Ph.D. Program in Operational Research

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Ph.D. Program in Operational Research

  • Program tanımları
    Required Courses:
    OR 501 Linear Optimization* (3-0)3  (if not taken in the M.S. program)
    OR 518 Stochastic Processes in Decision Models** (3-0)3  (if not taken in the M.S. program)
    OR 502 Discrete Optimization*** (3-0)3
    OR 503 Nonlinear Optimization**** (3-0)3
    OR 519 Mathematics for OR (3-0)3 or an equivalent course in mathematics
    OR 690 Research Topics in OR (3-0)3
    OR 693-696 Directed Studies I-IV (1-0)1
    OR 600 PhD Thesis NC

    Elective Courses:

    Six courses

    Minimum total credit hours: 24*****

    Minimum number of courses with credit: 8*****
    * or IE 553 Linear Optimization (3-0)3
    ** or IE 562 Stochastic Processes in Decision Models I (3-0)3
    *** or IE 554 Discrete Optimization (3-0)3

    **** or IE 555 Nonlinear Optimization (3-0)3

    ***** To be completed by the end of the 4th semester, before the Ph.D. qualifying exam
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