materials and structures under earthquakes, behavior of soils and earth structures, soil amplification studies, earthquake resistant design of buildings and other structures, records from seismoscopes and accelerographs and their interpretation. Fourier amplitude spectra, earthquake design codes.

    CE 660-669 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (3+0+0) 3
    (Insaat Muhendisliginde Ozel Konular)

    Topics include various problems associated with recent development in civil engineering.

    CE 680-689 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (3+0+0) 3
    (Insaat Muhendisligi ile ilgili Ozel Konular)

    Topics include various problems associated with the recent development in Civil Engineering.

    CE 691-697 Special Studies in Civil Engineering (3+0+0) 3
    (Insaat Muhendisligi'nde Ozel Calismalar)

    Special studies on current research topics in civil engineering.

    CE 698 Civil Engineering Seminar (Insaat Muhendisligi Semineri) (1+0+0) 1
    Subject Speaker to be arranged.

    CE 699 Guided Research (Yonlendirilmis Arastirmalar) (2+0+4) 4
    Research in the field of Civil Engineering, by arrangement with members of the faculty; guidance of doctoral students towards the preparation and presentation of a research proposal.
    CE 790 Ph.D. Thesis (Doktora Tezi)
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