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Hakkında yorumlar Biyomühendislik Doktora Programı - Kurumda - Urla - İzmir
Program tanımları
This is the nation’s first joint program that involves many departments from Izmir Institute of Technology and Dokuz Eylül University Health Science Institute . It is required that each student has to be co-advised by faculty members from both institutions. There are plenty of courses to take from both instututes.
In order to be admitted to this program, applicants must hold a masters degree from a related area or an MD degree. A thesis is required for the PhD degree. Continuous registration is required for all graduate students until the thesis is approved unless special permission from the Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences (IZTECH) and Health Science Institute (DEU) is obtained. The required course load is 21 credits for Ph. D. Mandatory courses are required for Ph. D. Degree. Minimum number of courses with credit is 7. Thesis (BENG 600, non-credit), Seminar (BENG 598, non-credit) and the qualification exam are required to take obtain Ph. D. Degree. An additional 3 credit course are required to take from elective mandatory course list.
Students from engineering background are required to take one engineering coded elective course and 2 science coded elective courses from the elective course list. Students from science background are required to take one science coded elective course and 2 engineering coded elective courses from the elective course list.
If students took the mandatory courses or their equivalent during their MSc, they could take elective courses according to their background.
Scientific Preparation Program for Graduate Education in Bioengineering
Students holding a MSc degree from other scientific disciplines maybe required to take one or more of the following courses (depending on their background) to become eligible for registration in bioengineering graduate program.
DEU-HSI 513 Introduction to Medical Sciences and Terminology (2-0-2)
DEU-HSI 511 Structure and Function of Human Body (2-0-2)
DEU-HSI 507 Basic Laboratory Principles and Techniques I (3-2-4)
DEU-HSI 521 Introduction to Cell (3-0-3)
İYTE-FE 534 Multivariate Stastistical Analysis for Engineers (3-0-3)
İYTE-ME 221 Statics (3-0-3)
İYTE-CHE 220 Thermodynamics I (3-0-3)
İYTE-ME 202 Fluid Mechanics I (3-0-3)
İYTE-CHEM 205 Organic Chemistry I (4-0-4)
İYTE-CHE 330 Mathematical Modeling in Engineering (3-0-3)
*Students can be allowed to take necessary courses from other departments of the universities (DEU and IZTECH) with the permission of head of the bioengineering department.
*During the scientific preparation program students can take graduate level courses to be counted for their Ph. D. Degree Requirements with the permission of research advisors.