Program tanımlarıDegree Requirements
A thesis is required for the MS degree. Continuous registration is required for all graduate students until the thesis is approved unless special permission from the Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences is obtained.
The required course load is 21 credits for MS degree. Department may enforce some courses to be mandatory.
Core Courses
CE 500 Thesis
CE 598 Research Seminar
CE 8XX Special Studies
CE 9XX Special Topics
Elective Courses
CE 501 Advanced Analytical Methods in Engineering
CE 502 Advanced Numerical Methods in Engineering
CE 504 Advanced Watershed Hydrology
CE 505 Open Channel Hydraulics
CE 506 Hydrologic Time Series Analysis
CE 507 Design of Hydraulic Structures
CE 508 Advanced Mechanics of Fluids
CE 509 Transport Processes in Surface Flows
CE 510 Sediment Transport
CE 511 Coastal Engineering
CE 512 Finite Element Method
CE 513 Theory of Elasticity
CE 514 Theory of Plates and Shells
CE 515 Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis
CE 516 Advanced Structural Analysis
CE 517 Advanced Concrete Technology
CE 518 Earthquake Engineering
CE 519 Advanced Design of Steel Structures
CE 520 Prestressed Concrete Members
CE 521 Reinforced Concrete Members
CE 522 Highways and Airport Pavement Design
CE 523 Theory of Traffic Flow
CE 524 Urban Traffic Management and Control
CE 525 Airport Engineering
CE 526 Advanced Soil Mechanics II
CE 527 Advanced Soil Mechanics I
CE 528 Evaluation of Soil Behavior
CE 529 Soil Dynamics
CE 530 Engineering Properties of Soils
CE 531 Environmental Quality Modeling
CE 532 Groundwater Hydrology and Pollutant Transport
CE 533 Pollution Control in Sea Environment
CE 534 Non-Point Source Pollution
CE 535 Advanced Structural Dynamics
CE 536 Reinforced Concrete Structures
CE 537 Bridge Design
CE 538 Water Resources System Engineering
CE 539 Advanced Mechanics of Materials
CE 540 Stability of Structures
CE 541 Structural Reliability
CE 542 Tunnel Design and Construction Methods
CE 543 Advanced Foundation Design and Construction
CE 544 Stability of Soils
CE 545 Ground Improvement Methods
CE 551 Optimization and Design
CE 553 Air Quality Management
CE 554 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Technologies
CE 556 Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse
CE 561 Digital Mapping for GIS
CE 571 Artificial Intelligence Methods in Engineering
CE 572 Structural Control
CE 576 Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete
CE 580 Special Topics in Civil Engineering
CE 590 Technical Report Writing
CE 500 Thesis (0-1)NC
A research topic which can be experimental and/or theoretical has to be pursued. It should fulfill the requirements set by the İzmir Institute of Technology Graduate Program.
CE 501 Advanced Analytical Methods in Engineering (3-0)3
Heat flow. The method of separation of variables. Fourier series. Nonlinear partial differential equations. The method of characteristics. Fourier and Lap lace transforms.
CE 502 Advanced Numerical Methods in Engineering (3-0)3
Numerical methods for solving non-linear equations. Finite difference method for solving elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic equations in one and two dimensions. Irregular regions. Derivative boundary conditions. Rayleigh-Ritz method. Finite element method for solving elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic equations in two dimensions.
CE 504 Advanced Watershed Hydrology (3-0)3
Analysis and mathematical modeling of hydrologic processes taking place in a watershed. Precipitation analysis. Overland flows. Saturated and unsaturated flow processes.
CE 505 Open Channel Hydraulics (3-0)3
Energy and momentum principles. St. Venant equations. Flood routing. Flow in channels of nonlinear alignment and nonprismatic section. Flow over spillways. Energy dissipation. Method of characteristics. Explicit and implicit methods. Stability of numerical scheme.
CE 506 Hydrologic Time Series Analysis (3-0)3
Application of statistical methods for analysis and modeling of hydrologic series. Statistical simulation and prediction of hydrologic sequences using time series methodology.
CE 507 Design of Hydraulic Structures (3-0)3
Hydraulic design criteria and problems of reservoirs, spillways, outlet works, river training, and regulation, transition structures, conduit systems, and hydraulic machinery. Application of multiple purpose designs involving flood control, water supply, irrigation, recreation, drainage and navigation. Coastal engineering, estuaries, and harbors.
CE 508 Advanced Mechanics of Fluids (3-0)3
Rotational flows. Navier-Stokes equations and solutions for laminar flow. Boundary layer equations and solution techniques. Nature of turbulence. Reynolds equations. Introduction to turbulence modeling.
CE 509 Transport Processes in Surface Flows (3-0)3
Density-stratified two-layer systems in lakes and channels, with applications to mixed-layer growth, oil-spill containment, salinity intrusions. Advection-diffusion modeling in channels, including analytical solutions to steady unsteady, one or two dimensional problems. Mechanics of diffusional transport, including turbulence in channels and longitudinal shear dispersion. Near-field analysis of discharges, including similarity analysis of jets and plumes.
CE 510 Sediment Transport (3-0)3
Sediment properties and mechanics of sediment transport. Threshold of movement. Riverbed load and suspended load theories. Regime theory and stable channel design. River diversion problems. Erosion. Geomorphological and water quality aspects.
CE 511 Coastal Engineering (3-0)3
An introduction to coastal engineering with emphasis on the interaction between oceanic dynamic processes (waves, currents, and tides) and coastal regions (beaches, harbors, structures, and estuaries) and on the engineering approaches necessary to prevent adverse effects caused by this interaction.
CE 512 Finite Element Method (3-0)3
Approximate analysis procedures. Galerkin and Stationary Principle method. Construction of approximate solutions by the finite element method. Applications to one- and two-dimensional problems in engineering. Introduction to time dependent, non-linear and three-dimensional problems.
CE 513 Theory of Elasticity (3-0)3
Fundamental equations of elasticity. Plane stress and plane strain. Flexure and torsion of bars of various shapes. Introduction to variational and approximate methods.
CE 514 Theory of Plates and Shells (3-0)3
Kirchhoff plate bending theory, analytical solution of circular plates, classical solution of rectangular plates by Navier and Levy methods, and by numerical techniques of Rayleigh-Ritz, finite difference and finite element methods. Analytical solution of shells of revolution based on membrane and bending theories, and numerical solution by the finite element method.
CE 515 Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis (3-0)3
Analysis of discrete member systems. Displacement and force methods. Energy formulation. Direct stiffness method. Large displacements and stability. Static and kinematic condensation. Substructure analysis.
CE 516 Advanced Structural Analysis (3-0)3
Energy theorems and extremum principles in structural mechanics. Spatial methods for deflection computations. Equilibrium formulation of structural problems. Transformation matrices for force and displacement systems.
CE 517 Advanced Concrete Technology (3-0)3
Types of cements, their composition and potential usage. Compressive, tensile, fatigue and impact strengths. Mechanical behavior of concrete, shrinkage and volume changes, creep, durability, thermal, and acoustic properties.
CE 518 Earthquake Engineering (3-0)3
Earthquake characteristics. Seismic loads. Elastic and inelastic response. Analysis and design of buildings for earthquakes.
CE 519 Advanced Design of Steel Structures (3-0)3
Design considerations for steel column and frame buckling. Steel-plate girder design. Steel-concrete composite design. Design of connections.
CE 520 Prestressed Concrete Members (3-0)3
Theory, advantages, and limitations. Various systems of prestressing. Composite construction. Continuous span theory.
Pre. CE 518 Earthquake Engineering and/or consent of instructor.
CE 521 Reinforced Concrete Members (3-0)3
Behavior of reinforced concrete members. Critical review of specifications. Limit states. Anchorage and development of reinforcement. Shear. Torsion.
CE 522 Highways and Airport Pavement Design (3-0)3
Theories of stresses and strains in flexible and rigid pavement systems. Wheel and axle configurations. Traffic anlysis. Soil classification. Compaction of soils. Frost action and subsurface drainage. Design of bases and sub-bases. Structural design of flexible and rigid pavements. Design of joints and reinforcing steel for concrete pavements. Maintenance and rehabilitation. Cost analysis. Pavement selection criteria.
CE 523 Theory of Traffic Flow (3-0)3
Study and evaluation of various qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the complex phenomenon of traffic flow. The conceptual and mathematical models considered are statistical relationships, car-flowing analogy, queuing theory, traffic network analyses, computing machine simulation studies, mathematical experiments and distribution function theories.
CE 524 Urban Traffic Management and Control (3-0)3
Nature of urban vehicular traffic congestion. Roadway capacity. Intersection design and traffic signal operations. Freeway operations and management. Corridor control. Traffic stream models. Traffic delay models. Traffic forecasting.
CE 525 Airport Engineering (3-0)3
Air traffic control and aircraft characteristics related to airport design. Estimates of aeronautical demand. Airport site selection. Airport configuration and airport capacity. Geometric design of landing area. Planning and development of terminal area. Airport lighting. Design of heliports. Airport drainage.
CE 526 Advanced Soil Mechanics II (3-0)3
Concept of failure. Failure theories. Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Shear resistance between soil particles. Shear testing methods. Pore pressure parameters. Shear strength of cohesionless and cohesive soils. Stability analysis types.
CE 527 Advanced Soil Mechanics I (3-0)3
The nature of soils. Stresses within a soil mass. States of stress. Mohr circle. Stress paths. Effective stress principle. Stress-strain relationships. Concepts from elastic theory. Capillarity in soil. Swelling and shrinkage. Consolidation theory. Settlement in sands.
CE 528 Evaluation of Soil Behavior (3-0)3
The microscopic nature of soil. Application of physico-chemical principles for the behavior of clay soils. Clay minorology. Properties of double layer. Soil fabric and structure. Soil formation and characteristics of soil deposits. Soil behavior with respect to soil structure and composition.
CE 529 Soil Dynamics (3-0)3
Foundation vibrations. Design of foundations for machinery. Stress strain behavior of soil during transient and repeated loadings. Effects of earthquakes upon structures. Amplification by a soil layer. Effect of foundation upon building response. Dynamics of lumped systems as applied to problems in soil dynamics.
CE 530 Engineering Properties of Soils (3-0)3
Engineering properties of soils, including compaction phenomena, with emphasis on strength and compressibility. Measurement of shear strength, compressibility and permeability in the laboratory and field. Experiments to examine the nature and validity of strength and compressibility theories and and their application to stability and settlement analysis.
CE 531 Environmental Quality Modelling (3-0)3
Quality requirements for beneficial uses of water. Hydrologic cycle of quality. Hydromechanics in relation to quality of surface and groundwaters. Transport and fate of waterborne pollutants. Predictive methods. Mathematical models of water quality. Sensitivity and reliability as analytical and predictive tools.
CE 532 Groundwater Hydrology and Pollutant Transport (3-0)3
Fundamental concepts in groundwater hydrology and pollution occurrence. Groundwater flow in different aquifers. Flow nets. Well hydraulics. Chemical properties of groundwater sources and effects of contamination. Numerical modeling of groundwater flow and chemical transport.
CE 533 Pollution Control in Sea Environment (3-0)3
Hydrodynamic/oceanographic characteristics. Waste dispersion characteristics. Turbulent diffusion/dispersion theories. Dilution and mixing of pollutants and heated discharges from sea outfalls. Jet and plume mixing. Turbulent buoyant jets in uniform and stratified environments.
CE 534 Non-Point Source Pollution (3-0)3
Surface flows and erosion processes. Contaminant transport by surface flows. Salt transport and chemical transport in saturated and unsaturated zone. Hydrochemical models.
CE 535 Advanced Structural Dynamics (3-0)3
Analysis of structures subjected to earthquake, wind, and blast loading. Distributed, consistent and lumped mass techniques. Development of a computer program for complex structures. Response spectrum analysis. Frequency and time domain analysis.
CE 536 Reinforced Concrete Structures (3-0) 3
Behavior of reinforced concrete structures, with emphasis on ductility and detailing of frames, slabs, and braced (shearwall) structures. Detailing for seismic loads.
Pre. CE 518 Earthquake Engineering and/or consent of instructor.
CE 537 Bridge Design (3-0) 3
Design and construction of steel and concrete bridges, bridge history and aesthetics. Design methods, bridge loads and distribution factors. Concrete slab bridges. Steel bridges. Prestressed concrete bridges. Substructure design.
CE 538 Water Resources System Engineering (3-0)3
Planning, design and management of water resources systems. Application of deterministic and stochastic optimization techniques. Water allocation, capacity expansion, and design and operation of reservoir systems. Surface water and groundwater management.
CE 539 Advanced Mechanics of Materials (3-0)3
Theories of stress and strain. Stress-strain-temperature relations. Inelastic material behavior and yield criteria. Energy methods. Torsion. unsymmetrical bending. Shear center.
CE 540 Stability of Structures (3-0)3
A treatment of stability as it relates to actual behavior and design. Columns, frames, beams and beam-columns are considered, elastic and inelastic theories are compared with actual behavior and design requirements for bracing systems are günümüzeed.
CE 541 Structural Reliability (3-0)3
This course aims to günümüze theoretical and design developments in the growing field of structural reliability. Fundamental concepts related to structural reliability, safety measures, load model, resistance models, system reliability, optimum safety levels, and optimization of design codes.
CE 542 Tunnel Design and Construction Methods (3-0)3
Design and construction of various Tunnels for different purposes, underground stations, ventilation, fire safety, other related issues.
CE 543 Advanced Foundation Design and Construction (3-0)3
Design and construction of shallow and deep foundations for various structures. Slab-on-grade foundations, individual combined footings, continuous footings(piled/non-piled),mat foundations, bored piles, prefabricated and cast-in-situ displacement piles, piles for retaining or anchorages purposes.
CE 544 Stability of Soils (3-0)3
Design and construction of slopes: Embankments for various purposes/retaining walls/deep excavations with shoring/anchorages/tie-backs/bored piles/reinforced concrete prefabricate or cast-in-situ displacement piles effect and control of ground water table.
CE 545 Ground Improvement Methods (3-0)3
Ground improvement methods for various soils, advantages-disadvantages. Among studied methods: Vibro-compection or replacement, preloading, ground freezing, grouting (cement/Chemical or gel), displacement piles, compacted fills, mat foundations.
CE 551 Optimization and Design (3-0)3
Introduction to operation research. Optimization techniques such as linear programming, dynamic programming, and non-linear programming. Application in water quality, air quality and waste management.
CE 553 Air Quality Management (3-0)3
Mobile, fugitive, and point source of air pollution. Attendant effects on materials, plants, and humans. Use of mathematical dispersion models. Meteorological fundamentals and atmospheric transport. Concepts of ambient air quality control strategies including urban planning and transportation considerations.
CE 554 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Technologies (3-0)3
Physical, chemical and biological treatment. Fixation. Nitrification. Steam and air stripping. Groundwater pollution prevention. Management of groundwater quality.
CE 556 Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse (3-0)3
Wastewater reuse in water resources planning. Wastewater reuse practice in agricultural and irrigation industry. Groundwater recharge. Recreational and environmental uses. Portable water reuse. Selection of reclamation technologies. Assessment of health risks and health risk mitigation.
CE 561 Digital Mapping for GIS (3-0)3
Review of computer aided drafting (CAD). Digital mapping. Land information systems (LIS). Geographic information systems (GIS). Fundamentals of data capture and conversion. Map projections., reference coordinate systems and transformations. 2D/3D digitizing systems, image rectification/registration, and error propagation. Review of data structures for GIS. Digital elevation models.
CE 571 Artificial Intelligence Methods in Engineering (3-0)3
The aim of this course is to give the fundamental concepts of artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, neuro-fuzzy systems and genetic algorithms. The course shall also cover the material related to the applications of these intelligence methods in solving different engineering problems.
CE 572 Structural Control (3-0)3
Control application to structural systems is best utilized with a good understanding of the fundamentals of complex system response. This is established by giving a background in analysis and algebra as needed. Controllability and observability properties will be evaluated, and by using feedback and optimal control methods, structures will be bound to react against earthquakes and wind effects, based on their designs. At the end of this course, students will be able to design optimal controllers and feedback observers for various structural systems.
CE 576 Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete (3-0)3
The course consists of two main parts. In the first part, mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcement are reviewed and theories of elasticity and plasticity, as applied to reinforced concrete, are examined. Constitutive models and failure criteria are introduced. Modified Compression Field Theory and rotating, smeared crack models are studied. Effects of prestrains, offsets and crack slip distortions are discussed in conjunction with the Disturbed Stress Field Model. The second part of the course focuses on the implementation of the models and theories studied in the first part to the nonlinear finite element analysis. Finite element formulations for reinforced concrete are derived. Several case studies are conducted using a nonlinear finite element analysis computer program.
Prerequisite: CE 512, CE 513 or consent of instructor
CE 580 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (3-0)3
Directed group study of special topics in (A) Hydraulics and hydrologic engineering; (B) Geotechnical engineering; (C) Structural engineering; (D) Transportation engineering; and (E) Water resources engineering.
CE 590 Technical Report Writing (0-2)NC
Conducting and preparing journal papers, reports and thesis. Methods of research. Procedures for drafting, outlining and revision. Design of layouts. Extensive writing. Practice with journal papers and reports.
CE 598 Research Seminar (0-2)NC
A seminar must be given by each student on his research area which is graded by academic member of staff. The topic of the seminar can be decided by the student and his supervisor.
CE 8XX Special Studies (4-0)NC
M.Sc. students choose and study a topic under the guidance of a faculty member normally his/her advisor .
CE 9XX Special Topics (4-0)NC
Graduate students as a group or a Ph.D. student choose and study advanced topics under the guidance of a faculty member normally is/her advisor.