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Hakkında yorumlar M.Sc in Population Biology - Kurumda - Çankaya - Ankara
Program tanımları
Population Biology
Involved Faculty Members:
C. Bilgin
Z. Kaya
M. Kence
Admission conditions for the field: The students who apply to this program are expected that they have taken the following courses or equivalents.
BIO 351 Introduction to Genetics
BIO 428 Population Biology
BIO 418 Plant Population Biology
BIO400 Introduction to Biometry
BIO 500 Master Thesis*
BIO 501 Seminar in Biology*
Recommended course list
Bio525 Population Genetics
Bio520 Biometry*
Bio5xx Advanced Topics in Population Biology*
Bio528 Quantitative Genetics
Selected course list
BIO519 Fluctuations in Plant and Animal Populations .
Bio571 Advance Ecology
Bio578 Evolutionary Genetics and Environmental Stress
Bio588 Biodiversity and Habitat Conservation
Bio708 Population Viability Analysis
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