Program tanımları
PHYS 500 NC M.S. Thesis
(Program of research leading to M.S. degree arranged between the student and a faculty member. Students register to this course in all semesters starting from the beginning of their second semester.)
PHYS 501 (3-0)3 Statistical Mechanics
Elements of the classical and quantum statistics, the partition function, ideal Fermi gas, ideal Bose gas, Ising model and some applications of statistical mechanics.
PHYS 502 (3-0)3 Analytical Mechanics
Lagrange's equation, central force problem, Rigid body problem, small oscillations, Hamilton's equations, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, introduction to continuous systems and fields.
PHYS 503 (3-0)3 Methods of Mathematical Physics I
Functions of a complex variable, special functions of mathematical physics, partial differential equations.
PHYS 504 (3-0)3 Methods of Mathematical Physics II
Integral equations, Series, calculus of variations, Green's function, group theory and applications.
PHYS 505 (3-0)3 Electromagnetic Theory I
Electrostatics and magnetostatics; associated boundary-value problems and their solutions: introduction to Maxwell's equations and their simple consequences.
PHYS 506 (3-0)3 Electromagnetic Theory II
Diffraction radiation; introduction to special relativity and the covariant formulation; radiation from moving charges; multiple expansions; radiation reaction.
PHYS 507 (3-0)3 Quantum Mechanics I
Fundamental concepts; quantum dynamics; theory of angular momentum and central potential problems; Wigner-Eckart theorem and addition of angular momenta; symmetry in quantum mechanics; approximation methods for time-independent and time-dependent perturbations.
PHYS 508 (3-0)3 Quantum Mechanics II
Systems of identical particles and second quantization; semiclassical and quantum theory of radiation; scattering theory; relativistic single-particle equations; Dirac equation and central potential problems.
PHYS 511 (3-0)3 Computational Physics
Basic mathematical tools; differential equations and boundary value problems; special functions; matrix operations; algebraic methods; Monte Carlo methods.
PHYS 513 (3-0)3 Gravitation and Cosmology I
Spacetime manifold. Causal structure. Lorentzian metric. Tensors on manifolds. Orthonormal frame bundles. Connection and curvature. Einstein equations. Variational methods. Noether's theorem. Conservation laws. Schwarzchild geometry. Kruskal extension. Interior solutions. Formation of black holes. Black hole temperature and entropy. Charged rotating black holes. Gravitational waves.
PHYS 514 (3-0)3 Gravitation and Cosmology II
Homogeneity and isotropy of the universe. Maximally symmetric spaces. Bianchi types. Standard cosmological model. Observational cosmology: expansion of the universe. Dust filled and radiation filled universes. Inflationary models. Initial and final singularities (Big bang and big crunch). Chaotic mixmaster cosmology. Quantum cosmology. Wheeler-deWitt equation. Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes.
PHYS 515 (3-0)3 Group Representations
Lie groups. Lie algebras. Symmetry groups of differential equations. Invariant forms on Lie groups. Ideals, solvability and nilpotency. Cartan subalgebras and root spaces. Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams. Classical Lie algebras. Representation theory. Tensor products. Enveloping algebras and Casimir operators. Physical applications.
PHYS 516 (3-0)3 Theory of Spinors
Vector spaces and inner products. Algebra and their representations. Clifford calculus on manifolds. Spinor fields. Dirac equation. Covariances of the Dirac equation. Conversed currents.
PHYS 517 (3-0)3 Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Solitons
Integrable nonlinear partial differential equations such as the Korteweg-de Vries and the Nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Solitons, Hamiltonian systems, Inverse scattering transform technique, Lax pairs, Painleve analysis.
PHYS 521 (3-0)3 Theoretical Atomic Physics
Review of Atomic Physics; Review of quantum Mechanics; Interaction of electrons with EM field; Spectra of Atoms, Collisions.
PHYS 523 (3-0)3 Molecular Physics I
Introduction to molecular structure: Electronic, vibrational and rotational energies of molecules. Dipole transitions; electronic structure analysis of diatomic molecules, hybridization; general methods of molecular calculations; spectroscopic methods and spectroscopic analysis of small molecules.
PHYS 524 (3-0)3 Molecular Physics II
Intermolecular forces: long and short-range interactions; interactions of small atomic system; physical absorption; molecular collision theory: scattering by a central force; elastic and inelastic collisions; transition probabilities and collisional energy transfer. Scattering of atoms and molecules from solid surfaces.
PHYS 525 (3-0)3 Laser Design
Principles of laser operation; excitation and oscillation problems in laser theory; standing and traveling waves in a laser and modes of oscillation of an optical cavity; stabilization and optimization conditions of a laser resonator; construction of gas lasers and liquid lasers; experimental techniques of a ring dye-laser and laser systems for Doppler-free multi-photon absorption.
PHYS 527 (3-0)3 Optoelectronics
Principles of quantum optics; optoelectronic materials; rare-earth-doped silica fiber lasers; cw performance of fiber optics; Q-switching of optical fiber lasers; digital optics; atmospheric and intersattelite optical communications; thermal imaging; ring laser gyro.
PHYS 531 (3-0)3 Solid State Theory I
Lattice vibrations (phonons), lattice Green's functions, local modes, electron energy bands, density of states calculations, optical properties of solids, transport properties.
PHYS 532 (3-0)3 Solid State Theory II
Energy band theory, localized states, surface states and adsorption, many-body techniques, superconductivity, magnetism.
PHYS 533 (3-0)3 Theory of Many-Particle Systems I
Nonrelativistic many-particle systems, ground-state formalism, Green's function, Fermi systems, Bose systems, linear response and collective modes.
PHYS 534 (3-0)3 Theory of Many-Particle Systems II
Field theory at finite temperature; physical systems at finite temperature, real-time Green's functions; canonical transformations, nuclear matter, superconductivity.
PHYS 535 (3-0)3 Fundamentals of Silicon Technology I
Basic processes: oxidation, doping, silicon thin film growth (amorphous, polycrystalline, single- crystalline).
PHYS 536 (3-0)3 Fundamentals of Silicon Technology II
Bipolar transistors, unipolar transistors; bipolar transistor theory, integrated circuit transistors, junction field effect transistors, surface field effect transistors, design considerations for unipolar transistors in integrated circuits, applications.
PHYS 537 (3-0)3 Magnetic Properties of Solids I
The dia-and paramagnetic behavior of solids for static applied fields, the properties of ferro-magnetic, antiferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic solids; magnetic properties depending on the frequency of an alternating applied magnetic fields, the maser.
PHYS 538 (3-0)3 Magnetic Properties of Solids II
Paramagnetic relaxation, conditions for paramagnetic resonance; hyperfine structure: the spin Hamiltonian; the spectra of the transition group ions; the spectra of P paramagnetic molecules and other systems: paramagnetic gases, free radicals, donors and acceptors in semiconductors, traps, F centers, the defects from radiation damage; nuclear magnetic resonance; double resonance.
PHYS 539 (3-0)3 Optical Properties of Semiconductors
Optical constant of solids, band structure of semiconductors, absorption processes in semiconductors, radiative recombination and photoconductivity in semiconductors.
PHYS 541 (3-0)3 Quantum Field Theory I
Classical field theory. Canonical quantization of Klein-Gordon, Dirac and Maxwell fields. Interacting fields, perturbation theory and Feynman diagrams. Elementary processes of quantum electrodynamics. Radiative corrections. Divergences, regularization and renormalization.
PHYS 542 (3-0)3 Quantum Field Theory II
Gauge field theories and functional integral formulation. Systematics of renormalization. Renormalization and symmetries. Renormalization group. Non-Abelian gauge theories and their quantization. Quantum chromodynamics. Anomalies. Gauge theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking.
PHYS 543 (3-0)3 Advanced Particle Physics
Group theory, anomalies in gauge theories, Wilson operator expansion in gauge theories, current algebra, CVC and PCAC.
PHYS 545 (3-0)3 Particle Physics I
Electromagnetism as a gauge theory; Klein-Gordon and Dirac wave equations; introduction to quantum field theory of bosons and fermions. Quantum electrodynamics: interactions of spin 0 particles and spin 1/2 particles, deep inelastic electron-nucleon scattering and the quark parton model.
PHYS 546 (3-0)3 Particle Physics II
Non-Abelian gauge theories; introduction to quantum chrodynamics, phenomenology of weak interactions; hadronic weak current and neutral currents; hidden gauge invariance; spontaneous symmetry breakdown; Hooft's gauges; Glashow-Salam-Weinberg gauge theory of electro-weak interactions; intermediate bosons; Higgs sector; grand unification; supersymmetry.
PHYS 547 (3-0)3 Techniques of High Energy Physics
Design philosophy of high energy particle physics experiments, developments in accelerators and beam optics, neutrino beams, hybrid detector systems, scintillation counters, Cherenkov counters, wire chambers, drift chambers, emulsion chambers, calorimeters, spectrometers. On-line and off-line analysis techniques. Selected recent experimental set-ups at CERN, DESY, SLAC and FERMILAB.
PHYS 548 (3-0)3 Supersymmetry and Supergravity
Lie superalgebras. Superspace and superfields. Dynamics of spinning point particles. Spinning string dynamics. Wess-Zumino model. Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. Simple supergravity theory. Extended supergravities.
PHYS 549 (3-0)3 Geometry of Gauge Fields
Principal fibber bundles and connections. Curvature and G-valued differential forms. Particle fields and gauge invariant Lagrangians. Principle of least action and Yang-Mills field equations. Free Dirac electron fields. Interactions. Orthonormal frame bundle. Linear connections and Riemannian curvature. Unification of gauge fields and gravitation.
PHYS 551 (3-0)3 Nuclear Physics I
General properties of the nucleus and the nuclear many-body problem, nuclear forces, static properties, nuclear matter, Hartre-Fock theory, nuclear shell model. Collective models of the nucleus, deformed nuclei, nuclear rotations. Particle hole states and pairing in nuclei.
PHYS 552 (3-0)3 Nuclear Physics II
Electromagnetic and weak interactions with nuclei; electron scattering, beta decay, muon capture, neutrino reactions, weak neutral current effects. Hadronic interactions; pion-nucleus interaction, optical potential, nuclear reactions, heavy ion collisions.
PHYS 553 (3-0)3 Neutron Transport Theory
Linear Boltzmann equation and its mathematical and physical properties; approximate and exact solutions of the linear Boltzmann equation; variational methods.
PHYS 555 (3-0)3 Nuclear Reactor Theory
Fundamentals of neutron behaviour in nuclear reactors; the fission process; diffusion of neutrons; slowing down of neutrons and thermal reactors; reactor control, perturbation theory.
PHYS 561 (3-0)3 Magnetohydrodynamics
Derivation of fluid and MHD equations; hydrostatic equilibrium and hydromagnetic stability; MHD instabilities; hydrodynamic waves; current topics.
PHYS 562 (3-0)3 Plasma Physics
The basic equations and conservation laws; first order orbit theory; adiabatic invariants; ideal MHD model; plasma equilibrium and stability; energy principle; plasma waves; waves-particle interaction; wave-wave interaction; weak turbulence theory.
PHYS 563 (3-0)3 Solar and Planetary Plasma Physics
Kinetic properties of coronal gas; hydrostatic properties of coronal atmosphere; extension of the solar wind into space; interplanetary magnetic fields; interplanetary irregularities; propagation of energetic solar particles; pulsars.
PHYS 564 (3-0)3 Fundamentals of Fusion Plasma Systems
Energy alternative thermonuclear fusion; inertial and magnetic confinement systems; Tokomak, stellorators and mirror machines; plasma focus and pinches; alternative magnetic confinement systems; Laser fusion systems; concept of fusion reactors; formation and heating of a plasma.
PHYS 571 (2-2)3 Signal Processing and Instrumentation in Physics I
An experimental course on signal analysis; analysis of periodic signals; transient signals; correlation; spectral analysis; operational amplifiers; computing networks; generalization; transfer functions; analog circuit examples.
PHYS 572 (2-2)3 Signal Processing and Instrumentation in Physics II
General description of operational devices, departures from ideal and previsions, measurements, linear circuits, non-linear circuits, constant current and voltage sources, signal generation, filters, signal conditioners, memory, measurement circuits.
PHYS 573 (3-0)3 Physics of Solar Energy
Solar thermal properties, solar materials, alternative energy sources.
PHYS 574 (3-0)3 Scientometric Analysis in Physics
Physics-related quantitative analysis on general aspects; growth trends in research and researchers; experimental versus theoretical research; research subfields; indicators of research performance and performance distributions; team-work and collaboration; basic ideas of citation and citation impact; statistical models and techniques in quantitative analysis of physics education and research.
PHYS 575 (3-0)3 X-and g-Ray Spectroscopic Analysis
Excitation of photons; interaction of photons with matter; X-Ray secondary emission (fluorescence) spectrometry; internal conversion processes; photon energy and intensity measurements with scintillation and semiconductor detectors; precision and error, counting statistics; sensitivity and resolution.
PHYS 576 (3-0)3 Ionospheric Physics
Formation of the ionosphere; photochemical or transport processes in the ionosphere; the D, E, F1 and F2 layers; the day-time and night-time ionosphere; example of irregular behavior and anomalies; geomagnetism and the ionosphere; the solar wind and its interaction with the Earth's magnetic field.
PHYS 577 (2-2)3 X-Ray Diffraction and Ultrasonics I
Production and properties of x-rays; absorption and scattering of x-rays; geometry of crystals; theory of x-ray diffraction; structure factors; experimental diffraction methods; space group and structure determination; ultrasonic wave propagation in solids, elasticity in crystals, determination of elastic wave velocities and the elastic module
PHYS 578 (2-2)3 X-Ray Diffraction and Ultrasonics II
Various applications of x-ray diffraction methods; determination of unknowns, precise parameter measurements; orientation of single crystals; x-ray fluorescence and chemical analysis; x-ray effects due to phase transformations; x-ray scattering due to amorphous and disordered matter; high pressure x-ray diffraction methods; neutron and electron diffraction ultrasonic pulse echo methods and sound velocity measurements.
PHYS 591 (0-2)NC Seminar in Physics
Students prepare and present a progress report or literature review on their thesis topic. The course is normally taken by students in their third semester.
PHYS 593 (1-0)1 Directed Studies in Physics
M.S. Students prepare an advanced topic in the form of project or seminar in contemporary physics other than their research fields.