Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi’nin en eski yüksek lisans programı olan
Sermaye Piyasaları ve Finans Programı, Türkiye’de tümüyle sermaye piyasalarına yönelik eğitim veren tekMBA programıdır. 1999 yılında açılan program, şu an sektörün önde gelen şirketlerinde çalışan çok sayıda uzman ve yönetici yetiştirmiştir. Yoğun talep görmeye devam eden bu uzmanlık programı bir yandan öğrencileri
SPK lisanslama sınavına hazırlamakta, öte yandan da çağdaş finansal bilgilerle donatılmış yöneticileri yetiştirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Teorik altyapı ile birlikte, sektör için gerekli uygulamalı bilgileri de kazandırmaya dönük olan bu
programın eğitim dili İngilizce’dir.
Ders Programı
International Finance and Foreign Exchange Markets
Financial Management
Portfolio Management
Technical Analysis
Fundamental Analysis
Risk Evaluation in Banking
Regulation of Stock Markets
Treasury Management
Ders İçerikleri
International Finance and Foreign Exchange Markets
International finance system, international monetary system, FX markets, forwards and swaps, purchasing power parity, hedging with derivatives in FX markets, FX markets in Turkey.
Financial Management
The study of corporate finance and capital markets, emphasizing the financial aspects of managerial decisions. A touch on all areas of finance, including the valuation of real and financial assets, risk management and financial derivatives, the trade-off between risk and expected return, and corporate financing and dividend policy. Empirical research heavily emphasized to help guide managerial decisions
Portfolio Management
Throughout this course you will gain a deeper understanding of advanced portfolio management techniques suitable for high-net-worth clients and institutional investors. It develops your ability to provide discretionary money management services to high-net-worth clients while preparing you to manage institutional portfolios. These skills prepare you for registration as a portfolio manager. Detailed information on single asset classes, their valuation, analysis and allocations within a portfolio. Giving information portfolio construction techniques, Markowitz optimization and recent developments in CAPM emphasizing both theory and its applications. Construction of a hypothetical portfolio.
The study of stocks, bonds and related financial market instruments. Applications of portfolio management and asset allocation techniques.
Technical Analysis
Efficiency hypothesis, trends in technical analysis, moving averages, formation analysis, oscillators, volume analysis, constructing and testing a system in metastock.
Fundamental Analysis
Evaluation of financial ratios, p/e ratio, book value, DCF, dividend policy, Markowitz Theory, CAPM, sector analysis, valuation of firms with fundamental analysis.
Risk Evaluation in Banking
Evaluation of risk in banking, liquidity risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, capital risk, setting up and organizing a risk department, regulations of risk management in Turkey.
Regulation of Stock Markets
Capital Markets Board of Turkey and its structure, capital market regulation in Turkey and the World, EU standards in capital Market regulation, capital market law in Turkey
Treasury Management
Principles of treasury management, bond and bill markets, pricing, bond and bills, interest rate arbitrage, duration - gap analysis, variable coupon instruments, FX and bond markets.